Can You Make Any Money Doing Firewood?

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Here in cabool Mo you can make a killing on firewood I was selling as late as mid April. I sell mine $35 a rank and $105 a cord Ind when its cold people buy it like crazy.
Here in cabool Mo you can make a killing on firewood I was selling as late as mid April. I sell mine $35 a rank and $105 a cord Ind when its cold people buy it like crazy.

I wouldn't get off the couch if I had to sell wood that cheap! I gave no idea what a "rank" is but $105/cord?
I sell tree length loads for more than that.
Here in Quebec, you pay 300$ for a cord of 8ft logs (8ft x 8ft x 4ft) minus shiiping, and a cord of firewood (16") varies depending where you are (95$-135$) shipping included.
I wont sell a cord of hardwood here for any less than 300 cut split and delivered..i will keep it before i sell for am think i may up my price to 350 this fall too when the rush starts
I wont sell a cord of hardwood here for any less than 300 cut split and delivered..i will keep it before i sell for am think i may up my price to 350 this fall too when the rush starts
Wow! There's a big price difference depending on the location! Which part of canada are you?
Here they try to convert people to heat their houses with something else (fuel, propane) because they say fireplace cause more pollution than anything else.. Weird government.
The beer can pick up truck guys sell a truckload of "just cut-well seasoned" firewood for as little as 45 dollars, it'll have fist sized knot holes full of dirt and mouse nest, ants,,I wouldn't give 30 dollars a load for some of the crap they're selling.
It's been a few years ago, I was wanting some "shed money", and I was getting 55 dollars for a level p/u truck load, we call 'em "ricks" around here, about a 1/3 of a chord. Truly seasoned, under roof, clean straight mixed hardwoods.
Over here in the land down under in my area (colder than most) they are selling firewood for around $300 per tonne which is around 2200lb. Thats a bit more than half a cord? but its very dense wood so hard to tell.

Would be good money if you could cut and split a cord a day but its so hard you need an industrial hydraulic splitter and sharpening chains is never ending. So yes good money but it also costs money to make it.
Here in Quebec, you pay 300$ for a cord of 8ft logs (8ft x 8ft x 4ft) minus shiiping, and a cord of firewood (16") varies depending where you are (95$-135$) shipping included.

you guys over there are weird in your measurements, i once had an arguement with a quebecistanian about what a cord was. of course, he was talking about a face cord which IS NOT a cord. now i'm hearing you say 8x8x4? where the heck do you guys learn this ****. or are french numbers ass backwards just like the spelling :p :D
you guys over there are weird in your measurements, i once had an arguement with a quebecistanian about what a cord was. of course, he was talking about a face cord which IS NOT a cord. now i'm hearing you say 8x8x4? where the heck do you guys learn this ****. or are french numbers ass backwards just like the spelling :p :D
Well, I don't know what you're talking about either :D
An 8ft-log cord (8ft x 8ft x 4ft) gives "theorically" 5 cords of firewood (16in x 8ft x 4ft)... How you guys measure it in the western?
4x4x8 is a cord here and is worth 2-$400 depending on type and how dry the wood is ,if you look hard some guys will be $160 a cord ,but some of those guys are scary to deal with too .
I remember back in the 90s my dad would sell it a 70.00 a cord, basically extra income. During the hard winter months Dec. through March. a cord can go for 120 for oak and 150 for hickory. The last load of wood I saw for 50 dollars was nothing but icestorm damage limbs covered in ice cut in sections.
Well, I don't know what you're talking about either :D
An 8ft-log cord (8ft x 8ft x 4ft) gives "theorically" 5 cords of firewood (16in x 8ft x 4ft)... How you guys in the rest of the world measure?

fixed :D we measure as brian stated, same with everyone right up to 5 km's from the Ontario/Quebec border, i swear you guys are in your own little world. LOL even the quebecistanians come here and try tell all the locals they're wrong. your measurements equal a tad over a legit 2 cords and 6 face cords which is how everyone i've met from quebec measures. bottom line, quebec never has and never will make sense. no insult to you it's just funny. you guys get more money for the wood then people who measure legally.

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