Baileys...steppin' it up...026 style

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I agree entirely. It's all bout having fun. When you get beat, it just drives you to try harder. That's fun.

About the rev limiter. That's only a tuning handicap. The saw's not going to e any slower in the cut.
Yes, my chains are sharp, but they're far from a race chain. I've got a lot to learn and a lot of work to do to them.

I love the close competition. It definately keeps it interesting. It wouldn't be any fun if no one had comparable saws.

Thats where I was going with that, I haven't touched the carb since it showed up at the door step, I don't know what it needs, it must not be to lean becasue I've cut a lot of wood with it so far.:)

I agree I enjoy competition, it is good fun for sure:cheers:
That is entirely why I hate rev limited coils. I loose a huge tuning aid when I can't run a saw at WOT. RPMs in the wood is what makes a saw fast. As far as cutting performance, the rev limited coil only matters if it limits below what the saw turns in the wood. The 3120 is a prime example of that. I believe the current 3120 coil limits to something like 9,500, and this 3120 I have here is turning 11,200 in the wood.

About the rev limiter. That's only a tuning handicap. The saw's not going to e any slower in the cut. QUOTE]

Just a contradiction observation is all..... I see that alot. :chainsaw:

How can a rev limiter that is above what the saw turns in the wood hurt the performance? Most rev limited coils are well above what a ported saw turns in the wood. I just finished a 2153/346, and the stock coil is limited at 14,100. Now the saw will turn 16K at WOT, but it won't be more than 11-12K in the wood. It definately makes it more challenging to tune though if not replaced. And for that reason, I always replace rev limited coils when doing Huskies.
About the rev limiter. That's only a tuning handicap. The saw's not going to e any slower in the cut.

If it's a cold start 3 cut race the rev limiter is going to hurt you at the stop watch. Even a single cut you lose any energy stored in the flywheel and crank that is above the rev limiter. When you hit the wood at full RPM you can capitalize on the extra thousand RPM or so, the smaller the wood the more significant this will be.

On the otherhand though, I have seen the in the wood performance drop slighlty when going to certain unlimited coil, turns out the ignition timing of the two coils are diiferent and some limited coil have a couple degrees more advance than the unlimited versions.
Okay so I am just gonna lay it out on the line because I really don't care.....

I have been to a couple GTG's that you have been too and never have seen anything to impress me.... I honestly think your arrogance just flat out floods out anything that may.

I watch you tweak and tweak all day and then come race time..... unimpressed... especially looking at the times from the last GTG. Now I myself am not a saw builder and you by far have more knowledge than I likely will ever have.... just to stop that rebutle before it starts....

If I did however... I certainly would not stand on a box and blame a chain for taken an a%& whoopin' I would shut up and say good job... guess I need to go back to the drawing board.

I beleive you are placed upon a podium on the site because of your exposure and not because of your work.... ports or anything other you have done. It drove it home when your recent muffler mod was posted and you were lifted upon shoulders to be praised for how good it looked and the great job you did. You bought the parts cut a hole and "tech" screwed the thing on.... WOW!

Okay that is it for me. It is my opinion....:chainsaw:
Okay so I am just gonna lay it out on the line because I really don't care.....

I have been to a couple GTG's that you have been too and never have seen anything to impress me.... I honestly think your arrogance just flat out floods out anything that may.

I watch you tweak and tweak all day and then come race time..... unimpressed... especially looking at the times from the last GTG. Now I myself am not a saw builder and you by far have more knowledge than I likely will ever have.... just to stop that rebutle before it starts....

If I did however... I certainly would not stand on a box and blame a chain for taken an a%& whoopin' I would shut up and say good job... guess I need to go back to the drawing board.

I beleive you are placed upon a podium on the site because of your exposure and not because of your work.... ports or anything other you have done. It drove it home when your recent muffler mod was posted and you were lifted upon shoulders to be praised for how good it looked and the great job you did. You bought the parts cut a hole and "tech" screwed the thing on.... WOW!

Okay that is it for me. It is my opinion....:chainsaw:

One thing's clear. We now know where you hang out. And it sure isn't here. Bottom line, you've got a bone to pick. You're nothing but a parrot reading what you've read else where.

Yes, my 260 was out cut with a chain. I've beat that very saw before. That's cool, it's all fun. Same thing with Andy's 372 and 7900. We're friends and have run those saws together with mine and they're neck and neck. Again, he beat me at the races, and that's fine. I've got to learn how to make a good chain. But that's not my forte and I don't spend a lot of time on them.

Do you know who built the fastest non-piped 60cc saw, the 359? Probably not. How about the 2nd and 3rd place 60cc saws? How about the fastest 96-105cc saw? How about the 084 was more than twice as fast as a stock MS880. Oh, don't forget about the little Ryobi!

Ohh, and it's not all about having the fastest saws. My reputation here isn't about building the fastest saws of all times. At least I don't have a reputation of stabbing ex friends in the back and leading them to the wolves for a canabalistic slaughter!

BTW, let's see some of your work.

This reply is only aimed at the troll I'm replying to. I'm not here to brag, but to state the facts and shut the troll up.
If it's a cold start 3 cut race the rev limiter is going to hurt you at the stop watch. Even a single cut you lose any energy stored in the flywheel and crank that is above the rev limiter. When you hit the wood at full RPM you can capitalize on the extra thousand RPM or so, the smaller the wood the more significant this will be.

Good point Brian.
Read my post from before...... I am not a builder.... I know you can read cause you are on here all the time. Also no I do not hang out over on "the Other Site" which seems to be your first accusation to any conflict you are involved with..... By the way, were you not a member there too at one point..... HMMMMMMM something about a pot and kettel comes to mind. Cause I think that is maybe where you got all of your information form to begin with is it not. TROLL.:chainsaw:
I beleive you are placed upon a podium on the site because of your exposure and not because of your work.... ports or anything other you have done. It drove it home when your recent muffler mod was posted and you were lifted upon shoulders to be praised for how good it looked and the great job you did. You bought the parts cut a hole and "tech" screwed the thing on.... WOW!

You're just using the same old arguements your trolling buddies have used. How do you think I got any exposure? By showing your work? What's wrong with using clean factory looking production parts to accomplish a muffler mod? It seems to me that most prefer that to other options.
Cause I think that is maybe where you got all of your information form to begin with is it not. TROLL.:chainsaw:

Same old pathetic arguement again. I got into this hobby three years ago and have loved every minute of it, except for those spent dealing with trolls like yourself. Yes, I used to hang out at RS a lot and learned a LOT there. I've NEVER said anything otherwise. They like to accuse me of doing that so that I could come back over here and be a "big shot". Hardly! They'd like to hang out here too, but they can't seem to get along with other people and are all banned. Funny thing is, the two guys I learned the most from are either still regular posters here on AS or no longer post on either forum.
I just find it funny how I am a troll because I have offended and "poked" the almighty Brad. Deal with it buck-o you put yourself in the "light" and I think you are nothing special.... I see self tappers and I think HACK! Buy a weld or a gas torch and do it right and make it look as good as you claim your quality to be. Your saw are unimpressive for what you make them out to be. Do you build race saws? Obviously not but you talk the talk of a "racer" but when it comes time to put up or shut up you fail and your mouth continues to run. :chainsaw:
Same old pathetic arguement again. I got into this hobby three years ago and have loved every minute of it, except for those spent dealing with trolls like yourself. Yes, I used to hang out at RS a lot and learned a LOT there. I've NEVER said anything otherwise. They like to accuse me of doing that so that I could come back over here and be a "big shot". Hardly! They'd like to hang out here too, but they can't seem to get along with other people and are all banned. Funny thing is, the two guys I learned the most from are either still regular posters here on AS or no longer post on either forum.

I would say that to. :chainsaw:
BTW, I'm done with you. My reputation can stand on it's own. I don't need your badge of support.

Again, to everyone else. Sorry for having to sound like I'm tooting my own horn. That's not my point here.
No I suppose that is never "your point" but you seem to do it all the time. Go back and look at your posts Brad.... Oh wait, I guess it is like telling a Crazy person they are Crazy........

I could care less if you are "done" with me..... (Does that me we are breaking up) Cause that's what it sounds like Brad..... You don't matter to my day to day life or my "reputation" so it does not matter if you are "done" with me or not I still have my opinions and I will voice them when I see fit.

Lovingly your,

I might add, that I certainly hope I don't come across as an arrogant prick. Yes, I am confident. Yes, I love to show off my saws. Where else can I do that than with you guys?:) But if I truely come across as arrogant, I'd like the people I respect to say so, and I'll try to make amends for it. That's not the kind of person I aim to be.
wow Maldeney?!?! Where's all this anger coming from? What has he done to you? If you don't like his posts, don't read them. I've been kinda biting my lip here, but this is an all out assault on him. Frank and him get along fine and the whole race chain debate never turned into this! Brad has yet to build a race saw. He builds woods ported saws. Good ones. Two of mine actually. The one on this thread and my 361. He, like many of us, races his woods port saws. I've seen his saws stay with EHP saws in hardwood. A little smack talking is a part of any racing. You've gone too far. Relax.
So maybe you do admit it??????:chainsaw:

I'm simply man enough to ask, and I wasn't asking you. I said people I respect.

Funny how you claim to know where I learned how to port, know all the accusations that were made, yet you don't hang out over there. It couldn't be any more ovbious than if you had it spray painted on your forehead. It's all driven by insecure jealousy and over inflated egos.
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