200' from property line & EPA Certified or remove from service by 2015!

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I agree

As a LEO we have bigger fish to fry and will not be enforcing something we look at as a "code" violation. We don't have any "stove cops" here. We rarely ever bother with private citizens who are minding their own business. Also keep in mind many Cops burn wood too!:chainsaw:
i never expected to have a run in with the cops...........

As a LEO we have bigger fish to fry and will not be enforcing something we look at as a "code" violation. We don't have any "stove cops" here. We rarely ever bother with private citizens who are minding their own business. Also keep in mind many Cops burn wood too!:chainsaw:

over OWB.that is most likely going to be the zoning clowns.getting it approved around here is the hard part and that ain't through the cops.

up in Mass you guys are way to busy violating peoples second amendment rights to be bothered with OWB anyway.

hard to believe Mass is where the BTP took place.
That law is nuts. I can see the 200 ft rule applicable for non EPA units and a no ft restriction for those that have an EPA unit but both virtually eliminates a large proportion of wood burners. Mark my word indoor furnaces and wood stoves are next.

IMO its all about making a profit and the process of extracting every dime from you. Wood burners don't pay taxes and many are not paying anything for their firewood.
Mark my word indoor furnaces and wood stoves are next.

IMO its all about making a profit and the process of extracting every dime from you. Wood burners don't pay taxes and many are not paying anything for their firewood.

You have hit the nail on the head....... its all about the tax dollars. No matter how much they preach about us getting off of foreign oil.
The funny part is some people will put desiel in their oil furnaces if they get it cheap through businesses like farmers,trucking companies, and commercial fisherman.Apparently that has the highest carcinogen known to man according to scientists.But yet wood smoke is targeted.

Once again its all about the money. The government does not get tax money on fire wood. If they did thay wouldn't have a problem with it
Actually no, all it takes is a 2/3 majority to completely erase the entire bill of rights or any other constitutional amendment. Our rights are one vote away from vapor every single day that congress is in session.

The law that requires that you uninstall your OWB by 2015 is no different from the law that says you can't grow pot on your property. Like the other guy that said that he wasn't uninstalling his OWB for nobody.... If the law is passed, and they enforce it, you WILL uninstall it, or pay the consequences and still have to uninstall it. It's not like you'll be able to pay the fine/do the time and then get to keep it. Now if you have the cash, you can hire a lawyer and challenge the law and maybe keep them from enforcing it for a short time but you will probably lose and end up taking it out anyway. Shooting it out with the LEOs is a sure way to have the state pay for your heating bills and health costs and room and board and and and for a long time to come, AND someone will uninstall your OWB while you are vacationing at the Big House.


Respectfully Ian I think that's a cop out (no pun intended). In 1990 the county sent me a letter saying I didn't have a valid certificate of occupancy and if I did not install something (can't remember what it was now but it was menial.....) that my house that wife and I had just built -- according to all codes.....would have to be vacated.

I wrote them a letter back saying they better bring an army if they wanted me out of my house. I never did hear back.

The Bureaucrats don't have the ass or the time to enforce these laws and the cops ain't gonna.

My next door neighbor is a cop, I asked him what he would do in this situation. Funny, he views his house and land as sacred also...........and he's got more guns than me............
The fact that something was lacking in your build and it drew the attention of code enforcement tells me that you did not build your house to code... at least that one.

So your take on it is ignore the law and depend on lazy or overworked public servants to get away with breaking it. It might work for you but then again, you may end up fined or in court or worse. Maybe I see the issue as black and white but I don't think LEOs should have the discretion to enforce the laws as they see fit. They should enforce the laws as they are written.

in my opinion,no sane person lives under tyranny.i won't be going to jail.i promise you that.if a cop is willing to die over a OWB or a dumb a$$ law,then so am i.if he wishes to handle it the correct way,so am i.

just think what you are leaving for your children and grandchildren by tucking your tail between your legs.people died and/or gave up everything for our freedom,i mean EVERYTHING.life,property,family.i don't think the masses today have that kind of spine.hell,the majority of us can't even get off our lazy ***** to go vote.

do i want to see a shootout over a wood boiler,absolutely not.it shouldn't have to be that way.this country shouldn't be where it's at today.rolling over and being complacent won't improve anything.that is as good as written in stone.

I then assume then that you don't pay income tax, register your car, pay your property tax, send your children to compulsory education, renew your drivers license, or comply with any of the countless "tyranical" restrictions imposed by modern government.

Your argument that somehow you have a right to kill law abiding public servants, many of whom have wives and children, is both silly, and an insult to any LEO as they would be doing nothing other than carrying out the responsibilities of their job.
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i disagree,as do you with me.

I then assume then that you don't pay income tax, register your car, pay your property tax, send your children to compulsory education, renew your drivers license, or comply with any of the countless "tyranical" restrictions imposed by modern government.

Your argument that somehow you have a right to kill law abiding public servants, many of whom have wives and children, is both silly, and an insult to any LOE as they would be doing nothing other than carrying out the responsibilities of their job.

fortunately we both have that right.i pay my taxes and all that jazz.which is why i expect to be left alone.no one should have the right to regulate my lifestyle.you can approach me on a mature level is something is bothering you and we can both try to work it out so both are happy.come threatening me with a badge and gun and/or assinine laws,we will butt heads everytime.i've been there,done that,and i'm still standing.i have a strange feeling i will remain standing for many more years.

it's all in your attitude and approach.you will receive from me what you give.force included.

i'm insulted that LOE have taken an oath to protect me and my constitutional rights yet have trampled all over them.LOE should have a spine.just because it's a law,does not mean it's right.

what if they passed a law that they could shoot you for mowing the lawn too early? would that be ok? hell,it's a law! it must be right.
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i'm insulted that LOE have taken an oath to protect me and my constitutional rights yet have trampled all over them.LOE should have a spine.just because it's a law,does not mean it's right.

No, they gave taken an oath to maintain law and order. Notice you don't see "Serve and Protect" on LEO cars any more.

What if they passed a law that they could shoot you for mowing the lawn too early? Would that be ok? hell,it's a law! it must be right.

It doesn't make them right, but you are still required to obey them. Otherwise you fit the definition of "criminal" to some extent. If they passed a law that made it ok to push short people out of planes for fun and profit between the hours of 3 and 4pm each Saturday afternoon, it wouldn't be OK, but would be the law of the land until it was challenged and overturned.

come try and take something of my land without my permission.

send me a tax bill for firewood and i'll throw it right in the stove with the wood.
i don't want myself preserved.................

You're right. I just assumed that common sense and an instinct for self preservation would influence your decisions. Shoot one cop and I doubt you'd survive the confrontation to take advantage of the state's hospitalities.


if i have to live with a bunch of cowards and sally *****.

reading your post here, do you always do what your "told" to do? Even by LEO's?

If everyone had the mentality, what the hell kind of society would we live in? Always reserve the right to question.

Would this country have taken flight without a revolution?

Ian, I'm not bustin' your balls here, but this line of thinking/obedience leads to a nation of sheep, I'd think.
If I misread or misunderstood your thoughts here, my apologies.
Yep, pretty much. When pulled over by a LEO, it's Yes Sir, No Sir. The last speeding ticket I got, I wished him a good day as he walked away. One time I said, "Happy Hunting". Lack of attitude and just being pleasant goes a long way to a good encounter with law enforcement. Showing him your finger and a bad attitude will surely produce exactly the results you DON'T want. Rodney King wouldn't have gotten his clock cleaned if he hadn't shown them an attitude and resisted arrest. It isn't macho, it isn't manly, but it is the smart thing to do.

if we ever have another revolution............

reading your post here, do you always do what your "told" to do? Even by LEO's?

If everyone had the mentality, what the hell kind of society would we live in? Always reserve the right to question.

Would this country have taken flight without a revolution?

Ian, I'm not bustin' your balls here, but this line of thinking/obedience leads to a nation of sheep, I'd think.
If I misread or misunderstood your thoughts here, my apologies.

i'm sure he'll be in his recliner watching American Idiot.