Cheers! Nice to see that this thread is thriving. We recently had some in-laws over from Sunderland, England, & Falkirk & Helensborough, Scotland. It was good to see them. Well, most of them

I don't mean to derail the thread, but I had an interesting convesation with Phil, one of my B-I-Ls who is a site manager for a company that has a contract to refurbish/rebuild council housing. He told me about some of the guidelines & laws that they have to follow. I know that regulations in Britain, & elsewhere, had came up many times in this thread.
The company no longer allows the use of chainsaws, petrol or elec, because of the regulations involved. Also they can't (at least aren't supposed to) do any work from a ladder, must use a proper scaffold for any work being done off the ground. Hand-held power tool useage is regulated (can only use certain tools for certain lengths of time). Phil says they (I've forgotten the names of the regulatory agencies) measured the vibration of the tools, & calculated how long it could be used; seems they're concerned about white knuckle disease. He said the company employs people to go to the sites, & view them as though they were agency inspectors, & this' done at two levels.
My question to Phil was, with all of the rules & regulations

, how do you get any actual work done?
I've prattled on enough.