7900 dolmar

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Hey Dan,

I know that you are being facetious when you said this:"Eric and Ben
Save your time and money. don't you know that those Dolmars aren't worth doing any mods too?
One of me.", but aren`t you the person who initialy said that modifying the muffler was about all you would do to one of the new Dolmars for woods mods? That statement has been attributed to you by a few people. Just curious and wanted to know if you are the insane, drinking Dan, or if you have been misrepresented?

Hey JJ, you could be and probably are right, but I know that it was given to me and taken in the context of the 7900 having so much jam for it`s displacement in stock form that there isn`t much left to do for a woods job.

You know me, a memory for the arcane and a desire to know why people say things, especially when they`ve changed what they are saying, although in this case, I can`t say that I heard Dan say this, it was secondhand.

There should be one here in a couple of days so i will see how i like it and how it is for a woodsaw after porting
that looks like my windsor vacuum cleaner..:D :D that aint puttin it dn or nuthin..its an industrial strength vac..:) :)
oh lord ,,i m done into the wine agin..
that doc said it was good fer me.. an dang if it aint.. real good..
ps whats gonna be interesting,, is seeing what that thing finally sells for..
ok tony i will let you know but it better be better than your Hoover is all got to say or is it a dirt devil you got, that could be hard to beat
make then bigger then if you want to
I suppose you could hog them out a little, but you would have be careful as a saw cylinder is pretty thin. If you altered the duct itself as apposed to just altering port timing you would have to make sure the transfers are flow matched by testing it on a flow bench. Uneven transfer discharge rates provides for poor scavenging and increases the risk of detonation.
Yes, part of what you heard through the grapevine was correct. I did tell one of my customers that all he needed was the muffler done on his 7900. I simply told him that he would be happy with the saw with only the muffler done. That man also has enough other saws, some larger some smaller, so power to weight ratio isn't a problem, like it would be for some other people. I also recommend the little 346s to people for cutting small wood but not for cutting large timber. You have to understand what your costumer is going to do with the saw before you can recommend anything to him.
(but aren't you the person who initially said that modifying the muffler was about all you would do to one of the new Dolmars for woods mods?)
I never said that was all you need for a woods saw.
I certainly hope this makes you happy. I didn't have to talk that much when my wife found out about my pregnant girlfriend.
One of me
I cut a load of wood today with your Blue, slow Dolmar PP6401. That saw wasn't worth porting either. I will give you what you paid for it and just keep this slow thing here for a conversation piece.
In all honesty, that ported 2165 you have is in trouble.
I will work on the 79cc piston and barrel next week. It will probably be slow also.
Keystone Weird
Hi Dan, you really didn't come clean when you pistol peted my big yellow muckaluck, you said that that shark tooth chain would blast thru that 30" dead Elm as though I was denutting RJS, but alas, you told me one too many Fairy Tales.
Humpty Numpty
Time will tell i guess but as long as it is faster than John's 346 i will be happy now how am i going to put that 14-71 blower under the hood . I think i got enough room for the twin turbo's but the guy running the saw will have to carry the 10 pound nitrous tank on his back
Dan, I`m not now, nor was I ever trying to draw you or make you offer any justification for what you do or say. I simply have a question about the potential of modifying a 7900 for woods work.

The origin of my question is when a person who should remain unnamed, because he has no part in my suspicions, ran one of your 372s against one of your 7900s in a small competition, and as I recall, handily beat it. It seems to me that an explaination regarding potentials was offered at that time, and as I recall, it was stated that the Dolmar didn`t appear to have the same potential as certain Huskies. I`m not talking about a full on race saw with a stroked crank and add on transfers.

It seems to me that the 7900 is the saw to beat in stock form. Between my limited experience running them and what Ben tells me, it`s a nice saw to operate and is holding up well in daily professional use. I`ll have one as soon as I use up or otherwise unload the 385 and 460 Mag that I have.

I suppose that I am doing my field research on this model primarily through others, although I have spent my fair share on modified saws. Unfortunately none of yours yet but that is because you were late to the party, and by then I already had a quiver full. Nothing personal and I haven`t decided against having you build anything for me. In fact I did offer you the 460 and you were man enough to say that you`d rather not, You have my utmost respect for that. I believe that I also speak well of you, but correct me if you think otherwise. Remember, I live in New York, not exactly the "personal warmth" capital of the world.

Frankly, I`d expect the 7900 to beat my KD372 because of the added displacement, but right now my gut is telling me otherwise. That is why I`m asking these questions. The only real way to know is to run one of your PP`d 7900s against my 372 but I`m not willing to spend the cash for the 7900 and I wouldn`t ask you to donate the use of the saw. There are a bunch of other reasons too, like I wouldn`t want this to eveolve into a war of the builders and I`d rather have the objectivity of several members, rather than just my word or impressions.

The "Keystone weird" thing is funny as long as you take it in the context it was given. A short, fat guy with the muscle tone and complexion of the Pillsbury doughboy, in the modern equivalent of a polyester leisure suit, tan chinos, a pink golf shirt and running shoes, telling me that people from Pennsylvania are weird.

"I really wonder about some of your guys` grip on reality."

This place is reminding me of "The Shining". :D

dan ,, i dont forget who believed in what he did ,,enough to send people saws ,,just so they ,, could see what u were talkin about.. that showed both confidense in your work and belief in mankinds honesty in general.. as foolish as that may seem to some.. its also my time tested attitude..u find some with lots of room to grow in the honesty department.. but the jewels u find make it worth takin the chance...every single one of us are jewels with the work in progess.. he wouldnt waste his time making somethin not worth being..
dont let any man or criticism or percieved criticism,, take that away from u dan..please understand ,,i say this out of love for u as an honorable man ..
i realize my belief and my concepts are just my own.. but the bucket holds water,,and my house is built on the rock..time tested..ithink we all love u dan,, know that brother.. a friendship aint really strong untill its stood thru a squabble or two..thanks tony
Its great to hear the 6400 has came to life as far as my 2165G being in trouble? Time will tell.
Looking forward to getting it in my hands.

I think its going to depend on just how big of wood you cutting if the 372 is faster or slower than the 7900.
I do think in wood up to 18'' the 372 will be faster but, any thing over that I do believe the raw low end power of 7900 will rule.
Time will tell I have a VERY good running PP372 to compare it to.

I sent a check for the Dolmar PP7900 I bought from Dan, sight unseen. I'm pleased with what it can do with a sharp chain on it. If I can push mine through a 24" piece of rock maple in less than 7 seconds, how fast does your saw have to be to satisfy you out on the job? If you're taking 18 seconds or longer, I suggest you start the saw before you try to make the cut. They do a lot better with the engine running. 18 seconds is waaay to long unless you put the chain on backwards. :D
You want more, maybe you should be over on the Hotsaw fourm. I hear tell all the really cool hotsaw racers hang out there. Don't wait for me, I hang out on the climbing fourm most of the time, I'm only here telling you what my saw can do to end this confusion.
Dan, you did tell him he has to start the saw to get the cut done in under 18 seconds?

What the heck are you talking about when you say "18 seconds"? Did someone say it takes them 18 seconds to make any cut? I must have missed that.

As far as what hot or fast enough is, well that`s a personal thing, but my point was and remains, how well does the 7900 respond to woods mods? My point being is that why would I spend the extra bucks(between $80 and $180 depending on where you buy) for the PP`d 7900 if my PP`d 372(if I had one) would outcut it? Now I know that this is probably pissing you off that I would even suggest this Geofore, but people are allowed to believe whatever they want, and for the record, Dan has yet to step up and say that the PP`d7900 will in fact outcut the PP`d372. I didn`t want to broach the subject in a manner that puts Dan on the spot, in case he can`t satisfy all of the loyal Dolmar owners on this issue, but if you guys want to get all riled up we can just dispense with the formalities and call things as we see them. Someone, if not everyone, is bound to leave here unhappy.

It seems to me as if some would like to censor or discourage opinions that they don`t like.

Eric, I don`t believe that 18" is the threshold where the 7900 will start to outcut the 372, and furthermore, both saws run at 13.5k so the 7900 should hang with the 372 in small wood anyway. I know that your PP`d 372 runs very well, I`d like to run my KD372 against it for the sake of CURIOSITY, nothing more.

My question and subsequent posts were not about the quality of Dolmars or Dan`s work. Both are topnotch in my opinion. What are you guys really thinking that makes you so uncomfortable to discuss it?
