I'm looking for some ideas. The woods that I deer hunt and cut firewood on is getting logged right now. It's just a select cut, so they are only taking the stuff that's in their size range, and they aren't doing any clean up. Lots of tops left. Enough to last me 10 years if it didn't rot. Most of this farm/woods is a couple of very deep, steep ravines. Now that the loader has made some new logging roads, I'm going to have an easier time accessing them than I otherwise would have, but I'm still going to have a hard time getting a truck in to most of it. I have a 2003 yamaha big bear 400 that I normally use to retrieve deer, and drag smaller logs out, but on some of the big stuff (they are only taking the trunks) that they are leaving, I'd spend all day trying to drag a few limbs out. I have a small 4 wheel trailer that I use around the house to haul firewood up from the stacks out back. It's one of those cheap ones that you can buy at TSC with the 10" pneumatic tires. I've found the hard way that it won't actually haul anything close to the 1000 lbs that it's rated at. Anyway, I'm looking for suggestions and ideas for getting the wood out. That would be better ways to drag it (currently its the ATV and a log chain) or better ways to haul it out once it's been cut to length. Hauling it out once it's cut sounds better to me so that I'm not destroying my saw chains on dirty wood. I don't mind having to build something, but I'd like to keep the cost under $150.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?