Started cutting junk around the house in the early seventies when I was a pre-teen with an old Homelite from my fathers days with Tree Pres. in the earley sixties. Don`t even know what it was, just is big, heavy, and slow and says EZ on the side. About '76 Dad bought a new 041AV which I used until I got serious about dropping trees and I bought a new Echo 750EVL in the spring of '80 I think it was. Since then it has been a succession of Echos, Stihls, Huskies, and Solos. A life long addiction for the finer things in life, LOL. Now I`m waiting for my latest addition, a PPT260 with 5' extension which makes it a 17' chainsaw, wahoo! Too bad I had to order it because I could really use it right now. Russ