7900 dolmar

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If you are directing the questions to me concerning what saw is faster and takes to mods better I can not answer until I get the 7900 in my hands hopefully soon. I would think they should be real close I don't think 7cc is going to show a lot of difference. I bought one b/c I wanted one just like all the other saw I own not because anyone told me it would be faster than a 372...I am only guessing on the wood size and would like to know how you come to the conclusion that 18" is the threshold? Do you have one that you’re not telling us about? Seems all the guys that have a 7900 love the torque they have.
I too would like to compare 372's, as well as your round chain to my square.
Later until I know more
Hey Eric,

I think there is a misunderstanding here, I thought that you established 18" as the threshold, "I do think in wood up to 18'' the 372 will be faster but, any thing over that I do believe the raw low end power of 7900 will rule.
Time will tell I have a VERY good running PP372 to compare it to.

Later Eric".

No, I`m not directing the questions at you since I didn`t know that you had one. I do believe that 7cc makes a big difference though. That`s nearly a 10% displacement advantage for the Dolmar. It should have more grunt.

Why can`t I compare my square chain to your square? Is that the secret? LOL.

Youse Dolmar guys are taking over for the thin skinned Stihl guys that all went away, :eek: , I think that everyone here should give up those foolish New Years resolutions and go back to drinking. Everybody was less cranky then.

Russ, filling in for Fish
HI Russ
Glad to here that you have appointed yourself, Judge and Jury of the 7900s. I will once again and voluntarily, take the witness stand.
Yes, I did lose in a saw race with a 7900 against a slow 372,that I built. In all honesty, I wasn't going to race the 7900. I only took that saw along as a back up saw. The contest rules stated stock appearing and I heard rumors that they didn't like extra muffler ports. I took the 7900 along just in case they wouldn't leave me run my other saws that I had time to play with. At that time I had a 7900 in my hands for about two weeks. The saw was still new to me and I didn't know what port timing figures it liked. That saw had a 100% stock muffler on it, baffles still intact, the saw also had a factory round ground chain. I have found out that the 7900 doesn't like the timing numbers that I normally use on a woods saw. If you set it up that way the saw will actually slow down, but I am sure with all of the research that you have done that you already know that.
I have worked for the public most of my life and have dealt with all types of people. From what I have seen so far, I don't think that you should purchase a 7900, you wont be happy with it in stock form or modified and I for one have no intention of selling you one of them. They don't take to porting well, only have a one year commercial warranty, less vibration then a 372, cut with a 385 in stock form. The saws are junk, you don't want one of them.
Keystone Weird:angry:
Well Dan,

I don`t want to turn this thread into a pissing match, rant, or ragout of anyone or anything, in fact I still think that I have spoken well of both You and your work, as well as the stock 7900.

Since you are on the witness stand and in a speaking mood, however, why can`t you answer a few questions without getting tweaked? As I stated earlier, I didn`t want to put you or anyone else on the spot, but people like youself have no qualms about trying to paint me as some sort of imbecile or heretic for asking questions that were meant to be objective, and fair considering that a few members of this forum are making money off others for modifying these saws. Is it not fair that any person should be able to glean some first hand impressions from those who have experience with these saws as modified, or should everyone who has an interest be required to buy one to find out, and then be sworn to secrecy with the builder regarding the results. Just what are you afraid is going to be exposed here, Dan? Are you afraid that if it comes to be known that 7900 don`t "woods" modify well, that people are going to say that you as a builder are no good? I think that there has been more than enough "over the top" praise for your work by some members of this forum to put that fear to rest. In fact the praise has been so loud at times that people have tongue in cheek dubbed this the DozerDan order center and forum. So what gives with your sensitivity? You are making this a personal issue Dan.

You don`t need to worry about me knocking your door down trying to buy a 7900. You couldn`t have forgotten that I can buy 7900s cheaper here than your distributor sells them to you for. Sorry, but that`s not my fault, but an issue between you and your distributor.

As you well know, or possibly suspect, I could go on and on. If you want to continue to make this a personal grudge between you and I for whatever reason, that`s your perogative. I`ll base my future posts and disclosures of what I do know on whether you choose to continue to see this as a personal thing between you and I, which has until now been totally unfounded, or whether you will step back and realize that I`m simply attempting to utilize this forum the way that it was meant to be. Free sharing of experiences.

I am sorry that I wasn't around to defend the "Almighty Dolmar" sooner but I don't look on here everyday.
As far as making this a personal issue, I think that was your intention from the start. After all, as far as I know I am the only one that has ever ported one of the 7900S. How much more direct can that get? There was or is another 7900 in one of the other builders hands but to my knowledge it is not completed. I didn't tell that builder what to do to the saw but I did tell him some of the things not to do.
As far as the questions that you asked, they have all been answered on this thread already. Please go back and read through all of the posts.

I`m sorry that you perceive my questions as personally directed at you and I can understand your perspective given your belief that you are the only person on this forum who has ported one so far. I frankly didn`t know that or even consider that possibility, never mind thinking that it`s relevant. As I have tried to state and reiterate, whether or not the 7900 is a good candidate for a hop up has little to do with you. I`m sure that everyone who builds saws has a somewhat different approach and you may or may not nail each new model the first time you modify one, but you have legions of happy customers to attest to your skills, and to my knowledge, I have never tried to refute any of them, privately or publicly. I`m a little bit pissed that you think that I have some agenda when all I did was ask questions that I had and others have asked me, but are afraid to vocalize. I now see why they may have been apprehensive but I fear no man, only my ex-wife, and I will speak my piece.

You can take me at my word Dan that I am not now, nor have I ever tried to undermine your credibilty or reputation. Consider anything that I have ever posted in regard to you or your work as evidence. Furthermore, what basis would I have to be critical of you? We can let this now senseless dialogue cease or continue at your discretion.

I apoligize to all of the forum members who have had to wade through this crap. The only reason I have persisted in answering the rebuttals is to clarify that I don`t have any issues with Dan or the 7900. There is no hidden agenda or bombshell of information that I am waiting to drop. I`d simply like candid opinions of this saw from those who have them and have experience with other saws in this class, but at this time I`d just as soon let the issue rest.

Alright, I just reread the entire thread and first, I owe Geofore an apology. I now know what he was talking about when he said "18 seconds" and I took his reply out of context, but as directed at the "18 inches" that WJ and I were discussing. Other than that, I saw NO other info regarding woods mod potential other than where Ben stated that the 7900 has small transfers. To the best of my knowledge, that`s a negative right?

I know, I`m sorry, I shouldn`t have asked.


No apology needed, I figured you wanted Dan to tell you whether or not you get a bigger bang for the buck on modding a 372 or modding the 7900 and which is easier to do. We already know the first 7900 Dan did was an expeirement he kept to himself figuring he'd better not send it to me. He got the air flow and squish figured out and I got the second one. It's like the 066's, you got guys out there getting them modded and the 066's are not the biggest gainers from modding. Any way you look at it a modded saw does run with more power and that is what I was after? Did I tell you it was lighter and handled better than the 372?
I thought you were asking if the muffler mod anyone could do at their own shop would give the Dolmar enough boost being it's a fine stock saw, you could do it yourself and avoid paying for the full monty (PP'ed by Dan).
There is a lot you're asking but get to the point, Do you want the Dolmar or are you a Husky diehard? You'll find the Dolmar is one easy handling saw and it runs. No secrets here, It's a good saw and I say so.
Hey Dan do I get salesman of the year for that promo? :D :D :D
Hi Geofore,
I`ve run the 7900 a couple of times and yes, it is an impressive saw for it`s weight, although it seems to weigh about the same as the 372. I too agree that it is well made from what I can see and it is smooth. Husky diehard, not me. I like more saws from the current Husky lineup vs anyone elses, but I also own Stihls and a Solo or two. I will own a 7900 but I may actually be a dealer for them first.

I agree with virtually everyone else that the biggest bang for the buck comes from a well modified muffler, and that`s part of my point. Has the 7900 left the factory with nearly all of it`s woods potential already tapped? I know that Dan and the other guys building saws aren`t getting rich based on what they charge per saw vs the amount of work put into them, but don`t you as a consumer look for the package that has the most in it for the money? The "most" that I am looking for is the performance of the final product.

For those of us like Rich Hoffman, and maybe yourself, who will run the Dolmar just to be a little different, more power to you. The 7900 does look to be equal in quality and technology with the best saws made today, but it might not be the most potent 13.5# saw in the woods after mods. That is exactly where my interest lies. What is going to be the absolute fastest 13.5# saw after being modified? That`s all.

As soon as I get my 6401-7900 back from Keystone Weird you will be the first to know what my opinion is. I also will able to tell you how the 7900 compares to the 372. I will say the PP7900 will have its hands full to run with a Ported 372. Time will tell.
Danny did say that the 6400 turned out well. stronger then the 2165-365
Originally posted by jokers
. That is exactly where my interest lies. What is going to be the absolute fastest 13.5# saw after being modified? That`s all.

Partial Quote


How do you qualify the term " absolute fastest " without setting conditions such as wood size, bar length, etc. I'd bet that seeing the differencence in displacement in the 7900 and 372, you will have advantages in different areas with each and you will still have a case of comparing apples to oranges and personal preference will make the decision.

I will admit that a good part of the reason that I went with the 7900 was the fact that I like to have something different. Right now the 7900 stands in the same place that the 371/372 did when it first came out. Nobody will know what the full potential is until someone buys it, modified or not! I have absolutely no regrets on the purchase of the 7900. I have never ran a modded 372 so I am out of loop on that one. The 7900 is the baddest under 80cc saw that I have. It doesn't matter to me if the 372 can be modified to gain more. I just got my hands on a Makita 7301. I can tell you this is a great saw stock and feels every bit as powerful as a stock 372.
Factory saws

The Dolmar 7900 doesn't leave the factory with it's fullest potential, no saw does. That leaves it to builders here to juice & boost them up a bit for a reasonable price. I didn't buy it to be different, I bought it to do some serious cutting and leave me in one piece at the end of the day. I had the opportunity to get a 372 modded by Dan but opted for Dolmar 7900. I made the decision on that question when I bought the Dolmar. If I had a do over would I change my mind? No.
The "most" is hard to pin down because it has to fit in with what you use the saws for and how you use them. I do know once you go for a modded saw you're not going to be happy with one that isn't. You'll miss the power the modded saw has right away. It would be like asking me if I were willing to give up my Blue Streak to go back to hemp rope. That is Not going to happen. They both can do the job but once you go to synthetic rope you don't go back.
if u never had t bone steak ..
peanut butter taste just fine..
thats the way it was ,,when i loved u
at the time..:D :)
Ok, I might be an ??????? for inquiring, but uhm, why is everyone so down with getting the fastest possible saw they can get their hands on? I mean, not everyone here makes their living with a chainsaw.
Originally posted by Jacob J.
Ok, I might be an ??????? for inquiring, but uhm, why is everyone so down with getting the fastest possible saw they can get their hands on? I mean, not everyone here makes their living with a chainsaw.

The way I see it. Most who come here are a bunch of power hungry dudes looking for as much speed and power as they can!
I certainly understand that. But I ran stock saws for years in the woods, and I cut just as much timber then as I do now with my fancy "hopped up" saw, the only thing is now I'm a lot louder on the hill than I used to be and this "hopped up" saw is more willing to chew through my flesh if I allow it.
i cut another trailer load with my new saw .. i know ,,aint suppose to bedoing that.. but its that or just flippin go crazy..
any way jacob.,, while working i just enjoyed myself watching that chain drop like a rock in water..kinda makes u feel like u got somethin aint everybody got..
plus this time, i let the saw do it all..
any way ,,i guess thats why i go for the best cutting i can get..but if i hadnt started going for fast cut ,,id of been out there a good bit longer..so that says somethin for it ,,other than its just fun as heck..i still dont need a saw to get dull in 5 min tho.. so i try to keep a good balance..

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