build off challange

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I haven't even started on my 064/066. Yes, it's ported, but I don't think it's a contender at this point. I've got a good idea where I'm going with it though.

Mines together and running, probably start porting it in a few weeks. In all honesty, I don't really expect to do that good in the 66 buildoff, but it will defiently be fun.:rock:
You shouldn't make yourself sound stupid. Get real man. compare two completely different saws, and that's how you come to a conclusion on who is a better builder?

Sometimes its better to remain quiet and let people think your a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt!!

Just like you ya friggin POSER. Your way too much of coward to enter the 390 build off. hell Will, same ole story with the 372 build. They even offfered to pay for your shippin the 372 there and you still wouldnt do it. So really Will, if your not even in this build off and you say why is there a target on my back, im not even a builder then why even comment in this thread? Call me a fool? Youve stepped over the line Will. Wheres it say I cant brag on Scott? Sure are other people braggin on other builders. Im gonna quit postin in scotts thread as i dont wanna get it locked. I surely hope there will be a 395 build.
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You shouldn't make yourself sound stupid. Get real man. compare two completely different saws, and that's how you come to a conclusion on who is a better builder?

Sometimes its better to remain quiet and let people think your a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt!!

Clean your PM box out ya slapper:hmm3grin2orange:
Just like you ya friggin POSER. Your way too much of coward to enter the 390 build off. hell Will, same ole story with the 372 build. They even offfered to pay for your shippin the 372 there and you still wouldnt do it. So really Will, if your not even in this build off and you say why is there a target on my back, im not even a builder then why even comment in this thread? Call me a fool?

Just like me??? LOL, I'm not the one running around all over this site publicly flogging Scott. Nobody offered to pay my shipping on the 372 FYI. Why would I enter the 390 build? I have no desire to send my saw 2/3's the way across North America for a build off that means nothing in the end. I do this for the fun of it, that's it, I don't do builds for anybody. I did a saw for the 460 build off? What about that? I can comment anywhere I want just like you, don't have to be in the build to be here in this thread.

I just don't agree with some of the stuff your saying that's all, I think its a little out a line. Others agree with me too. Maybe I'm just the only one that stands up and says so.

Anway, I'm still laughing, I thought it was funny, you should probably find the humor in it, I'm sure most others do.
Will they let you carry on a chainsaw?:hmm3grin2orange:

I can speak to that, I flew to a GTG in Ohio a few years back and checked my bag (in Boston with a saw in it :msp_rolleyes:) .... Well the TSA opened my bag in Atlanta (connection Flt) and took the saw out. When I got to Ohio I opened the bag because it felt light :mad2:. Long story short, one of my brothers works at Heartsfeild airport and found the saw in the TSA holding to be destroyed area and saved it. They said they took it out because it smelled...can you say KLOTZ! No gas no oil, just smelled.

Never would try and carry one on though.
I can speak to that, I flew to a GTG in Ohio a few years back and checked my bag (in Boston with a saw in it :msp_rolleyes:) .... Well the TSA opened my bag in Atlanta (connection Flt) and took the saw out. When I got to Ohio I opened the bag because it felt light :mad2:. Long story short, one of my brothers works at Heartsfeild airport and found the saw in the TSA holding to be destroyed area and saved it. They said they took it out because it smelled...can you say KLOTZ! No gas no oil, just smelled.

Never would try and carry one on though.

Rick(riverrat) came out here in the summer and brought one with him for me to port for the 460 build. That was even through customs and everything, he packaged it very well though in a box all wrapped up.
Trying to fly commercially with a saw or saws is a crap shoot. When I was on the Hotshot crew, we had to fly to Montana once and we were taking all of our saws (6 saw kits wrapped tightly in ballistic nylon bags with heavy polyethylene liners.) American airlines confiscated the saw kits and wouldn't let us have them. We had to have a Forest Service LEO + special agent come out and get the saws back.
I already called it on the first page d00d! :D :p

Deewd, I know!! I had confidence that cooler heads would prevail and that civility would rule the day. When I saw the rapid decline in tact and manners come about I knew I better strike a claim before it was to late.

BTW, did he really say kornhowle????...:hmm3grin2orange:
Screw that! Haven't you seen the video of the FedEx Guys chucking boxes, my arse is fragile! I was just in Memphis a couple months back, I had some good BBQ while I was there:clap:

Frank, there's nothing fragile about you. Maybe your pinkie toe nail, the one you always seem to stub when getting up to go to the bathroom.

I want to see an ebay $200 dollars build off...can pick any pile of used stuff for $200 and build it into the fastest saw possible. No limitations other than $200 of ebayed materials.

That would be interesting, or it could also be the "back of the saw shop" junk pile build- A pile of parts from the back of a saw shop made into a mean runner...
Frank, there's nothing fragile about you. Maybe your pinkie toe nail, the one you always seem to stub when getting up to go to the bathroom.

That would be interesting, or it could also be the "back of the saw shop" junk pile build- A pile of parts from the back of a saw shop made into a mean runner...

That's a cool idea, man I gots some junk piled up in the back of the shop....
I want to see an ebay $200 dollars build off...can pick any pile of used stuff for $200 and build it into the fastest saw possible. No limitations other than $200 of ebayed materials.

Thats a cool idea!!!

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