The Champ
customer for life, i've got a doc. appointment wednesday, i'll let you know how long that'l be,![]()
Awwwwwwww hell you got 75 more good years in ya so I'm not worried,

customer for life, i've got a doc. appointment wednesday, i'll let you know how long that'l be,![]()
Wouldnt this constitute a on line sale, Tom? Whats wrong with your local Dolmar brick and mortar?Well all I know is with me you got a customer for life. Long as there is mators and pumpkins Baileys can never sell me a Dolmar part of any kind. Nothing againsit them but I like being considered a person, not a digit on a computer list..
DOLMARatOs, you sure seem to have a hard-on for Stihl for some reason......:angry2: Did a distributor whiz in your Wheaties or something?
Yes, I did. I say so from first hand expiereance waiting for Dolmar parts. The only one making ASSumptions is yourself.Spell check is nice. Did you mean that it wouldn't be at my shop in a few days? You should really check your sources before making assumptions. I just hopped on my IDN Distriubutor's network. They have 15 piston / cyl. combos in stock for 1 day delivery right now. I recognize that SOME distributors and consequently some dealers have troubles with parts. I don't. That is why I can make 100% true statements about my area and my business. You are welcome to stop in at our open house and talk it over while sipping a grain flavored beverage. March 17 is the tentative date right now. Dolmar will be there along with a carver or two or three and the B & S guys.
Confidence is earned, not handed out. Maybe if the dealers and distributors had their chit together people would be confident in them. Of course that wont happen when dealers are making statements like the following:Thanks for the vote of confidence. Maybe if some of the so called Professionals and users had a little more confidence in dealers we wouldn't be trying to ice-skate
. "Crappy Dealers" After 14 years, I still stock very few parts for these saws. Less than $1000.00 in parts actually.
15-16 years is ample time to get your chit together. In todays business climate you might only have a few years to turn it around or face bankruptcy.just eats at me the way that people compare Dolmar to Stihl in one aspect then totally ignore the rest of the argument. Dolmar as we know it today is only 15 or 16 years in the making. They re-structured everything in the early 90's and again in 2005-2006. People expect overnight change. I have a lot of old timers that laugh about how back in the day if you said you had a Stihl saw....they'd ask if it was really heavy and why wasn't it made out of aluminum and by the way....what's the brand?
15-16 years is ample time to get your chit together. In todays business climate you might only have a few years to turn it around or face bankruptcy.
The problem is as I see it is lots of talk and not much action.
BTW When Dolmar dropped LW Meyer as a distributor they also shafted my local Dolmar dealer who runs one of the best saws shops I have dealt with.
Wouldnt this constitute a on line sale, Tom? Whats wrong with your local Dolmar brick and mortar?
Will you sell me a Stihl, if I call ya up?No sir ree, no online nothing between Sugar and me. Is such a thing as a telephone ya know. Sugar and me tallk all the time. I respect him like my own pop, he's a great guy. There is a Dolmar dealer up in Winchester, about 40 miles from me. I have no clue what all they got, never been in the building. My Dolmar dealer is Sugar, no need for me to go anywhere else.
As for the 5100 he sold me it was his, not off the shelf. I was under the impression you can sell parts online so far as I'm concerned he can hook me up with anyhing I need. He broke no rules selling me his personal saw. In fact getting his personal 5100 makes me feel kinda special.
Will you sell me a Stihl, if I call ya up?
Will you sell me a Stihl, if I call ya up?
As I've already stated, the present Dolmar support in my area stinks! It hasn't kept me from buying four of their saws though. I think their quality products were well worth the extra effort. I certainly did my part of complaining about all the previously discussed short comings. However, rather than wallow in self pity, bash the product or boycott them I decided to be pro-active. I went to a local OPE dealer/repair center and convinced him of the quality of the Dolmar line and how it would benefit him and all his potential Dolmar customers once the word got out. He deals primarily with large Landscapers in this area and is extremely successful with Echo and other lines. All the Tree Services along Lake Michigan here either use Stihl or Husqvarna for obvious reasons. I truly believe once the arborists and landscapers find out about this particular guy, things will change for Dolmars competition. He is a top notch operator willing to put in the time, effort and expense. He believes Mid-West Engine will be able to provide all the support he needs. Let's wish him the best. I for one believe he will succeed and I'd like to believe that me being proactive might have gotten the ball rolling. I don't like rolling over and giving up easily.
I know what you was thinking but your wrong. Sugar and me are on the up and up, no rules have been broken.
While I'm at it here though let me tell ya a little story. This past year I had one single customer buy over 5 grand worth of Stihl from me. Last year(05) he bought 6 grand. This is just one customer now. One day another guy came in and somehow this guy knows the guy that bought all that Stihl from me. I asked him what in the world is he doing with all that Stihl he buys. He said he sells it. I thought well how in the hell does he make any money, I don't give him much off. He goes you'd be surprized what people will pay for a new Stihl. I thought oh well, good for him then.
Now tell me should I worry about what he does with it after he buys it?, I could care less. He's not hurting me in any fashion and the stuff is his so more power to him.
It's a free enterprise system. Just look at what "used" Stihl saws go for on eBay. Seems like everything with you and Sugar is on the up and up. And...I'm sure EVERYONE bends the rules a little. Stihl has a tendancy to sell equipment factory direct and cutting out the dealer as the middleman. I'm sure the Husky-RedMax team will do it also.
bwalker may be making a legitimate point about dealers not having enough stock. theres another dealer 12 miles from me that has one new saw in stock, a ps460.i stock 7 models and get next day delivery for what i don't have. but then i'm only 120 miles from the wherehouse. if in some areas shipping is slow, it'll get better. setting up a net work good enough to appease eveyone won't be an easy task.
I agree. Right now I have 10 models of saws, plus bars and chains to make any available or optional bar length for any model. Plus I have a full selection of the handheld Dolmar equipment that sells well here.
I'm 86.2 miles from my distributor's closest warehouse but MWE has 4 warehouses to choose from. 1 day, 2 days and 3-4 days. I'm proud to be a Dolmar dealer and I know that ALL of my Dolmar customers are happy. I'll stand behind my Distributor until they stop standing behind me.