It happened again. Remember my 8 saws for $70? Today it was 10 saws for $100. Bought them from a nice older gentleman who runs his own small engine repair shop. He said that these are older saws that customers brought in for him to look at, but they didn't want to spend any money to fix them up, so they just left them with him. His main business seemed to be in mowers/trimmers/tillers/pressure washes/etc, so he just wanted to move these on since they were taking up space and not worth working on compared to more lucrative things.
I got home late so I haven't really had the chance to fully sort through everything that I got, but here's what I know thus far. I got:
A really clean looking Super XL. Didn't come with a spark plug, but my compression tester is reading 156 PSI. Needs some clutch parts, does what the tag say look accurate?
Poulan Super 25DA(that D really looks like a zero)
Three XLs. One of which has the shortest bar I have ever seen.

Are these any good?
Mac 110
Several mystery meat cheapo Poulan Pro/Homelite/Craftsman saws
Additionally, three plastic cases, a few bars, a few chains, and some odds and ends.
How did I do? I don't really know the value of any of these things, but I had a feeling that at least the Super XL could be worth $100 by itself. My thought process at the moment is to keep the Super XL, Super 25DA, and maybe the cleanest XL, then put the rest up on ebay as cheap parts saws to make back a portion or possibly all of what I spent. What do you guys think?
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