7 cords so far

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Doing Ok I guess..

I have been cleaning up and am way ahead of last year. I think I should have enough now for at least next yr and part of the following. If I have it figured up right between the two cribs I should have 10-12 cords so far. Had a wind storm over the weekend and it roughed up a few ash trees so I have a couple more cord to clean up that I wasn't really counting on. I need to find a good place around here to store some up for future years as the ash seem to be really having problems and need to clean up as many as I can before they get all rotten:cheers:

I've got about 8 cords split and stacked on pallets out back right now. About half was done last spring and the other half was done this March/April. I also have about 2+ cords of rounds stuffed under my pool deck as I am just about out of places to put wood. Despite the lack of storage space I just can not turn down free firewood. I think firewood is only going to get more scarce in the coming years with the way fuel oil is going.
Close to 10 cords cut, split, and stacked. 10 - 12 more bucked and ready to split. For use by me and a buddy of mine. Don't plan on selling any of it. Should be good for 2 years and hope to keep that much on hand.
i've got three cords already split and stacked, and another cord ready tosplit and stack, maybe two...

split and stacked:


need to split:

added two more skids to this rack:

funny thing is, our house isn't even built on this property yet, so i have no idea how much i need. all my wood is free/scavenged, so i get it when i can...
That extension turned out well PyroGuy, long time no type, keep up the scavenging, looks like its working out well for ya.:greenchainsaw:
Cut split and stacked. I would like to see that doubled before the really hot weather gets here. have a job in a couple of weeks to clear a house site and 200' of driveway. This will be split 50/50 with one other guy. It should be a lot of wood. Its only a mile from the house so gas won't be too much. Its maple cherry and oak. Not a bad score. It has to be done quickly though so they can start building.

Is any of the Cherry or Oak any good for lumber?
I have over 20 face cord of Ash piled up behind the barn in 4' lengths. I would like to get another 10 face cord, in 4' lengths out of the bush before haying starts, Poison Oak and Mosquitoes get too bad. Then I will get the buss saw going, and cut it up, into lengths for selling. I have another pile at the end of the barn I need to cut for my self, that is in 16' lengths or longer. I figure 18 bush cords, for next winters burning.
Safe cutting everyone.
That extension turned out well PyroGuy, long time no type, keep up the scavenging, looks like its working out well for ya.:greenchainsaw:

thanks chuck. here is a pic of the other end. i got the rack free from work, and a buddy gave me some throwaways of 2x6 PT wood. i love having a table out back to work with. (the 2x10's of white wood on the top rack were freebies from the same guy. i already ripped them in half, routed the edges and cut them to length. they are going to be my new bucking stands.)


as for not being on here much, i lurk alot, but i usually don't have anything to contribute.
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Yea I'm swearing off of heating oil all together. I might have to put gas in my truck but I'll burn cow chips before they get another dime for fuel oil.
Last year , the insurance company ordered us to remove our furnace oil tank, because they say it was too old, and it had to be replaced with a new one. Because they were afraid of it leaking. I said no problem. The furnace oil tank was empty for 2 years, I'll just remove it, and forget about the new one. Since the furnace is an oil/wood combination, I'll cut a little more wood, to heat my house, and forget about oil. Took out the furnace oil tank, flushed out, no rust came out, just a little grunge, and the furnace oil tank on the outside looked like new the day it was installed in the basement, back in
1972,when the house was built. I put the tank inside my barn, and use it too store my Diesel Fuel.
My beautiful wife and kids helped me split 4 cords of mostly valley and black oak this past weekend. Had my 6-year old boy and 3-year old girl trading off on trigger time on the hydraulic splitter. The whole family had a great time, worked up a sweat and made some memories. Doesn't get much better or simpler than that. Now I have to finish stacking it all - more memories....