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A big red gum my son was using the 880 on. The butt of tree was considerably bigger.

Here's a few of mine. Nothing special here but a few reasonable sized trees...

My old 660 with 32" bar. It was about 60" at it's widest point and had that much termite sand in it I gave up. It was destroying chains and the bar...


My 3120 and 60" bar. Only "just" made it through on this pine log...


My old 390XPG and 32" bar with a semi rotten Tasmanian Blue Gum. This tree was getting close to 180' tall after measuring later. At the time I though it was about 140'...


My 390XP and 36" bar plus a Stringybark...


Plus a few big Stringybarks in Tasmania at the Tahune Air Walk (protected tourist area) with my mate and his kid(s) in the photos..



And a very large fallen Tasmanian Blue Gum on my mate's property. This looked to have fallen over in some pretty major bushfires in the 60's. I really wanted to lay into it with a saw but the way it was partly buried and considering it was nearly inaccessible I decided against it. If I'd have got my 60" bar stuck it'd still be there. At it's widest point it was about 9' (108"). I am 6'3" and this tree looked to have sunken into the ground a fair way. The whole valley was clear felled in the 60's according to locals and this log is a good 5' wider than any remaining trees in the area that I've seen...

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Hi guy's here is a nice forest red gum 70in at the butt end,will get a better pic of it when its off our truck it has been cut into 3logs so we could load it, was way to big to lift with our loader..the ms880 is just there for size and not at the butt end of the was cut down with a 3120xp Husky and Darren Hoffman was the man behind the saw he works for us..yeah and all done with only a 25in bar of the logs are ironbark we cut up a truck load like this every day....we do it all log and mill the logs....if some one could make them into pics that would be great thanks..View attachment 235211View attachment 235212View attachment 235213View attachment 235214



Hi guy's here is a nice forest red gum 70in at the butt end,will get a better pic of it when its off our truck it has been cut into 3logs so we could load it, was way to big to lift with our loader..the ms880 is just there for size and not at the butt end of the was cut down with a 3120xp Husky and Darren Hoffman was the man behind the saw he works for us..yeah and all done with only a 25in bar of the logs are ironbark we cut up a truck load like this every day....we do it all log and mill the logs....if some one could make them into pics that would be great thanks..View attachment 235211View attachment 235212View attachment 235213View attachment 235214

Nice lumps of wood mate but you sure that Redgum log is 70"? Just checkin :)
lol yeah there is one more pic with me holding a tape showing 70 should be 4 pics all up,when its off the truck i will get a better pic of the tape showing its on the log...think its more a few would be thinking no way you could fall a 70in log with a 25in bar,but thats as long a bar we run 25in, not much you cant cut down with a 25in bar if ya know what ya doing........but yeah will get better pics showing size ;) a few weeks we will be doing some big gums as big and bigger than this log will get some pics and vids of falling them with a 25in bar ,its a time thing its faster with a 25in bar cutting and walking to the next im not saying long bars are no good thats just how we cut is all lol.... and we only run 404 RS Stihl chain....

Hey no worries mate. I just saw the 880 sitting next to the log on the truck and didn't quite see 70" :) You're correct on the bar size though. General rule of thumb is 3 x bar size but I've seen trees felled with way less of a bar ratio than that, it's just far more time consuming and less efficient :cheers:
hi all,here is some better pics of that forest red gum this is the butt end 70in at its widest,the saw sitting on top of the log is a ms660 with 25in bar...:) View attachment 235355View attachment 235356

That's more like it :D That's a nice lump of wood too. With the odd exception most of the Redgums that large in our area have been eaten out with Termites :cheers:
I dunno Randy, in wood that size my 090 would beat my stock 088. If the wood was smaller then it's all 088. In the big wood (60+ inch) the 090 shines. Dare I say even above my beloved Mac 125.
If both the 090 and 088 were wearing 60" bars buried in this hardwood then the 090 will most likely win even if its up against a woods ported 088. But he wrote that the longest bar they run is 25",this has me interested as its only cutting or buried in 2 feet of wood- territory where the 088 would be faster.
Hi,we only run 25in bars on our work saw's 88 and 66,we do have an 090 but it has a 27in bar,all our saw's run 404 RS stihl chain and never run skip chain no need..but even with the bars we run the saw's work hard to pull the chain in our hard far as or 090 goes it out cuts the 88's easy its not about speed in our wood ya need grunt its hard wood...anyways here is a pic of one of dads old 090 i did up its as good as a new 090 and goes hard smoke's the 88's lol...;)...yeah ive got some nice big logs i can run an 088 and ms880 and 090 in and make a vid see what out cuts what if ya like....;) View attachment 235435

I recall seeing your 088 and 090 restos on ######### is the name i think of the forum and it is very impressive to say the least:clap: the two look like factory new.

You know what you have good point there about running only 25" or maybe in my case id go with a 28" bar even on the 088 as ive noticed once you go over 32-36" bar it gets akward, over 4 feet it gets extremly akward both due to manuvering with and also ####ing around with thrown chains. With skiptooth I also agree that it is pointless unless you're on the west coast or anywhere else theres truely huge trees and you need long bars- longer than what the saw is intended to run and buried fully in wood. Stihl chain is the hardest I think and it stays sharp the longest so it makes sense to run only it. But what is the rational behind .404 chain- I have heard that it stays sharper longer but it is slower than 3/8" seeing as it has a wider kerf thus cutting more wood out. But is there something else to it???

That would be great if you could make those vids as they would show IMO that for its intended purposes where torque is king- big and super hardwood the 090 was the best that Stihl made.
Westhaven as in Trinidad? dad lived in Stafford..near scotia on the Eel and i lived in eureka and arcata and worked at coastal tree service for a bit and with "that tree guy
" and on my own, i know that tree guy too..i was having a really hard time finding housing so ive been living in socal where people have complex's over their

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