Now how non canadian to Bitçh after 37 yrs.So do all of us in Canada.
Please just do the Canadian thing and Bitçh for three days and take it dry.
This is a long standing system that we acually enjoy. Taking it dry that is.,,well we must??
Now how non canadian to Bitçh after 37 yrs.So do all of us in Canada.
Its actually the volume of 100 f^3 It's funny because when I lived up in the pan all the heli cutters were talking mbf & Cunits and I thought "why in the heck are they using metric in the AK?
I thought Cunit was the proper term for cubic metre. It just sounds soooo metric to me.
LolHuh. Then a Cunit is just under 4 cubic yards, which is super weird but also super metric-sounding. I think my head might break.
So do all of us in Canada.
Now how non canadian to Bitçh after 37 yrs.
Please just do the Canadian thing and Bitçh for three days and take it dry.
This is a long standing system that we acually enjoy. Taking it dry that is.,,well we must??
You wouldn't like the U.P. The trees are small and the only cherries are in the extreme south east part. The skeeters are the size of grapes and the woodticks are thick.
Q. What do they do in the U.P. during the summer? A. If it falls on a Saturday they have a picnic.
Well New Mexico sucks other than the lax gun laws. I was just in Utah now that place is nice! same lax gun laws too!
Very true about the liquor laws I forgot about that. I was sick while I was up there so I wasn't thinking about it then. I do like my vodka mixers and good scotch. ideally I'd like to move to Alaska, Washington, Oregon maybe Colorado. Some place that actually gets some snow.
Nowdays COLORADO is a just a misspelling for CALIFORNIA. Don't consider it if you are a sane individual.
Q: How do you leave Colorado with a million bucks? A: Arrive with three Millon.
Oregone and Warshington have become the same. It is getting more liberal and expensive here every day. Higher taxes, higher cost of living, and a haven for homeless bums. These states are also becoming sanctuaries for illegals, like California.
Oh, and do not forget they are becoming more LGBTQ friendly as well. The governor of Oregone is one ugly *****-hetero (seems she cannot make up her mind what sex she is or prefers). The last mayor of Portland was a gay pedophile. The more queer, the better here!
That should not matter! Gawd, the same ol same ol about how a woman looks. You need some help. Maybe actually get to know somebody who might could be different from you. Or run away to Idaho. There's probably a few Nazi hangouts still there for you where you can bash anybody who dares to differ from you. Go.