2101xp/ top all time muscle saws!!!!!!!!!!!

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Some of you guy's are making me look bad, after taking these pics this morning. I realized my saw's need to be cleaned. I am usually better, about wiping them down. The air filter's are alway's cleaned. Sometime's after minor cutting I put them away, but Shiat! You guy's got some good looking saw's!!!!!:msp_w00t::biggrinbounce2:
Some of you guy's are making me look bad, after taking these pics this morning. I realized my saw's need to be cleaned. I am usually better, about wiping them down. The air filter's are alway's cleaned. Sometime's after minor cutting I put them away, but Shiat! You guy's got some good looking saw's!!!!!:msp_w00t::biggrinbounce2:

Don't fret, a dirty saw is a loved saw. My favorite saws are the dirty ones.
On the subject of the 7th av mount and outer dawg, my 1983 2100 has the 7th mount and did not have the outer dawg but did have the mounting holes. I dug up a few early inner dawgs that did not have the 7th mounting hole and to make them fit I had to cut off the bar stud hole and grind off enough metal so I could get a wrench on the bar nut. After mounting on the clutch cover I noticed that there is a slight difference in size, the older dawg is slightly larger than the newer dawg but not by much. Any who just got the call from the parts store, all my parts are finally in and I will pick them up tomorrow, should have it buttoned up on Wednesday and will try to post some pics or a video.
Good stuf Jim. My 51 husky was the only new saw I ever bought. Because of money of course, and found some good saw's. and deal's. So some of the plastic on them is faded a little. All pretty straight saw's though. I do polish them up from time to time, but if I do minor cutting I may not wipe them down as often, but I alway's clean bar groove's. Flip the bar to wear even. Take side cover off, and clean chip's, and saw dust out. Blow out air filter. Sharpen if needed. I am religious about those things. I also blow the cylinder fins out, and the side cover on the pull rope side. I use them, but never any abuse from me:msp_wink:
I finished up the 2100. :blob2: Tried to tune it on the bench but just couldn't quite get it right, I will put it in some wood and try again, seems these big saws like to be tuned in the cut.
i love my 2100 with 36 inch bar.my favorite saw. and it was givin to me for parts. the only thing wrong with it was a sheared keyway.sheard 3 more before i figuerd out the fix.i run that saw for a year with only about $6.00 in it.then i hed to get a new air filter.the 075 stihl has ben sittin since i got the 2100.
I agree!:msp_tongue: My two all time favorite's for best of the best, for a one saw that doe's it all, and in between, is the 2100-01, and the 066-660. Got both wont part with either. So close, both King's.
I agree with the 660/2100 combo, but now wait till you try the Mac125/Stihl090 combo. Nowhere to go after that.
How many 1100-2100-01 fan's would like a comeback? I hear more, and more people say they prefer the 660 over the 395. I think they should make a comeback with the 99cc engine. Make it lighter, and as well balanced as the 660. With a manual oiler overide. Bring back the new, and improved 2100-01. You could call it the 2102,or 3102 LOL! Seriousilly I think they should listen to feedback, and consider a new top competitor. I have ran into many guy's that like the 394-066, and 660 the best.
I ran the 394 this weekend in the Alaskan mill with a 36" Cannon bar.I was milling up an Alder that was 14' long and 26" dia. The 394 had way more power than the 2100 but the oiler could not pump enough oil for the 36" bar.I switched to the 2101 and life was good, A little less power but lots of oil.
Last week i went to change bars on the 2101 and noticed lots of side play in the crank.I pulled the cylinder and noticed the crank was blown apart at the connecting rod.They had replaced the stock cylinder gasket with a thinner one.There was a shiny ring at the top of the cylinder where the piston was contacting.Lucky I had a spare case and crank and got the saw up and running.When assembling I noticed also I had put the wrong gasket at the carb base. It was the gray one that came with the carb kit.it did not cover the impulse groove cut in the plastic manifold.I replaced it with the big old green gasket.Now I was able to tune the saw easily to the correct RPM.

YES! That's one of the 82cc Macs if I'm not mistaken. The full wrap handlebar and that Cannon bar are well worth the price of admission. Bet you can get 'er going and have a fine old saw to run. Probably just needs a carb kit (most likely K10-SDC), a fuel filter, and a tank flushing. If you decide you don't like it, folks in the Mac thread will be interested. I think you'll like it once you run it however....:D
Greg176, that is just a display of how well built they are. In that shape it still was able to mill. Alot of saw's would of quit, and not made a comeback, blown up or apart. Now test it against the 394. You will see a little more torque. The 2101 is a well built machine. Alot of torque. 394 is too of course. I am also a fan. So nobody thinks a 99cc from husky would be interesting?:bowdown:
I was tuneing the 2100 in a big elm stump yesterday turning the H screw lean to get a good scream and right as I was about to back it off it suddenly died in the cut......My heart sank, thoutht I had blew her up.....Then I came to my senses and pulled on the starter, good healthy compression and a burp....Opened the fuel tank and yup.....Bone dry.....Wheeew......After all that work I did, mostly tracking down parts, I forgot to fill the tank....Good thing I came to my senses because Mr. Temper was about to show his ugly face....Anyway I filled her up and 2 pulls she was rockin' and a rollin' and got a preaty good tune on her. I still can't find my camera and my phone takes crappy pics or I would use it(scratches on the lense). Thought you guys would enjoy this, no one around here could give a scat.

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