Not really. slowp has been on my ignore list for a long time here. If she wants to embrace all the flaming liberal LGBTQ stuff, that is great. She is not even in my state, so I could care less. My issue is with the shoving all this LGBTQ crap down everyone's throats here. I could care less what they do among themselves, but ~they~ want to make it EVERYONE's issue here, including mine. So I have taken a political stance. Treat them equal, but not with endless special privileges. And, as seen here, if I have a contrarian opinion, I am called a NAZI. Highly amusing. I have no affiliation with the Nazis, or the white supremacists, or the militias, and my father fought the Nazis in the North Atlantic in WWII. Many of my friends are JEWS, hispanics and blacks (explain THAT, Ms Nazi-labeling slowp). Nor am I anti-LGBTQ. I just refuse to EMBRACE it. But noooooooo..... I am labeled a fascist anyway. By who? Someone who claims to know all about the PNW, labels me as a Nazi, and is so contrarian to what I see every day here in the PNW that it is pathetic (and why I tossed her on my iggy list long ago).
I am used to it though. I have a second cousin that is a lesbian and lives in NY. I removed her from my FB account because I was tired of all of her LGBTQ politics and issue posts. But oh no! If I do not openly EMBRACE gay rights, fanatically support all of their issues and leftist politics, I am an evil fascist gay-hating Nazi. In truth I do not care about gay rights or politics, either way. But it has become so political here now. This state is also becoming an openly illegal alien sanctuary, which I detest. OR and WA are so openly supportive of the homeless we have become a magnet for every bum in the US and Canada. I trip over homeless camps here wherever I go lately in Portland and Seattle. The states have also become a haven for LGBTQ issues, and they want a raft of special treatment for being what they are.
In the end? This last election was a referendum on these issues, and the Democratic party was voted down in spades across the nation. The Republicans now hold more offices in the US than any other time in history. The tide is against these leftist policies and issues, simply because they have gone too far. If you do not believe me, then listen to Bill Maher, who (to my shock) is saying the same thing. The leftists are flocking here to the west coast in droves it seems. And the likes of me are being forced out. Not just by politics, but by insane hikes in prices. My property has quadrupled since I bought it 6 years ago. Taxes are going up as well to support all the illegals and bums and special programs. The cost of living is also going way up. I can buy a nice place in Boise for 1/3 the price of this place, with more land and a newer house in it. So I will likely leave, and be happy doing so. And if all the lefties cheer me on for leaving? Hey, great. But really, up here in the Cascades, my neighbors are mostly conservatives. And politically speaking, it is conservative from here going east all the way to Illinois.