066 vs. Husqvarna 395xp

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IMO, the 066 is lighter and 394/395 a little stronger and better AV. I dont believe there is a "better' saw. Just sepends what "you" are more comfortable with. IMHO, these are 2 of the best saws made. Cant go wrong with either.
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IMO, the 066 is lighter and 394/395 a little stronger and better AV. I dont believe there is a "better' saw. Just sepends what "you" are more comfortable with. IMHO, these are 2 of the best saws made. Cant go wrong with either.

Any difference in durability?
Not that I know of. Im sure theres more qualified people to answer that better than myself though. I just dont think you could go wrong either way. Personally, If I had a crack at a nice 066 I would get it.......

I have an 066 that has a scored piston im working on, Im maybe looking for an excuse to buy another saw?Im contemplating a 288xp at the moment was just curious about the 395 havent run much husqvarna saws
They are both great saws but i like the layout and power of the 395 better. The 395 also has alot better filtration system.
They are both great saws but i like the layout and power of the 395 better. The 395 also has alot better filtration system.

From what ive seen of the husqvarna's filter system vs. my 066 you hit the nail on the head there,any thoughts on the 288xp as well?
If you're using it in a work environment I would pick the 395 as its still available new so parts are easy. If its a metal flywheel 066 parts can be harder to get or upgrading to a later poly flywheel case is expensive. There were a lot of slight differences in the early 066s to the late ones and 660s. If you're just cutting firewood for yourself then it doesn't matter as much. To me if I was making money with it daily parts availability would be more important and depending on you the av and filtration could be also.
If your used to running a S#### a Husky might feel weird in your hands.
IMO, the Husky's are a lot smoother. That may mean a lot to you if you use it all day. Im not a pro logger. I'm just an enthusiest that cuts some firewood as well. I really like my ported 660. To me, the power to weight ratio is the best. And I love how the 660 feels in the hands. I have a Husqvarna 390xp that actually feels a little bigger than the 660. grant it the 660 weighs a pound more, the 390xp is not a little saw either. So.....for me the 395xp is a real hoss of a saw. Its funny, i forgot just how big they are till i was in a Husqvarna dealership and saw one. But man oh man was she pretty sittin there in all her glory.......:msp_biggrin:
I have an 066 that has a scored piston im working on, Im maybe looking for an excuse to buy another saw?Im contemplating a 288xp at the moment was just curious about the 395 havent run much husqvarna saws

The 395xp has Air Injection, as it is a slightly newer design - the 288xp does not have it!

Also, the 066 is a late 1980s model.

The 390xp is a much newer design.
I own all three models you have mentioned and i would use either husqvarna before i would the 660. The 288 to me is as simple a design as they come and i like that. The power to weight ratio with the 288 just seems really good to but the vibes are not as good as 660 and suck compared to 395.
Just goes to show you that the vibe thing is subjective. I put the stiffer AV mounts in my 660. As far as the weight vs. power thing, it's easier to get more HP out of the 066 vs. getting the 395 to loose lbs.
Just goes to show you that the vibe thing is subjective. I put the stiffer AV mounts in my 660. As far as the weight vs. power thing, it's easier to get more HP out of the 066 vs. getting the 395 to loose lbs.

Never thought about it that way, but ya, your right!

I currently have both. Its like anything else, They both have their plus's and minus's. Biggest gripe about the Stihl is the AV, or lack of AV. Its not that bad, but the 395 is way smoother. I can run a tank through the 66, and still feel like Im running it 15 minutes later after I've put it down.

I recommend get both, then sell the one ya don't like :msp_biggrin:.
Never thought about it that way, but ya, your right!

I currently have both. Its like anything else, They both have their plus's and minus's. Biggest gripe about the Stihl is the AV, or lack of AV. Its not that bad, but the 395 is way smoother. I can run a tank through the 66, and still feel like Im running it 15 minutes later after I've put it down.

I recommend get both, then sell the one ya don't like :msp_biggrin:.

What if i like them both? wife said i do need a new saw(she's seen the other one in pieces) and this is like one of those rare moments when the lady of the house actually lets you get a shopping cart in cabelas. Just trying to make the most informed decision i can and you guys are helping out tons.And for the record im not a pro either i just like cuttin stuff up
Just my opinion then, I think the 066/660 might be the better of the 2 for a firewood saw. It has the inboard clutch, side chain adjustment,and is a pound or so lighter. Unless you plan on running a 32''-36'' plus bar, I doubt you'll notice that much difference in power between the two. Damn, I think I just talked myself into keeping my 066 and 395.....
What if i like them both? wife said i do need a new saw(she's seen the other one in pieces) and this is like one of those rare moments when the lady of the house actually lets you get a shopping cart in cabelas. Just trying to make the most informed decision i can and you guys are helping out tons.And for the record im not a pro either i just like cuttin stuff up

I'd go with neither and get a ported 390xpw.
I'd go with neither and get a ported 390xpw.

Oh sure throw another one at me! lol Im getting my 066 ported for sure my main reason for even looking at the husqvarna is the filter system(mesh) on the 066 sucks at best
Oh sure throw another one at me! lol Im getting my 066 ported for sure my main reason for even looking at the husqvarna is the filter system(mesh) on the 066 sucks at best

The 395 filter is not the best IMO. I've seen very small fines in the intake elbow in my 395, I got to checking around and a few other members here had seen the same. It's probably not that big of a deal honestly, but I put a light coat of K&N oil on mine......I'm too damn picky sometimes :dizzy:.

I think the 390 has the air filter similar to the 372. If it is, I have never-ever seen any fines in my 372, and I've probably used it more than any of the others.

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