Baileys...steppin' it up...026 style

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I don't think I have gone too far, and I not angry at all. this doesn't all stem from Frank and Brad's race either. It is the entire histroy that I have seen of Brad's posts and of him.

I just feel he over play's what he does or is capable of doing. Just my opinion. :chainsaw:
I'm simply man enough to ask, and I wasn't asking you. I said people I respect.

Funny how you claim to know where I learned how to port, know all the accusations that were made, yet you don't hang out over there. It couldn't be any more ovbious than if you had it spray painted on your forehead. It's all driven by insecure jealousy and over inflated egos.

Suprised to hear from you Brad.... Don't string me along now.. I don't think my heart can take it.

I am a member over there.... Became one just shortly after the GTG in ohio last fall. Visited three times I believe and once to read up on the infamous Brad after said GTG. :yourock:
I've never claimed to be the best saw builder or to build the fastest saws. I do promise a very good job, neat careful work, and a fast turn around time. I think those that have my saws will all attest to that.
I've never claimed to be the best saw builder or to build the fastest saws. I do promise a very good job, neat careful work, and a fast turn around time. I think those that have my saws will all attest to that.

Now see that is an honest advertisement.

No inflation or Arrogance just the truth to the best of your abilities.
Brad, you don't seem arrogant to me, at all. I don't know if you respect me or not, but since we're all just telling it like we see it there it is.

As for Maldeny, your posts are uncalled for and frankly do portray a rather miserable person. Your observations are out of line and uncalled for. If the numbers really speak for themselves then let the numbers do the speaking. Don't bring this trash here. If you really have a problem with Brad you can try using the PM feature. Looks to me like you don't really have a problem, you just got up on the wrong side of the bed and went looking for something to kick.

Mr. HE:cool:
Suprised to hear from you Brad.... Don't string me along now.. I don't think my heart can take it.

I am a member over there.... Became one just shortly after the GTG in ohio last fall. Visited three times I believe and once to read up on the infamous Brad after said GTG. :yourock:

I would expect you to have no other opinion that what you do after being poisoned by the pathetic individuals that run and frequent that site. There's a reason I've never acquired another logon over there. I don't want to be there. That's not the kind of people I choose to hang out with. Of course there are a few exceptions that don't fall into that category and are my real friends. Not like the others that will stab you in the back if you step on their fragile egos.
Brad, you don't seem arrogant to me, at all. I don't know if you respect me or not, but since we're all just telling it like we see it there it is.

As for Maldeny, your posts are uncalled for and frankly do portray a rather miserable person. Your observations are out of line and uncalled for. If the numbers really speak for themselves then let the numbers do the speaking. Don't bring this trash here. If you really have a problem with Brad you can try using the PM feature. Looks to me like you don't really have a problem, you just got up on the wrong side of the bed and went looking for something to kick.

Mr. HE:cool:

Actually I am quite happy today thanks for asking. The numbers do speak I do believe do they not..... You can call it trash if you want but I still call it how I see it.

I would expect you to have no other opinion that what you do after being poisoned by the pathetic individuals that run and frequent that site. There's a reason I've never acquired another logon over there. I don't want to be there. That's not the kind of people I choose to hang out with. Of course there are a few exceptions that don't fall into that category and are my real friends. Not like the others that will stab you in the back if you step on their fragile egos.

Well speaking of EGOS... I guess I must have stepped on your today then... OOPS, Sorry, My Bad! :bowdown:
Well speaking of EGOS... I guess I must have stepped on your today then... OOPS, Sorry, My Bad! :bowdown:

There's a big difference here. You have attacked my honor today, not my ego. You came at me with a personal attack, with the intention of detroying my reputation. The fragile egos I speak of where hurt when I gained a measure of respect and began to see some of my own success. They wanted that for themselves. See the difference?
There's a big difference here. You have attacked my honor today, not my ego. You came at me with a personal attack, with the intention of detroying my reputation. The fragile egos I speak of where hurt when I gained a measure of respect and began to see some of my own success. They wanted that for themselves. See the difference?

Okay I guess I may have done both...

Arrogance=Personal qualities= HONOR

Abilities+Sales+customer base= REPUTATION



EGO+Maldeney=:kilt: (sorry closet I could come to stepping on something)
wow Maldeney?!?! Where's all this anger coming from? What has he done to you? If you don't like his posts, don't read them. I've been kinda biting my lip here, but this is an all out assault on him. Frank and him get along fine and the whole race chain debate never turned into this! Brad has yet to build a race saw. He builds woods ported saws. Good ones. Two of mine actually. The one on this thread and my 361. He, like many of us, races his woods port saws. I've seen his saws stay with EHP saws in hardwood. A little smack talking is a part of any racing. You've gone too far. Relax.

+1 I'm still kinda new here, and hope I'm not speaking out of turn. I have followed some of Brads posts, and I never got the feeling he was being arrogant, in fact I have seen where he admitted his own mistakes before. To me thats just being an honest stand up guy. Fatguy said it best, a little smack is part of racing, especially among friends. Just relax.
+1 I'm still kinda new here, and hope I'm not speaking out of turn. I have followed some of Brads posts, and I never got the feeling he was being arrogant, in fact I have seen where he admitted his own mistakes before. To me thats just being an honest stand up guy. Fatguy said it best, a little smack is part of racing, especially among friends. Just relax.

When I first came here I thought the same thing... Even when I read the thread over on the "Evil Empire Site" I thought man this guy gets a bad rap. Until going to a couple of GTG's and watching and listening, I changed my mind.
So do all of my saws have to win first in class for me to be a reputable builder? If that's the case, I might as well close shop. No ones ever going to acheive that. I don't measure my success just by what happens on race day. However, it does drive me to be better. And I enjoy that.
So do all of my saws have to win first in class for me to be a reputable builder? If that's the case, I might as well close shop. No ones ever going to acheive that. I don't measure my success just by what happens on race day. However, it does drive me to be better. And I enjoy that.

Sure????? Read back a little ways and look at my posts. I claim that you talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Put up or shut up...... RIGHT? Okay.....
Next time we're at a GTG, please, run one of the saws he's ported for me. No race chain, no cant,. Just the saw, sharp RSC and hardwood. You'll see he does good work. Is there anyone on this site that he's done work for that are unhappy with it?
I see a lot of you guys hanging out at the bottom of the page. Speak up and say what's on your mind.

Not taking sides here, don't know anyone personally, wanted to say that first. I know the "work" saws I race are pretty warm to be taking to the woods for a 10 hour day. They fit the rules, I'm not cheating, just pushing it as far as I can to try to win. I certainly would not sell one to someone that might abuse it. They wouldn't last. I'm sure any builder selling his work has to balance performance and reliablity. Then again, If I was trying to sell my work I would bring the fastest thing I could to a GTG. Winning a couple races here and there sure does help one's image .
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