Huge amounts of hot wind being spewed here. Been too busy to indulge for a couple of days but noted the leaves trembling on my trees and the prevailing wind as usual was from the direction of Arboristsite. Gads of pontificating, grand standing (LXT(eet) didn't yo daddy AA run ya off with threats of a lawsuit few weeks ago? We all saw it.....humiliating....ouch....left ************ in question) and blustering (who is this new fool Peonis?).
Anyhoo, so as not to join the long "passing air" club I will make my point....
Don't mean poo what you fools thank bout this new cert. Like the 2 gentlemen I met from the huge metropolis of Atlanta , Georgia said, " you will NOT remove as much as a sapling as big as my middle finger that is pointed at you, even in your very back yard on private property without a permit from (guess what) the city's Certified ISA Tree Risk assessor" THE REAL TREE RISK ASSESSOR OF THE UNIVERSE.......this will come to all of you in drips and drabs.....count on it. Just the same as city's have taken to excluding anyone without the much maligned CA to even as much as trim an adventitious shoot of a tree on private property soon. Laws are being run past city councils and then being enforced and adjucated as I type.
This new Cert. as stated has been developed and administered by the PNW Chapter of the ISA and will shortly be taken over by the ISA at large. Those with current cert. will be transferred in. They, and others will have to take specialty specific ceu's and at the end of 4 years be required to re take the course (without the test if current) which will be....
drastically different and evolved from scientific input. Could go into it much more but the audience here renders the effort a waste of calories expended.
In summary: The credential is already gonna be around til way after the cows come home...and will make obsolete the self important, delusional self proclaimed expert with the knowledge of the years of mankind in his little pea brain to draw from. Good luck to ya. Maybe the real experts will hire you for some of the lower level stuff outside of assessment and mitigation like maybe knocking down a no brainer or two if you lick their butts.:hmm3grin2orange:
Please continue wasting your time complaining about something that already exists and cannot possibly be changed esp. by a bunch intellectually challenged, lazy hayseeds.