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Michael, for each of these fellas bringing a $3000 hotsaw, is there going to be any "show" money? How many tropies and prizes of money can we expect you to provide?
Personally, I'm hoping to provide everyone a hot dog and a hamburger. Maybe everyone but David Harsh will get some baked beans. David is gonna call soon about a port-a-john. There will be wood there for every saw to cut. I expect our participants to enjoy themselves by their fellowship with each other. The saws will simply be the common denominator that brings us together. I hope you don't get disappointed when the entire world doesn't make it. It only takes a handfull of friends to make a successfull GTG.
We proved that last fall. This one will be bigger, yes, and we like that. But there's absolutely NO REASON to set ourselves up for DISAPOINTMENT. I know you're excited and full of anticipation, but please don't burst into flames!
true it about fun but i know thier going be a few ppl comeing with hotsaws and they will be makeing some cuts with them i know who they are and what saws im not saying thier names it going 2 be a supries or what saws but lets all have fun at gtg. no show money or tropies they are just comeing show them off and make some cuts and have fun.