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Tom,Are you using chainsaws or billhooks.I am being taught to use billhooks & other traditional handtools.Over the next few weeks i will be harvesting the coppice & sorting through it to get the best produce out,i.e binders etc.
I am being taught through the Greenwood Trust & can gain level 1 & 2 OCN accredited qualification.
Ross Turner said:
Tom,Are you using chainsaws or billhooks.I am being taught to use billhooks & other traditional handtools.
If you are using bills etc are you using the new crap tools that are being churned out? If so get around a few car boot sales and look out for the old "Hedgehog" bills, They sharpen up far better and hold the edge far longer due to higher quality steel. Plus I find they have a better balance, whick makes them less tiring.
Big A said:
If you are using bills etc are you using the new crap tools that are being churned out? If so get around a few car boot sales and look out for the old "Hedgehog" bills, They sharpen up far better and hold the edge far longer due to higher quality steel. Plus I find they have a better balance, whick makes them less tiring.

I have seen a few old billhooks of which i am hoping to buy one of the Newtown styles which is printed in an old & i mean old tool catalogue,was also looking at the fiskars clearing axe/knife for smaller stuff.
Also use a 10" jungle knife (ex-Army) made by Alligator, its MEAN but the handle needed taping to reduce the slippage from my grip! its also good for splitting thatching brauches and the like, not that I do many nowadays. :)
we'v been experimenting - useing brush cutters with maxi blades is quick but makes a mess of the stool - chainsaws simmilar, got my own billhook - it was my grandads and its solid as a rock. found that secaters are good for 1 and 2 year old stuff and means you dont have to go back and tidy the stool up.
Big A said:
If you are using bills etc are you using the new crap tools that are being churned out? If so get around a few car boot sales and look out for the old "Hedgehog" bills, They sharpen up far better and hold the edge far longer due to higher quality steel. Plus I find they have a better balance, whick makes them less tiring.

Agree. Never buy bulldog billhooks. I don't think they're even forged, they're just stamped out of mild steel plate by the looks of it. If you see an old billhook with "Elwell" stamped on it, then buy it! They're the best. You can get some decent new ones, and I'd suggest one from Alec Morris & Sons in Devon. I find my Yorkshire from there holds an edge quite well.
Brits-I was born in Huddersfield, Yorkshire but I have lived in Canada since I was 4. I have a Brit passport and was last there in 99. I'm a utility arborist by trade, I climb with spurs mostly around powerlines. I do best on removals and land clearing, also have juvenile spacing experience. Not a prima donna, not scared to drag brush or muscle wood. Would any one there hire a guy like me or would I be shunned for being a hack? Here to log, not fek the dog kind of guy.
Clearance,The way you describe your climbing method is what fountain forestry expect from there guys,I know as i used to be a team leader for them.My last job was utility but i only used spikes(spurs) on whole tree removals.So the answer to your question is yes there are a few companies whole employ your type.
Clearance, I dont believe that you are a hack, as you asked the question shows that you care. I believe that each person has different merits and attributes that can be used to enhance a company. No two people are the same, as long as they're willing to listen and learn that's all that matters.
Big A thanks for that. Hack is a word of abuse that I have chosen to own. Kind of like black men calling each other the n word as a greeting.
i use spikes on dismantles / take downs, in fact did a 60 ft co dom syc in a place called guisborough on thursday they make the work much safer especially on smooth bark`d trees
don`t use them on pruning / reduction jobs as they damage the tree too much
you don`t sound like a hack -- hack`s are scruffy, little rigger booted blokes, in transit vans who use 12 yr old kids as groundy`s
hi clearance ,if you have good climbing skill's then there is no reason why you could not become a decent climbing arborist,it's not rocket sicence correct prunning is pretty simple ,half a dozen job's with me would soon put you on the rite path...another thing hack's don't hang out on AS....There usualy down the pub or racing stock car's that kind of thing :) ....why don't you buy a cheap book by alex shigo according to STEPHENBULLMAN .there a great little book for begginer arborist's anther good book is the tree climbers companion...
Best pull out of the of the pub carpark and go banger racing b4 I come on here again. Anyone know where I can get a new pair of rigger boots as the sole fell of mine today changing the white transit tyre. Anyone got any tips on how to wear spikes over riggers as the baler twine I tie them on with keeps snapping! Shigo cuts? Bo**ox to that! Can't beat flush cuts as it's so much quicker to spike back down the tree without those horrible bits sticking out in the way of me strop! :p
Clearance,As a utility arborist are you expected to cut so much per day to make your wage?as most companies over here get paid £££ per k of overhead lines & expect their employees to cut as much as possible without a thought about the health of the tree.
As Rolla said have a look at a few books from the likes of Dr A Shigo,N.D james & even some of the ISA books.
iain said:
don`t use them on pruning / reduction jobs as they damage the tree too much

Even though i dont use spike's whilst prunning i'm not so sure that using spike's 'SPAREINGLY' on prunning job's is any more harmfull than the 'DOZENS' of prunning cut's we inflict on the tree
Even though i dont use spike's whilst prunning i'm not so sure that using spike's 'SPAREINGLY' on prunning job's is any more harmfull than the 'DOZENS' of prunning cut's we inflict on the tree

horse`s for course`s m8 a pruning cut done correctly will barrier up, a spike thro the outer bark into cambium won`t

if folks use m on tpo or amenity trees n the local arb off might have kittens