Appropriate steps to detur firewood thieves

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this is my fire wood guardian she drags that roller around the yard all day. this picture was taken when she was 7 months old shes 2 years now and over 120 pounds. keeps them fire wood stealin hobos away.

great thread! love the new surveillance gear, i am keeping tabs on this thread for sure!!!

boy what i would pay for a picture of these 2 ******* to put faces with the story, lol:greenchainsaw:

+1. Funny, but not funny..I had retard neighbors too. In my old house, I had a crazy women living behind me. Long story short, she was suing her mom to take her house away. The mom hired a Private Investgator to look into her hired one of my best buddies...I used to call him when she put her trash out. He would drive by on my signal and take it. You would be amazed at what you can find out about people through their trash. Anyways, the crazy women behind had gone to a couple of closings on other neighbor houses that were selling (in a different state). So when I was selling my place, I told her my closing date was 3 weeks after when I was going to close.

She saw me a few weeks after I moved out at the grocery store. She asked me why I moved out before my closing date. I told her I already closed. The look on her face was priceless.

bad neighbors sure do suck...good luck...
Are in, the lines are pretty much were I've always thought they were. There is no doubt there is an alley back behind my property. :) I've won this battle unless they can prove that their property extends back further than mine- Highly unlikely since the plot maps show the lots to be all 66' wide x 157.5' deep.

I just thought of a down side to this win. The alley has aways been open to the north connecting with a side street. It does not connect with the side street to the south for as long as I've lived here (24 yrs). My good neighbor to the south ran her fence right to the back of her property, across the alley to the quarrys fence/property. Technically should not have been done but nobody cares or said boo. It was an advantage for me and I used it to stack my wood back there. (Since she gave up her access) This neighbor pointed out that the a##hat neighbors to the north might be able to force me to move the wood even though they've got no business being back there- just because technically it's still city property. I just pulled up the rear stakes to not give them free info. I'm going to drive back there when I NEED to and if they #####, tell em to prove I'm driving on their property even though I know its not. I was planning on moving a lot of the wood out of the alley anyway, just need to do that sooner than later.
You're spending much too much time thinking about these %$#&@-bags, time for some action. Besides, it will make you feel a whole lot better.
It was called in training long ago, "Light Non-Lethal Combat". You are in it up to your eyeballs, spending $$$$, time, brain power, certainly sleep.
Get the fools out. Eau d'skunk is easy.
Then get some G-2, intelligence, on them that gives you some power over them.
It is time. We're on your side. Time to get rid of them.
No small claims case there.

Get a spray can of paint and mark your wood.

Next fire call the cops. When they ask how you know it's your wood point to your stack with the nice fluorescent green hash marks and ask him how many other piles marked like that he sees around town.

If you're really anal, make a stencil with initials / brand / whatever.

Works even better if you can mark the side of the pile the neighbors don't see so they don't think about why the pieces have paint on them until you show the cops.

If you have a log splitter, put a weld bead of your initials in the wood.
3fordasho, I gotta tell you that I feel your pain first, but this has been an amazing read! At first I thought you were making a mountain out of a mole hill but after the other info you've added it clearly shows these people are dirtbags! And they continue to take wood! What nerve.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do us all a huge favor and get surveillance vids of your "smoked up" neighbors stealing wood BEFORE you install the fence! I can just see them stumbling around grabbing wood when your gone, giving your house the finger only to find out a day later hungover from the cops that you've got it all on record! Priceless!

I also like the woodspitter or paint idea. "Branding" every piece sounds like it would be fun to show your neighbor as the policeman looks on with the cuffs ready! Thanks for the good read and good luck!
I did search locally for the skunk scent but no joy. I do love the idea but will have to travel a bit or order it.
As for the pond, yesterday I cleaned the gutters, 3 gallons of fermenting tree scum went right into the skimmer box at 5am this morning- one of two things will happen: A. He'll have to get all scummy cleaning it out, or the more likely B. He will do nothing, the pump will plug up and burn out. Either one is fine with me.

You're spending much too much time thinking about these %$#&@-bags, time for some action. Besides, it will make you feel a whole lot better.
It was called in training long ago, "Light Non-Lethal Combat". You are in it up to your eyeballs, spending $$$$, time, brain power, certainly sleep.
Get the fools out. Eau d'skunk is easy.
Then get some G-2, intelligence, on them that gives you some power over them.
It is time. We're on your side. Time to get rid of them.
You could really piss them off and paint the side of the fence facing their house the old no trespassing purple.:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Yesterday I made one more attempt to diffuse the situation. Since a reasonable conversation with either of them is not possible I called her brother who I know fairly well and seems like a reasonable guy. He is also partners in a local business that is quite sucessfull (I want him to know my side of the story since any money they will be able to come up with will likely come from him) So I called and explained the situation. He listened for a while but pretty soon he started talking about a dispute he had with one of his neighbors and at that point I could hardly get a word in edgewise. More discouraging, several times he mentioned that I have a LOT of wood out back, even suggesting I give them wood to keep things civil... WTF!
I said it doesn't matter how much I have, it does not give anyone the right to take it! I then made the comparison that he has been sucessful, has money and a nice house with nice things... does that give his sister and brother in law the right to walk off with some of it with out asking? He agreed but what is up with that mentality?

On another note the neighbor (him) used to work for her brother in that sucessful business. Brother eventually fires him and tells me the whole story one night when he's had a few. The scum neighbor was ripping him off (his own relation by marriage/employer). So in that case I guess it wasn't ok to walk off with something without asking.
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Get started on the fence already. The ground's plenty soft for good digging right now.

Either that or sit in the shadows with the 12 ga and let em have it.

My fence is very minimal but my aim is good.
Do you have any reaction to poison ivy? If not you could cover the top row of the wood pile in poison ivy juice (rub the plants all over it) and watch em itch. It stays active for a LONG time.
i really would consider painting their side of the fence a bright orange or yellow.

something thats hard to look at when the sun is shining and their puples are dialated and eyes all red from the ganga they just smoked. haha
Time for real action for you.

We once had a similar but less serious problem with a lowlife in a Boston semi-rural suburb. He liked to "raise" beef cattle in his yard, then felt (since we had some 'empty' land abutting him) the right to dump the carcass of the cow on our place. Plenty of flies, foraging dogs, magots and rotting meat. One call to him was a waste--"how can it bother you?".
A second call to the Board of Health, a formal complaint in writing, and a promised court appearance solved it---fast.

Some more bright :( ideas before I run off to work:
1. More eau d'skunk (or coyote urine). Any pro hunting shop carries it.
2. When the wind is right, and they're doing the gathering, how about a nice smoky fire. Tires and trash burn with a nice dark, smelly smoke. Give them an opportunity to complain.
3. After the fence is up, paint a large "No Stealing Anything" facing them.
4. Taken from the siege in Panama against Noriega: loud music that you know they hate. Rap ? Heavy metal ? Muzak ? Barry Manilow ?
5. Set up a firing range in your yard (if it is safe for other neighbors). Even
22's make a fine noise. 9mm better. 30-06 best.

The crew here is all with you. Many more bright thoughts will come from this group. More if you post it on the chainsaw forum. They're some wild animals over there.:popcorn::jawdrop:

Get 'em.
Heres some pics I dug up from 3-4 years ago. This is his wife (the real troublemaker) just after she had snuck onto the neighbor's property to the south and stole the lawn gnome. Was'nt it nice of her to pose for the pics?
We were not part of the trespass or theft, but she felt pretty proud of her accomplishment and had to show it off:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Guess I could be real nasty and anonymously get these pics to the neighbor to the south.... I am sure she would press charges:clap:
I have sitting on my desk a "Sulfer Bomb". It's a small Capsule that goes on the fixture that holds the wheel Bearing on a Locomotive, if the wheel Bearing gets hot it sets off the sulfer bomb so you know Exactly which wheel it is. It doesn't Blow up but basicly spews out sulfer smell. when we accidently run one through the washer here at work it stinks up the whole 130,000 sq ft building. it's 2" long x 1" wide (cylinder shape) would fit perfectly into a hole bored in a piece of firewood, I have a bunch of them. only problem would be the small brass cyl would be left in the fire pit...Need any????????
Heres some pics I dug up from 3-4 years ago. This is his wife (the real troublemaker) just after she had snuck onto the neighbor's property to the south and stole the lawn gnome. Was'nt it nice of her to pose for the pics?
We were not part of the trespass or theft, but she felt pretty proud of her accomplishment and had to show it off:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Guess I could be real nasty and anonymously get these pics to the neighbor to the south.... I am sure she would press charges:clap:

Wow,She is the problem? What is her old man like? Hell man, just throw a chunck of something white in front of a speeding truck. Problem solved"

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