Certified Tree Risk Assessor

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Yeah I know, I tried to hold back.. it was just the statement I quoted bothered me. that and your new sig makes me wanna sock it in the side of the head. It's all good though, I'll still take the beer! lol.


Sorry to hurt your feelings Mds didn't realize you were so sensitive... *********! Don't worry i'll have that cert soon but i'll look out for ya Mds you can have my table scraps
"I just figured out why people lurk,,,,,,,, cause this is good. That is why."

Things that slow in San diego? :biggrin:

The knuckles are plowing down to the hardpan...:notrolls2:
Sorry to hurt your feelings Mds didn't realize you were so sensitive... *********! Don't worry i'll have that cert soon but i'll look out for ya Mds you can have my table scraps

In all seriousness are you saying that guys with this certification opionons are gonna be the only ones that matter and get work. because the CA thing hasnt done much for me and i live in pa also. Almost 100% of the time people dont know what the ISA is and the tree work is awarded to the lowest bidder. I have CA on staff for the municipal work that we do but in that sense it also wasnt mandatory for us to have. I cant say that i have seen a profit gain from it. sure its good to have the knowledge and i would also consider doing this but if its like the CA think i wouldnt expect to get rich off of it. We get to buy the fancy toys by taking down big trees. and 9 times out of ten the HO already has thier mind made up.
In all seriousness are you saying that guys with this certification opionons are gonna be the only ones that matter and get work. because the CA thing hasnt done much for me and i live in pa also. Almost 100% of the time people dont know what the ISA is and the tree work is awarded to the lowest bidder. I have CA on staff for the municipal work that we do but in that sense it also wasnt mandatory for us to have. I cant say that i have seen a profit gain from it. sure its good to have the knowledge and i would also consider doing this but if its like the CA think i wouldnt expect to get rich off of it. We get to buy the fancy toys by taking down big trees. and 9 times out of ten the HO already has thier mind made up.

No and maybe, i'm not looking to make a killing off of this cert and I probably won't either, I think it's a good cert to have maybe better then the CA. The CA is a little to general at least it was when I took it, this cert goes much deeper and from talking to others the test is hard. It will definatly come in handy in lots of situations.
No and maybe, i'm not looking to make a killing off of this cert and I probably won't either, I think it's a good cert to have maybe better then the CA. The CA is a little to general at least it was when I took it, this cert goes much deeper and from talking to others the test is hard. It will definatly come in handy in lots of situations.

Hey, anything to get a leg up! Lol.
In all seriousness are you saying that guys with this certification opionons are gonna be the only ones that matter and get work. because the CA thing hasnt done much for me and i live in pa also. Almost 100% of the time people dont know what the ISA is and the tree work is awarded to the lowest bidder. I have CA on staff for the municipal work that we do but in that sense it also wasnt mandatory for us to have. I cant say that i have seen a profit gain from it. sure its good to have the knowledge and i would also consider doing this but if its like the CA think i wouldnt expect to get rich off of it. We get to buy the fancy toys by taking down big trees. and 9 times out of ten the HO already has thier mind made up.

Were running out of big trees here, imo its why cities are mandating the cert on trees over 30" dbh. Seattle has lost over half its tree canopy in the past 30 years. Lots that have houses that use to cover a quarter of the property are being torn down and replaced by townhomes. Huge firs are replaced with styrax's.
This cert is geared more toward slowing removals of large trees in cities. I don't think it's going to affect rural areas for now. A yard in PA has more mature trees then a block in Seattle. If it wasn't for certs/permits we would have nothing left to hunt, our houses would burn up when you turned the lights on and clearcuts would never be replanted. At some point this will hit the smaller towns though and you guys might just have to open a book and take a test, not that big of a deal really ya might even learn something
Were running out of big trees here, imo its why cities are mandating the cert on trees over 30" dbh. Seattle has lost over half its tree canopy in the past 30 years. Lots that have houses that use to cover a quarter of the property are being torn down and replaced by townhomes. Huge firs are replaced with styrax's.
This cert is geared more toward slowing removals of large trees in cities. I don't think it's going to affect rural areas for now. A yard in PA has more mature trees then a block in Seattle. If it wasn't for certs/permits we would have nothing left to hunt, our houses would burn up when you turned the lights on and clearcuts would never be replanted. At some point this will hit the smaller towns though and you guys might just have to open a book and take a test, not that big of a deal really ya might even learn something

Ya i believe that you guys do have a depleated tree population. and in alot of areas around here it is already regulated but not by that certification. we bid on thier contracts every year the cities and municipalities have thier own CA that do all the planing on what they want done with them and it is put up for bid. Thier are a few places around here that you cant cut the street trees without a permit.
Were running out of big trees here, imo its why cities are mandating the cert on trees over 30" dbh. Seattle has lost over half its tree canopy in the past 30 years. Lots that have houses that use to cover a quarter of the property are being torn down and replaced by townhomes. Huge firs are replaced with styrax's.
This cert is geared more toward slowing removals of large trees in cities. I don't think it's going to affect rural areas for now. A yard in PA has more mature trees then a block in Seattle. If it wasn't for certs/permits we would have nothing left to hunt, our houses would burn up when you turned the lights on and clearcuts would never be replanted. At some point this will hit the smaller towns though and you guys might just have to open a book and take a test, not that big of a deal really ya might even learn something

Well.....I understand what you are saying, BUT..... this Certification sounds like a "loop hole" around an ordinance or a regulation to me! In the situation you speak of above I agree something should be done..............But you Cert wanting guys better realize something, sooner than later what you pay money for today as a certification will be replaced by another & another Cert which will be better & better................where does it stop? why cant the CA certification cover all aspects like it use to when the NAA regulated it? ohh thats right, Very Few could pass the exam & less MONEY was made & after all its about education right :msp_w00t:

I remember when the CA was ISA`s self proclaimed "Hallmark" of the Industry............Now look at how it is viewed! The only people making out on the Certs are the TCIA & ISA............Talk about fearmongoring......they make it sound like if you dont get these Certs you will be poor & unable to move forward in this industry!

To Tell the truth I made more money without all these stinking certifications than I do with them! I made more money back in the late 80`s, early 90`s with a pick up & some gear than I do now with all the toys, so why do I keep my Certs.............Cause unlike the greedy we need more cert types, I truly like to learn & know about trees & their enviroment!

Funny thing is.....I do more consulting now than ever, mostly for utilities & the guys on here thinking all their certs are worth something couldnt even fill a low level utility inspector position...............which by the way pays way less than being a non certified climber...............Yes Vet even in Ohio!!! so hurry up & go get that Cert!!!

This forum is getting dumber and dumber( cause I am a member) , The convicts are taking over the jail. And they are world class dumb (just like me)

This cert gives a systemmatic (money making) routine for assessing the ones a dummy cannot id from the window. (basically we need the cert cause we are so dumb we cant tell from the window if the tree is bad & in my case I cant see at all)

2 men were at the seminar (con artists) from Atlanta who are the Coming to your neighborhood soon. Either move with the times or get left behind in a ditch (where you likely belong). Get certed and get recognized as being a idiot on how to rate an extreme risk tree prior to making a stupid, non-intelligent, un-educated decision. Or know when to leave them alone or mitigate risks (like us) so future generations can appreciate and benefit from them.

Fixed it for ya!! Now it reads correctly......!

Yep....! get that Cert & then Hire me cause you dont have the ability to do the "Dangerous" tree(s) that you have ASSessed! LMFAO, what a joke!!! its like a snakeoil salesman certification!!! LOL

Can you imagine paying the plumber to come over & tell you "yep your drain is clogged, with hair & other debris" that`ll be $100.00....what? can I fix it?..............hell no Ma`am you`ll have to call in a working plumber Im just an assessing plumber..........LOL, maybe the states should take over & create a license for this trade & then we wont have to be subjected to greedy Certification givers wanting money anyway they can get it, along with listening to some old has been holding his oxygen mask on with his left hand & smoking a Cig with the other!!

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"I just figured out why people lurk,,,,,,,, cause this is good. That is why."

Things that slow in San diego? :biggrin:

The knuckles are plowing down to the hardpan...:notrolls2:

Yeah I didnt see your name on that list of over 700 Trace idiots!!! :dizzy:

To the original OP, you really know how to stir the pot! Did you really think a legit answer would have been the result of this thread? I knew this one would be a good #### storm just by the thread title. HAHAHA

Please don't take any offense to my post....I'm sure you weren't thinking of this when you posted the Q's.
Well.....I understand what you are saying, BUT..... this Certification sounds like a "loop hole" around an ordinance or a regulation to me! In the situation you speak of above I agree something should be done..............But you Cert wanting guys better realize something, sooner than later what you pay money for today as a certification will be replaced by another & another Cert which will be better & better................where does it stop? why cant the CA certification cover all aspects like it use to when the NAA regulated it? ohh thats right, Very Few could pass the exam & less MONEY was made & after all its about education right :msp_w00t:

A loophole??? WTF that mean dipschit? "Certification sounds like a "loop hole" around an ordinance...." What? Duh!:jester:

And what Cert did the NAA regulate. You got you head uppa yo as s as usual. You are in the upper echelon of dumbest **** on this forum. You disappear for large blocks of time, then all of a sudden you are back, uggh, and blabbing bullshat everywhere. How bout making this one of those times you disappear? AA kicked your ascs big time....we all saw it....it was embarassing to watch and demeaning to mankind in general (like those "unmanly" commercials). Go run to your momma before yo daddy, AA comes on this thread and whups up on you again lol. OOOOOuw he gonna sue me :cry: dern I wet myself again.

Uh oh ....more and more certs showing who really studied and knows anything. Tisk Tisk, I was doing so fine when people thought I knew something, now I gotta crack a book on fungi id and virulence, CODIT, shell wall thickness thresholds, root crown investigations for decay, etc etc. THEN after learning the whole system to rate a tree using all the steps, I gotta write a report and submit it for prioritization, mitigation, retention, removal and ACTUALLY be responsible for the decision. Drat, it was just so easy before. See the tree, cut the tree down, buy the twelve pack, deaden my already degraded brain, go to sleep, get up the next day and do it all over again hoping to pay the bills for my ugly wife and genetically dumb kids waiting at the door with their mouths open.

As for the big summit where experts from all over the world met to assess the woods for defects and hazard high risk trees and afterwards when they said they were ok and left they starting falling like rain.....then they summon the GURU, LXTeat, and he arrives and waves a wand and the world experts all run into hiding as he does his assessin and a little as s suckin and fartin, and the results are in the newspaper the next day and all the appropriate trade journals ....as for that....

BULLSchit. Let's hear more fairy tales from your fairy as s.:hmm3grin2orange:

I remember when the CA was ISA`s self proclaimed "Hallmark" of the Industry............Now look at how it is viewed! The only people making out on the Certs are the TCIA & ISA............Talk about fearmongoring......they make it sound like if you dont get these Certs you will be poor & unable to move forward in this industry!

And just how do they make it "sound like" anything? They just go about their business of researching, teaching, and identifying the learned individuals that should represent us in day to day business. Without them the group of us are perceived as the hack that tops trees and grinds out a stump half way and hides the rest with grindings and spikes all over live trees and rips off senior citizens. Don't you see that? No cause all you do cut em down....shoot first and ask questions later. You are a hack.

Yes, as Holden says, this system is in part to preserve trees from the tree life thieves for profit guys like you but it also meant, like I said earlier, now listen up ####wad....to ID the trees that a dummy like you wouldn't see outta the window of your Yugo. Ever see a tree that was completely healthy in the canopy, the trunk was pristine without a flaw and all the wood that was holding it up was just thin shell of wood that is outside of Wall 4 CODIT? Picture that tree also as having dead roots as well and a solid 100 foot stem (lever arm) above it above a playground with kids out there all day every day.

Not id'ed by a non learner like mr. Teat or anyone like him. No system, no investigation, no report.... no culpability....many deaths and injuries on a mildly windy day. It is THESE hard to notice, high risk (no target...no risk) trees...that this system and associated practicioners are certed to identify and protect people from.

Funny thing is.....I do more consulting now than ever, mostly for utilities & the guys on here thinking all their certs are worth something couldnt even fill a low level utility inspector position...............which by the way pays way less than being a non certified climber...............Yes Vet even in Ohio!!! so hurry up & go get that Cert!!!

You as a consultant is a scary thing and....Oh, I will get that cert. Just gotta wait for the results. And, not to worry....I will make plenty of money with it. I will make money just with a pad and pencil and system and credential backed by the ISA. You can bet your tiny little weiny on that buddy.

Can you imagine me paying the plumber to come over & tell me "yep your drain is clogged, with hair & other debris" (aa's condom from our shower together) that`ll be $100.00(and that's all I made last month)....what? can I fix it?..............hell no LXTeat you`ll have to call in a working plumber Im just an as s plunger (can do somethin else for ya tho :biggrin:)..........


since turn around is fair play thought I'd fix your post as you really meant it to read...see above.:popcorn:
lol, u guys will fight over anything! I get the certs because, although I realize the cert does not make the arb, it does make you more appealing to the customer, if you are lucky enough to have a customer who cares, and that is different from place to place. There are many guys on here who don't have any certs, that have more knowledge than me, no biggie, they choose not to get it, I did. Believe me, I agree that there are many CA's that have never even been in a tree, not cool, but I deal with it. Nothing I can do about it. Like TV said, its coming, we cant change that. Me, I will get on board, not because I want to flash it around, but because paper is everything, people love to feel that they have the best and paper helps that along. I do agree that they, need to consolidate all of them, like many off you, I don't have the time, or the money to do all of them, all the time. Right now I am working on my Muni and CTSP. I will get the CTRA when I am done with the others. I have alot of experience, however, every time I study, I pick up something new, maybe its not a huge gain , but all the little ones add up and each day I get more and more edumacated. I understand the frustration, its no fun when your not certified and you know damn well that you are better than the guy who is. That's why I went after it, was tired of losing jobs to a book arb, that had never even put on a saddle. I will say this, I do feel like I accomplished something when I passed the test. I would work to the same standards with or without the CA and did for years, only when they made it computer based and available locally, did I find the time to get it done. Now that I have, it has opened doors. I realize that there are many on here who could teach all of us a thing or two, but no matter how much knowledge you have, if you cant prove it............. These certs are a way of providing proof that you had enough knowledge to atleast pass the test. It also lets the customer know that you are not some joker who watched some of AA videos and now thinks he can do what we do. You may be the best in your area, but what separates you from AA (I'll leave that one out there!) in the eyes of the customer?
These walnuts that I am on right now (pics coming as soon as I get a new I-Phone cord!) I was $500 more than Davey and several others. I pulled out my binder with all my certs, license's,insurance and bonds. I got the job, just because he felt that he was in the best hands with me. Davey could have done this just the same as me, and they have a few CA's on staff, but I had the paper.
Dont like all the certs!, I understand, but don't beat us up for going after it! Some of you guys on here absolutely have the knowledge,I really don't understand why ya don't get it, it sure isn't going to hurt you!

I love how AA has become a reference for all things bad in the tree world. How fitting.
Now everybody cool your jets and remember, you could be in a "dangerous" tree
:cheers: to all
lol, u guys will fight over anything! I get the certs because, although I realize the cert does not make the arb, it does make you more appealing to the customer, if you are lucky enough to have a customer who cares, and that is different from place to place. There are many guys on here who don't have any certs, that have more knowledge than me, no biggie, they choose not to get it, I did. Believe me, I agree that there are many CA's that have never even been in a tree, not cool, but I deal with it. Nothing I can do about it. Like TV said, its coming, we cant change that. Me, I will get on board, not because I want to flash it around, but because paper is everything, people love to feel that they have the best and paper helps that along. I do agree that they, need to consolidate all of them, like many off you, I don't have the time, or the money to do all of them, all the time. Right now I am working on my Muni and CTSP. I will get the CTRA when I am done with the others. I have alot of experience, however, every time I study, I pick up something new, maybe its not a huge gain , but all the little ones add up and each day I get more and more edumacated. I understand the frustration, its no fun when your not certified and you know damn well that you are better than the guy who is. That's why I went after it, was tired of losing jobs to a book arb, that had never even put on a saddle. I will say this, I do feel like I accomplished something when I passed the test. I would work to the same standards with or without the CA and did for years, only when they made it computer based and available locally, did I find the time to get it done. Now that I have, it has opened doors. I realize that there are many on here who could teach all of us a thing or two, but no matter how much knowledge you have, if you cant prove it............. These certs are a way of providing proof that you had enough knowledge to atleast pass the test. It also lets the customer know that you are not some joker who watched some of AA videos and now thinks he can do what we do. You may be the best in your area, but what separates you from AA (I'll leave that one out there!) in the eyes of the customer?
These walnuts that I am on right now (pics coming as soon as I get a new I-Phone cord!) I was $500 more than Davey and several others. I pulled out my binder with all my certs, license's,insurance and bonds. I got the job, just because he felt that he was in the best hands with me. Davey could have done this just the same as me, and they have a few CA's on staff, but I had the paper.
Dont like all the certs!, I understand, but don't beat us up for going after it! Some of you guys on here absolutely have the knowledge,I really don't understand why ya don't get it, it sure isn't going to hurt you!

I love how AA has become a reference for all things bad in the tree world. How fitting.
Now everybody cool your jets and remember, you could be in a "dangerous" tree
:cheers: to all

More important imo....required ceu's (30 credit hours min per yr. increment) that bring you updated science. Things are changing at blurring speed now. Exciting times to be an arb. Read Mattheck., Schwarze, Shigo, Luly, Urban, Brudi, skip the LXT posts and learn what "the body language of trees" means.
More important imo....required ceu's (30 credit hours min per yr. increment) that bring you updated science. Things are changing at blurring speed now. Exciting times to be an arb. Read Mattheck., Schwarze, Shigo, Luly, Urban, Brudi, skip the LXT posts and learn what "the body language of trees" means.

"the body language of trees" that sounds interesting, Shigo? I agree with the ceu's. I have a whole bunch done and need to send them in!