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Hi again guys. Did what most of you suggested and got some companies to give me a demo on new machines. Have so far seen
Greenmech - 6 inch machine with a 26hp engine. Had a wide feed mouth but struggled on the bigger wood. Stalled it once, but they did say they would beat anyones price. Overall not that impressed. Looked quite complicated and had round blades. Has anyone used these. They say they could last upto 1500 hours.
Timberwolf 150dh. This chipped everything i could get in it. Got a good discount but not as cheap as Greenmech. Demo bloke said he could give me a list of at least 20 users in my area if i needed some independant advice. Looked really simple to work on and the dealer is only 3 miles away. Going to get the list and call some people.
Jensen 530. This like the Timberwolf chipped everything that went in. Guy was very forceful and slagged the others. Promised lots of aftersales, but think he was just after me to say yes there and then. Looked quite complcated. Had 2 feed rollers but only one motor and shafts and gears. Does anyone know of any problems with these. Lots of greasing needed each day or so.

Overall for my 10 - 11k i think TW150 might be best bet but will wait until spoken to a few people. Does anyone know a good s/h chipper dealer.
treebusta - greenmech arf arf arf lol - if u want a money burning party i'll give you my address!!(my humble opinion only). jensen - germans who think they can trade off the german label and that we brits are sucker enough to believe that just cos its german it must be good - its not! i've been told by several that their after sales and warranty AND spares supply/cost SUCK. 2B avoided!!! timberwolf - went to the factory yesterday and impressed. they didnnt slagoff others, just showed me their own performance - pretty dam good. if you want a cheap s/h machine though you'll end up with jensen or greenmech cos the trade in and s/h values are CR*P. try getting a tw s/h for a snip - you cant! that just about says it all.
Jockie. Didn't spot me heh. Guess you wont be getting your fiver off anyone then!!!! Glad you enjoyed the visit though. Would invite anyone who wanted to come. Good for users to see all the work that goes into making a chipper. Not as easy as it looks.
jockie - thanx for that. thinking along the same lines as me. Timberwolf impressed with knowledge and knowhow Jensen bloke just not very nice. Got impression just wanted my money. Go t news for him though. He's not gonna get it. Gonna speak to some Timberwolf users but think minds already made up.
Jockie - that would be telling. Keep guessing
Treebusta - Glad u liked the 150. How did u come up wit your name. Did you know TW used to make a machine called that.
1st guy I worked for had one. Quite old but good little machine. Never forgot the name. It was yellow though, Thought timberwolfs were orange. Were you the guy showing me the chipper? If it was you did a good job.
Treebusta.Timberwolf chippers are made be Entec Industries. The old chippers were yellow. Changed completely to Orange in 2001. Wasn't me who did demo but know who it was. Will tell him You said hello.
yes 2 climbers, it was a big awkward sod of a tree which was bigger than when we 1st looked at it. job was in the dales at langthwaite and all arisings were to be burnt by some poor sod!!! not enough height on tree to drop big lumps so lots of end work pulling up and over. good fun but hard work

we have been production felling for the past 2 weeks, great fun, going through 5 nearly 6 fills a day, hard as feck knocking them down into the wind (as there are houses behind). there are 3 of us on it 2 felling and the boss in the forwarder.

my forearms are burning from melting highlifters into the back of every tree. Andy (the other feller) has the skidder to pull over the roadsiders and im having fun trying to outsmart the wind, hit the wedges when the wind drops then rest when it blows again.

what really bugged me was when some guy appeared behind me while i was belting the wedges in then he pipes up with "you nearly there, just a few more hits, oh almost nearly just a few more, oh, oh, oh there it goes. that looks like hard work".

iain said:
tree buster 2nd hand try i`ve had two from them, be very thorough when you look over the machine`s
in life you get what you pay for !

I got my tw150 from mason's. 4 months after buying it I was having the rotor rebuilt - plus the roller motor splines were worn out. Bill to put it all right = £2000. :angry:
nice pics.looked like a big sycamore i wouldn't want to be the sap that has to clear it up
Had a cushy day coppicing, banging down 60foot sycs all day GREAT FUN!!! :) i dont think anything was over 8in diameter whippy as hell.
Acer said:
I got my tw150 from mason's. 4 months after buying it I was having the rotor rebuilt - plus the roller motor splines were worn out. Bill to put it all right = £2000. :angry:

i`ve had two from mason
i have had problem`s with both, even had the road wheel and brake drum fall off :angry: :dizzy: i won`t be doing it again

be carefull
iain said:
i`ve had two from mason
i have had problem`s with both, even had the road wheel and brake drum fall off :angry: :dizzy: i won`t be doing it again

be carefull

You as well! I was hoping to get a few people together to see if we could get to trading standards or even HSE. If he's fiddling about with them but doesn't know what he's doing, surely that's illegal under PUWER? Trouble is, I'm up to my eyeballs in work right now, and I've no time to fight this sort of stuff. Plus, I don't think I'll get anywhere. I bought it, the warranty's up, my tough luck. I should have looked at it more carefully. :rolleyes:

The local timberwolf dealer did a great job putting it right, dropped everything and turned it round in 2 days (My wallet's still hurting though). I did find something out..I was told that Mason touts around for all the old part-ex nails and buys them up for around £2500 or so, then bangs em out with a new coat of paint on for £7500.. He had done stuff to mine, and the bearings were new, he just hadn't put it back together properly or done the other stuff that needed doing and should have been done.