hi rolla
i appreciate where your coming from, re the codit model sorry barrier was a poor choice of word, however spikes cause undue injury, this is why the tree will compartmentalise the damaged area to reduce decay and the invasion by the nasties,
however, the point i was mereley trying to make was this, the use of spikes can be seen as willful and the wilfull damage of trees ( tpo etc), is what gets lads in the ****,
i choose not to use spike`s unless the tree is being removed, so as not to slip up one day and end up facing prosecution.
pruning can be a drag and some may well be unneccessary, that maybe , due to a lack of knowledge on the part of the client, who could be guided by reputable co`s, however, some simply won`t pay for proffesional rates, unfortunatley people often take advice from those, who are on the face of it cheapest, usually resulting in poor advice and service
in my experience most people don`t want to pay for, what doesn`t want doing, and rightly so !, although sometimes the old phrase `bullsh1t baffles brains` applys
we do more take downs than pruning for the private sector, mainly because the the trees have been neglected / or hacked to save money, in-life you get what you pay for ! false economy really,
any hoo hows the new dude doing