Here is Schaeffer's response to having one oil being JASO FD and TCW3 rated:
JASO FD is generally considered to have higher detergency and cleaning capabilities compared to TC-W3, meaning it is better at keeping the engine clean, while TC-W3 is primarily focused on lubrication and performance in marine applications like boat engines; however, both standards ensure adequate lubrication for two-stroke engines. When comparing TC-W3 and JASO FD oil specifications, TC-W3 has significantly lower ash content requirements, meaning it is considered "ashless" and is specifically designed to be very low in ash, while JASO FD allows for a higher ash level; this is because TC-W3 is primarily intended for marine outboard engines where low ash content is crucial to prevent exhaust system fouling, whereas JASO FD is a broader specification that can be used in various two-stroke engines with potentially higher ash content needs depending on application.
Essentially, our oil meets the TC-W3 ash requirements but since it also meets the higher detergency of JASO FD, it can meet both specifications.