Art Martin
ArboristSite Operative
John, why did you ever give Ginger my address? I had a hunch when she arrived with a streamer trunk that she wasn't here for just a day. I don't know if California has squatters rights, I'm still checking. On top of that, that danged Pit Bull "pet" of hers attacked my docile attack trained German Sheppard and beat the crap out of her. I finally had to tie that darn Pit Bull up with a 40' piece of 1/2" gauge full complement, chisel bit, .058" gauge, unmodified chain. That sucker's so mean she has to sneak up on it to feed it. I sure wish Ann Landers was around to give me advice on how to "evict" a "guest". We also found out, through conversation, that she lives on .6 acres in an old abandonded railroad car with a hole in the ceiling, over her bed so that she see the stars. Her idea of a forest is two oak trees and a Manzanita bush.
Sleepless somewhere in California
Art Martin
Sleepless somewhere in California
Art Martin