50:1 v 32:1

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There is no doubt to me that if you take 2 460s, run them both 2000 hours, one on50:1 & one on 32:1, the one with 32:1 will have more carbon in it.

Just like a man that smokes 2 packs of lights a day will likely have a smidge less tar in his lungs than thoes of the newport smoking man...

btw, where is the hypocricy 2100?
There is no doubt to me that if you take 2 460s, run them both 2000 hours, one on50:1 & one on 32:1, the one with 32:1 will have more carbon in it.

Just like a man that smokes 2 packs of lights a day will likely have a smidge less tar in his lungs than thoes of the newport smoking man...

btw, where is the hypocricy 2100?

You provide no proof for making such a strong point.
Some experiments (with motorcycles) showed that more oil actually produced a cleaner engine because there was better heat transfer from the rings.
I would use the regular orange bottle stihl oil if i could do the test..

which would likely produce more build up.

but what does better heat transfer have to do with the composition of exaust gasses?
no i do not,
but with common sense applied, does it sound logical??

At one point common sense told us the earth was the center of the universe, than somewone looked a little deeper.

Some tests have shown the extra oil actually helps prevent excessive carbon build up. The theory is the extra oil helps wash the carbon out of the engine, or it covers everything with oil so well carbon cant stick to any of the surfaces.:cheers:
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There is no doubt to me that if you take 2 460s, run them both 2000 hours, one on50:1 & one on 32:1, the one with 32:1 will have more carbon in it.

Just like a man that smokes 2 packs of lights a day will likely have a smidge less tar in his lungs than thoes of the newport smoking man...

btw, where is the hypocricy 2100?

So you have no doubt in your mind.....based on what? Testes you or others have done? Or just gut feeling?

While I agree smoking is harmfull for your health, A it has nothing to do with oil to fuel ratio in a 2 stroke engine, and B its debatable whether lighter cigaretts will actually reduce the harm to ones body.

The biggest killer of saws, is operator error, but its the last thing we want to hear. It can be simply maintainence, choice of gas, what the gas is stored in, how old the gas is, type of mix oil, tuning, treatment of saw, chain sharpness, bar oil etc etc the list goes on and on.

let me try and simplify this even more,


18 parts per 1 is why i have no dought in my mind.......
1 part gas to .055 patrs oil with 32, as opposed to 1 part gas to .020 parts oil with 50.
understand? more means more, its not magic....................
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So you have no doubt in your mind.....based on what? Testes you or others have done? Or just gut feeling?

While I agree smoking is harmfull for your health, A it has nothing to do with oil to fuel ratio in a 2 stroke engine, and B its debatable whether lighter cigaretts will actually reduce the harm to ones body.

The biggest killer of saws, is operator error, but its the last thing we want to hear. It can be simply maintainence, choice of gas, what the gas is stored in, how old the gas is, type of mix oil, tuning, treatment of saw, chain sharpness, bar oil etc etc the list goes on and on.

I agree.

I have ran 50:1 and never had an issue, I have ran cheep oil, old oil, old gas and never had a problem. If you saws are maintained and tuned properly that fine line between failure and not gets wider and can handle more less then perfect conditions.

Take apart a homeowner saw and see what ya get. Property tuned and somewhat maintained and the P&C look's fine, ask em what kind of oil and gas they use, you will be surprised they use old gas and Walmart oil. Maybe a bit more carbon them stihl ultra but no burnt saw. The amount of people who use the best gas and oil and have perfectly maintained saws is really small compared to the ones who don't care and just run em. I have seen it and it's a fact unlike some members "common seance".

What is the lifespan of a 50":1 saw vs 32:1? Properly tuned and maintained?
All I am stating is that a 32:1 mix will fill a saw with carbon faster than a 50:1 mix...

if it didnt, no one would have bothered to make any further adjustments.
All I am stating is that a 32:1 mix will fill a saw with carbon faster than a 50:1 mix...

if it didnt, no one would have bothered to make any further adjustments.

So you are saying that if you correctly tune a saw to 50-1 oil/fuel mix and run it there, then run 32-1 oil/fuel mix in the same saw WITHOUT retuning it it will create greater carbon build up?

let me try and simplify this even more,


18 parts per 1 is why i have no dought in my mind.......
1 part gas to .055 patrs oil with 32, as opposed to 1 part gas to .020 parts oil with 50.
understand? more means more, its not magic....................

Based on the same fuel setting yes, but what everyone is saying is that YOU MUST TUNE ANY 2 STROKE TO THE OIL/FUEL RATIO. That is the difference.

Remember that oil isn't JUST lubricating the saw, and gas isn't JUST fueling the combustion.
I am aware of that, but you got what i am saying.

I think its easier to just keep things easy & do what the manufactures say.

If you are worried, fill your can to 4.750 gallons instead of 5.
this is the way it is done where I worked, just because the can won't allow any more gas. Its a good safety feature..
I thought it was gas to oil.:jester:

Maybe you add both at the same time. But be careful and step back the reaction might be violent.


I love these threads. They are always great for bringing the blood up to boiling levels.

...of the newport smoking man...
mmmmmmmmmm, newports.

metric for 40:1? nah, just 8/10 of a gallon to 2.5oz. of your favorite oil. (40.96:1)

the best argument i have for 40:1 is that it allows you to neatly sidestep the 32 or 50:1 argument. ;)
Wasn't there a two stroke diesel engine?

I believe the worlds bigest and most effiecent engine is a 2 stroke diesel. I think they also use these on the huge container ships.

I could be wrong

You're not. Big-ass marine diesels are often 2-stroke and are direct-drive, so reverse is provided by running the engine backwards. Honestly.

And a large percentage of locomotives are powered by 2-stroke diesels. Still made, too.

we are talking about bar oil ratios, right :confused:

for bar oil i dissolve 1 part cosmoline to three parts atf with some parts of skunk pee.:blob2:

in the winter.

you'll know i've won the lotto (or that nigerian prince paid me what he promised) when you see me sawing with two beautiful assistants squirting oil onto the bar.

bar oil that is.

i'll let the gals decide what ratio.:rockn:
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