Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Well, my plans went fubar yesterday after work. My logging buddy didn't answer his phone, so I went home. Got a text from my wife that she was going to be home late. OK, went out to the shop, fired up the kerosene heater and heard a huge crash. Walked out and saw a tree fell over at my neighbors across the lane. Pancaked his burn barrel, lol. Standing dead white oak. Hopped on the four-wheeler and ran over to see if he needed help. (I didn't have to ask, he did.) Went and got the kubota and the 192tc. Got the small stuff cleaned up before I had to get the kids off the bus. Told him not to worry about the rest, I'd clean it up with the tractor. Went and got the kids, tried calling my logging buddy again. No answer, so I left a message. Got the kids fed, and went back over to the neighbors. Finished cleaning up the tree that fell over. Good thing no one was around, it's been dead for quite some time and hollow about 1/3 of the way up the trunk. Cleaned up a few other trees that had fell over, took down a few little chit trees around his shed and cleaned up. Ended up with a tidy little pile of burn wood. He thanked me and I went back to my place.
Shop was a toasty 74*f when I got back in. I don't think it's going to take much to heat once everything is finished and tight. Pretty happy about that.
Spent the rest of the evening clearing out the stuff away from the front wall of the little room so I could start stuffing insulation in there. I'm really getting sick of moving stuff so many times. Should have built a storage shed to hold the stuff to build the shop.
My logging buddy eventually called back. Said he was having such a good day out in the woods, he didn't realize what time it was till it got dark. So now we're working on the truck tonight. Which really works out better since my wife has the day off.
I'll have to grab some wood pics for you guys later then.
Oh, I forgot to ask. What's everyone's opinion on the "pro" spray foam guns? I have a lot of small gaps that need filled and I'd need a lot of the little cans. Money wise, it's not a huge savings, but I liked the interchangeable nozzles and longer reach. My main concern is I've read a lot of reviews about people having issues getting the cans on the guns and having a foam explosion.
Got to Winchester VA . A trip that should have taken about 6 hours took 8 1/2 . There were three accidents and a butt load of construction. And I got an early start this morning
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You're getting close to my territory, I am about 3 hours down from Winchester
I hate when that happens, such a pain to pull those shrouds off.
Not even that big of a deal anymore, I know exactly what size everything is off the top of my head since I have had to do it so much lately, just annoying when I finally get free time to mow and start it up and see blue shop towel fly every where.

You gotta clean it immediately too because as tough as these old opposed twins are they don't like running hot. I think I may have already overheated it once and caused it to start burning oil cause it sure uses a lot now, of course I did calculate the hours based off of the yearly average from the cub cadet that replaced it has on it and I figure its gotta have almost 2000 hours on it at this point.
Oh, I forgot to ask. What's everyone's opinion on the "pro" spray foam guns? I have a lot of small gaps that need filled and I'd need a lot of the little cans. Money wise, it's not a huge savings, but I liked the interchangeable nozzles and longer reach. My main concern is I've read a lot of reviews about people having issues getting the cans on the guns and having a foam explosion.
If you’re talking about things like the Smart Stuff pro I like it. The control you have (width and amount) over the cans with built in nozzles is worth the cost alone. Being able to set it aside for days between use is handy too. Buy a quart can of acetone and a Great Stuff spray can of acetone. You MUST keep it clean or struggle through cleaning hard foam inside the gun.
Not even that big of a deal anymore, I know exactly what size everything is off the top of my head since I have had to do it so much lately, just annoying when I finally get free time to mow and start it up and see blue shop towel fly every where.

You gotta clean it immediately too because as tough as these old opposed twins are they don't like running hot. I think I may have already overheated it once and caused it to start burning oil cause it sure uses a lot now, of course I did calculate the hours based off of the yearly average from the cub cadet that replaced it has on it and I figure its gotta have almost 2000 hours on it at this point.
Yeah, I got a pile of opposed Briggs yet. They certainly don't like being overheated. Watch out for rod knock in the higher hour units, send one out the side after it starts banging. Pressure lubed models didn't seem to have that issue.
If you’re talking about things like the Smart Stuff pro I like it. The control you have (width and amount) over the cans with built in nozzles is worth the cost alone. Being able to set it aside for days between use is handy too. Buy a quart can of acetone and a Great Stuff spray can of acetone. You MUST keep it clean or struggle through cleaning hard foam inside the gun.
I figured the cleaning aspect was like a paint gun, so I got that covered. I keep acetone, on hand anyway. Do you have an extended reach version or the std length version and use the extension rods?
Did he get mad at you?

What kind of rig does he drive?
Haha, he hardly drives let alone a big rig.
Yeah, I got a pile of opposed Briggs yet. They certainly don't like being overheated. Watch out for rod knock in the higher hour units, send one out the side after it starts banging. Pressure lubed models didn't seem to have that issue.

I figured the cleaning aspect was like a paint gun, so I got that covered. I keep acetone, on hand anyway. Do you have an extended reach version or the std length version and use the extension rods?

Haha, he hardly drives let alone a big rig.
I use the standard tube. Haven’t had a need for anything more.
Yeah, I got a pile of opposed Briggs yet. They certainly don't like being overheated. Watch out for rod knock in the higher hour units, send one out the side after it starts banging. Pressure lubed models didn't seem to have that issue.
Yea, its got the famous top main "chuckle" at low idle that is caused by not enough oil splash from low idling, which makes sense because my grandfather babied everything mowed at a fast idle with it its whole life. I just try to always have it running at 1/4 throttle if it idles for extended periods. If it blew up tomorrow I couldn't be mad, 2000+ hours on a splash oil air cool flat head is pretty dang good and I don't think it would be worth an overhaul, so I'll probably just run it till it lets go one way or another. I have 2 other just straight MTD/Lowes lawnmowers, not garden tractors, that have the same engine that ran great till the transaxles grenaded, so I have some immediate spares.
Yea, its got the famous top main "chuckle" at low idle that is caused by not enough oil splash from low idling, which makes sense because my grandfather babied everything mowed at a fast idle with it its whole life. I just try to always have it running at 1/4 throttle if it idles for extended periods. If it blew up tomorrow I couldn't be mad, 2000+ hours on a splash oil air cool flat head is pretty dang good and I don't think it would be worth an overhaul, so I'll probably just run it till it lets go one way or another. I have 2 other just straight MTD/Lowes lawnmowers, not garden tractors, that have the same engine that ran great till the transaxles grenaded, so I have some immediate spares.
I'd have to look and see how many hours are on my 582 cub, last new mower/garden tractor my pop bought back on the farm. Mowed ~5 acres every week till we moved off the farm, + plow/till the garden. Had several other mowers with them too. Current mtd junker has a newer 18hp on it. Basically no hours on it though.
They used to be under $200.00 in parts for new rods, pistons and all the gaskets/seals. Haven't thought about rebuilding one in years now. Still have a few spares tucked under the skid rack just in case. Truthfully I've had more issues with the kohker kt17/19 engines then the Briggs. The 782 cub I have got it's third and final transplant/upgrade to an m18.
I also use a foam gun. I have had it for several years and might have used a couple dozen cans of foam in that time. Beats the heck out of single-use cans. I don’t use the cleaner through the gun, but I never take the gun off, except when putting a new can on. I keep the outside clean; clean it early and often. Spray can of GoofOff works; it’s acetone.

I have only recently learned that if I keep the can vertical, I can avoid the mess of foam escaping when putting it on a new can. It has worked on the last two cans anyway.

I have another gun that is plugged up. This is one of those tools you don’t want to loan out.

Also, I have marked with paint on the flow control knob one of the flutes in the knob so I have a reference to know how much I am turning it.

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