lol, u guys will fight over anything! I get the certs because, although I realize the cert does not make the arb, it does make you more appealing to the customer, if you are lucky enough to have a customer who cares, and that is different from place to place. There are many guys on here who don't have any certs, that have more knowledge than me, no biggie, they choose not to get it, I did. Believe me, I agree that there are many CA's that have never even been in a tree, not cool, but I deal with it. Nothing I can do about it. Like TV said, its coming, we cant change that. Me, I will get on board, not because I want to flash it around, but because paper is everything, people love to feel that they have the best and paper helps that along. I do agree that they, need to consolidate all of them, like many off you, I don't have the time, or the money to do all of them, all the time. Right now I am working on my Muni and CTSP. I will get the CTRA when I am done with the others. I have alot of experience, however, every time I study, I pick up something new, maybe its not a huge gain , but all the little ones add up and each day I get more and more edumacated. I understand the frustration, its no fun when your not certified and you know damn well that you are better than the guy who is. That's why I went after it, was tired of losing jobs to a book arb, that had never even put on a saddle. I will say this, I do feel like I accomplished something when I passed the test. I would work to the same standards with or without the CA and did for years, only when they made it computer based and available locally, did I find the time to get it done. Now that I have, it has opened doors. I realize that there are many on here who could teach all of us a thing or two, but no matter how much knowledge you have, if you cant prove it............. These certs are a way of providing proof that you had enough knowledge to atleast pass the test. It also lets the customer know that you are not some joker who watched some of AA videos and now thinks he can do what we do. You may be the best in your area, but what separates you from AA (I'll leave that one out there!) in the eyes of the customer?
These walnuts that I am on right now (pics coming as soon as I get a new I-Phone cord!) I was $500 more than Davey and several others. I pulled out my binder with all my certs, license's,insurance and bonds. I got the job, just because he felt that he was in the best hands with me. Davey could have done this just the same as me, and they have a few CA's on staff, but I had the paper.
Dont like all the certs!, I understand, but don't beat us up for going after it! Some of you guys on here absolutely have the knowledge,I really don't understand why ya don't get it, it sure isn't going to hurt you!
I love how AA has become a reference for all things bad in the tree world. How fitting.
Now everybody cool your jets and remember, you could be in a "dangerous" tree

to all