For all you guys that worry about putting alcohol in your gas, Sea Foam is simply a mix of pale oil (very light weight oil similar to kerosene, Naptha (as found in coleman lantern fluid) and IPA - isopropal alcohol. You can mix your own for about $6 a gallon..
Which of these is dissolving true varnish? none...
I suspect the naptha aids ignition (low octane), the IPA takes any water out of the jets, and the pale oil just coats any surfaces that dry out (your mix oil already does this).
Fresh gas....
I have mixed 16 oz in my 15 gallon fuel storage tank for years, and then mix my 2 cycle out of that. I was convinced it kept all my toys (2 & 4 cycle) running clean. I fog my engines in storage with it. Now you have to go and throw logic all over my beliefs:jawdrop: I go through the 15 gallons in 2-3 months so I don't even know if storage is an issue.
B12 is a far stronger solvent, but I am afraid of it's effects on fuel lines, diaphrams, etc...and it does not stabilize. I have had minimal carbon buildup in exhausts, but don't know if I can scientifically give Seafoam the credit. I have also wondered how Seafoam affects the oil, but they state it is safe for
2 cycles. Any chemists to tell us what it does for the lube properties?
The one success I can attest to is runnig it through a vacuum line for cleaning the intake and top end, and use as ring soak. I have used it to clean up some high mileage engines my sons drag home. But you are probably correct, it is a mild solvent, and it may be a waste in a saw mix.