ArboristSite Operative
Over the last three years I've worked diligently to cut, split and stack the aproximately 10 cords of firewood I have along the back of my property. Up until this last weekend it has remained untouched except by me. Sometime saturday evening/sunday about 3 of those gas station bundles worth walked off and I'm 99% sure it's my next door neighbors. (they had an outdoor get together on sunday with a fire in their firepit). I've seen them several times outside since and they havn't fessed up yet. There was one or two splits left over by their firepit and it sure looks familiar.Now I did'nt see them take it so I'm not going to march over and accuse them of stealing. Also keep in mind that I've given them plenty of wood (delivered to their stacking area) but have stopped because they never let it season and go thru it way too fast. I've never given them permission to take from my stacks.
So my question is what is the appropriate next step(s) to put an end to this?
My first thought is to install a fairly bright security light that will light up the firewood stacking area.... they will hate this because it will also partially light up their firepit/deck/party area and they hate outdoor & street lights and the like.
They will ##### about the light and I will just say I have every right to protect my property from walking off. Of course this will not stop the theft because it is them and they will just wait until they know we are gone.... so the question is what is next? more annoying lighting( motion detecting), cameras??
I read your post earlier this week and after a lot of diligent thought and careful consideration, I think I have a novel approach that will work for you.
Here in the south, copperheads and timber rattlers love to hang around piles of firewood, feasting on the rodents and large insects that make these piles home.
Next time you see your neighbors, tell them that the US Fish and Wildlife Service has instituted a pilot program to see if copperheads will inhabit your part of MN, and that you've signed up for a cooperative program that permits them to use your woodpile as an experimental habitat for these snakes.
When it's convenient, tell them: "Oh, why get all the wood you want, but just watch out for them copperheads".
End of wood thievery, and costs you nothing except a little sweat when you go to confession........
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