You don't like people making up things you said? 'Give it a rest', to quote you directly.
I can now see since it's game set and match that I've done what's needed to warn people about the dangers of pine or any wood I can now leave you to go back to your myths and unqualified opinions as well as red herrings to be the best arguments you can make on anything anywhere.
Since it has been extensively demonstrated that nobody in this thread will resort to any kind of alternative scientific evidence posting to counter my points and definitions and it has now resorted to plain outright lying; since people are so angry at being wrong I will now leave you all to further debase this thread and go back to business as usual. Not everybody likes the truth even if it will help them and this one of those cases where really NOBODY likes it so I bid you ado and you can now go back to giving bad advice and hopefully nobody will have dire consequences because of it.
Make up whatever you want and you'll be smug in knowing how right you are! It is now gospel because YOU said so and nobody will disagree. Burn, burn, burn!