Appropriate steps to detur firewood thieves

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Actually it's quite entertaining to see how far they'll go out of there way just to avoid us.

Once the fence is up the rest of the cameras get permanently installed- I suspect once their current wood supply is exhausted I'll have a problem again.

awwww. you should go over there this weekend and have a beer with them. kiss and make up!!:cheers::greenchainsaw:

j/k man!!!!!! dont cuss me to bad:biggrinbounce2::biggrinbounce2::biggrinbounce2:
Anyone else smell a rat? They buy or obtain some wood from another source and have it near their fire pit. Yet, they continue to pilfer your wood. Police get called and all they have to do is say "officer, why would we steal wood when we have our own?" Burden of proof is back on the person missiing wood.

Sounds like they are setting you up for the perfect crime. You are not thinking like a thief.
Good point... this is why the little voice in my head says to keep the camera set up and install all the cameras. Wife says keep it too.

Anyone else smell a rat? They buy or obtain some wood from another source and have it near their fire pit. Yet, they continue to pilfer your wood. Police get called and all they have to do is say "officer, why would we steal wood when we have our own?" Burden of proof is back on the person missiing wood.

Sounds like they are setting you up for the perfect crime. You are not thinking like a thief.
I hope you will catch them on camera, then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law!

Also, many of the photos you posted have been deleted. Perhaps you could post a link to your photobucket address, where we could view the deleted photos?

Nail those scumbags!!!!!!!!

I hope you will catch them on camera, then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law!

Also, many of the photos you posted have been deleted. Perhaps you could post a link to your photobucket address, where we could view the deleted photos?

Nail those scumbags!!!!!!!!


I want to see more pictures of that dirty neighbor lady
I'm still concerned for maintaining the right-of-way/easement (sp?) in the back alley...

I'm no lawyer, but we (my parents & uncle) had issues with a guy who bought the non-useable sliver of land (seriously- 25'w x 25'd) between my grandfather's shack & this guy's mom's house.

The properties were all oddly shaped and access to our garage was across a corner of his land. Well, he put up a fence effectively cutting off our access (40+ years worth) to the shack & garage.

To be fair, my grandfather had put up an equipment shed (boat motors fishing gear, etc) on the disputed property - but it was done 30+ years before the turd bought the place. We should have bought the strip of land when it went up for sale because it cost more than the land was worth in legal fees to get the effing fence down.

We also had to tear down the equipment shed and the outhouse. Nice. NOW where are we supposed to use the toilet? In the lake?

Essentially, he waited until his 90 year-old mother died, combined the two properties & put up a HUGE boat house on that land. And he'll sell it to some out-of-stater for $1Mil...

Too bad Don Knotts is gone.
Fence action

Just need to add the top 2 feet...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
That's a nice lookin fence, Hope they don't get redneck and kick out those panels. Also is it treated lumber, The post looks like it but the other doesn't. Our treated here isn't as white as that. Fence looks good. Should run some razor wire on
I like that it blocks the view of their c-rap on the side of the garage or house or whatever that is. Nice work! Looking good.
Just need to add the top 2 feet...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

That looks real good man" I like the way you stair stepped the top. The ones you see around here are level at the top with 1x4,6,8, and or 10's at the bottom. I think your way looks allot nicer.

What did you deciede to to with the patio that you two built that was inbetween your properities??
Nothing so far. I blow off the patio pavers once in a while and pull a few weeds out of the rocks. (on our half of it) Have not touched the pond or upped the water level. Lack of maintenence will eventually take care of it and then when there's a need for $$$ to be spent and they can't or won't come up with their half.... just the excuse I need to fill'er in.


What did you deciede to to with the patio that you two built that was inbetween your properities??
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