Tree Freak
Well, next project in line now, some others are getting bumped for this one.
Big end bearing is seized on this. So I finally took the lilberty of making a case splitter last week, knowing I have a few huskies that need bottom end work, much better then the last time I did it. Going to be giving this saw the full meal deal, machine cylinder, pop up piston, little more port work, probably do a little port timing work, since I've never tried it before, I picked up a degree weel last week too. Here are a few pics.
Homemade case splitter worked great. Works 100% but doesn't look 100%, that's ok by me. Parts will be going through the parts washer next week at work!
Big end bearing is seized on this. So I finally took the lilberty of making a case splitter last week, knowing I have a few huskies that need bottom end work, much better then the last time I did it. Going to be giving this saw the full meal deal, machine cylinder, pop up piston, little more port work, probably do a little port timing work, since I've never tried it before, I picked up a degree weel last week too. Here are a few pics.
Homemade case splitter worked great. Works 100% but doesn't look 100%, that's ok by me. Parts will be going through the parts washer next week at work!