Mike Gudgeon
This One Works Great On Fingernails
That's a hell of a retirement pasttime your Dad has! Good on him! I read once that the word 'luck' actually meant hard work a long time ago.There is no secret in cutting our hardwoods it's easy to cut it's all to do with the chain keep it sharp and sharpened correctly for our timber! how they sharpen for softwoods overseas doe's not apply!
If ya just farting about even a ms211 will cut a boot load of firewood in short order with a sharp chain lol
Personally for me if ya have a chit tonne to cut that's when 90cc plus and .404 shines. Yes 3/8 also works fine but it just means you will be doing double the sharpening than with .404
This is an Aussie ms660 .404 RS and hard-nosed bar seems to cut Aussie hardwood fine to me and it's not even a slow revving gear drive go figure...