Gas tank sealer called Kreem

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. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 17, 2005
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Hi I'm looking for a gas tank sealer called Kreem. Anybody know a link or website where I can get some. Or do somebody have some they can sell me. I have a C-9 HOmelite with a kind of a bad gas tank, and would like to try some of this stuff, to insure it doesn't leak. My email is [email protected] or phone me at 715-281-7989. Thanks in advance to any who can help me!!!!!!!
I found it at my nearest Harley Davidson dealer. It works great. I resealed an old 3-wheeler tank 10 years ago and it's still holding up and rust free. It came in a kit. It had a cleaner prep and the coating. There was enough to do the 3-wheeler tank in the kit. I think it was about 22.00$ for the kit. The main thing is to get it clean befor coating it.
Standard gas tank sealer

I found some this morning at the auto parts store. It's a grey liquid with aluminum and some other flammable ingredients. Make sure, tank is clean, then pour this in, and swish it around; dump it out, and let it dry for at least 72 hrs. and your good to go. Hopefully this works.! Thanks for the replies folks!
there is another fuel tank sealer which works very well it,s been around for years and well know in the motorcycle world. it,s called petseal. the last time i had cause to use it was about five years ago on a big 5 gal, steel fuel tank on a laverda jota. wash the tank out with a power wash. put the tank on a heating radiator over night. next day tank was perfectly dry and warm.:clap: poured in the petseal made sure i ran it all over the bottom of the tank.then rested tank in a LEVEL POSITION ! then let it go off for a couple of days and bingo!. saved myself a wad of notes. had the bike for a couple of years and it never even showed a sign of leakage--good stuff. find it on internet.
Por 15

It's an old saw, so what's 4 days ?
Or stick it in the oven if the wifes asleep.
Low temp of course.

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