Chainsaw missing days after tree service visit

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If a tree guy wanted to steal something,I think he’d grab something other than an electric saw.Doubt the the boss would risk his good name and business name and allow it,a business rep is as important as making a profit ,it’s his future,what? For an electric chainsaw?jmho

It was a group of 4 south Americans, only one spoke any English, the rest of them just stare at you. In my case, staring at me with my brand new electric chainsaw topping Crate Myrtles. People steal all kinds of things for seemingly no reason...

Right: A tree guy or anyone that knows chainsaws would pass on the wimpy non fossil fuel electric especially wi
th other more desirable saws in the pile.
Kinda sounds like some kids that wanted a toy, but now days NOTHING surprises me as to how people act.

I doubt if 3 of the 4 of them know anything in particular about chainsaws aside from sharp, dull, & out of gas.. The kids in that neighborhood, or at least those that I see, are young, they aren't little hellions, yet.

Find out which crew members were there that day, then get a Detective to look up which one of them has a history of theft. Stalk all their Facebook accounts and see what you can learn. Even google their names and if they have a past it may come up. You need to know who was there that day. Google all the reviews for that Tree service also.

That's about all I can do. I bought the saw mere days before it was stolen. I've got the box, the recipe, and a fresh debit to my checking acct.
I don't use Facebook, but there are other ways.

Lay off the pills, and stay away from your keyboard for a week.......your spouting like a qanon shamin

Sounds like a projection on your part there, bud.

Sorry bud, I think you're screwed on this. You have no evidence, just supposition.

Unless one of the guys is busted with the saw at some point, and you have serial numbers recorded proving it was yours, your best bet is to take this as a relatively inexpensive lesson to lock stuff up, and put up cameras.

Probably so. But first an inquiry on who has a doorbell camera in the immediate vicinity is something I need to do.
As for relatively inexpensive, I'd have to disagree. The battery & charger made the deal extremely poor. That's why I planned on returning it. It would be fine for trimming, but burying the 10" bar is about a 15 second ride before the thing starts shutting down. Not acceptable.
If you don’t live there ,how do you know,really,who was there,at what times,besides them?Also you’re supposing ,someone you don’t know,has a drug problem? Tree guys,and I know some,may like their beer at the end of the day,some may even light up de spliff after work,mon,but,not on the job,no boss would take that chance,not any responsible owner,boss or foreman.
Sorry for your loss man,but,your loss,?it’s due to your lack of security,no one to blame but yourself.I had me a nice Makita chain saw once trimming bushes near house,left it on the tailgate, drove around the back,little later I heard a screech,thought nothing, later I found pieces along the road still got it in a box! Whose fault was that? I ate humble pie that day.

It's a private residence in a one entrance neighborhood, not a 7-eleven. As I've mentioned, one of my nextdoor neighbors watches my house & alerts me of any suspicious activity. Whenever people come around, I know about it. People come around during the day though, as they aren't of nefarious intent.
My long time acquaintance of a tenant is the one who I was talking about being a pothead. & I know he's a pothead because I've, known him for years.
But since the topic is similar, I shared tequila with the crew when things were finished. One of the 4 didn't get any because he had to drive, & I don't think he was pleased with that.
Who knows. People are petty, very petty.
Yes it's obviously my fault for poor security, but I've been around that neighborhood off & on for years with probably more than $10,000 worth of crap in tarp buildings, in my driveway. Saws sitting out in the open. Just a plethora of stuff to steal, but nothing ever disappeared. The only theft I've experienced was years back & it was a friend with a developing crack problem who actually stole from every single one of his friends. He got my super 797, a ported 372, & my belt & spurs. I found my climbing gear at the local scumbag pawn shop. I inquired about the mccullloch & they lied about it. I called the Sheriff who was able to get the truth out of them, getting me my prized saw back. The 372 was sold to some inner-city tree service & I never did get it back. Since then, no thieves in my life until now.
I had a back pack robbed off my truck one time. I was wrapping up in the front of the apartment in the ghetto part of the city and the my dump truck was out back. I had just bought it, 60cc Kawasaki, had just got married, bought a house had no money. Treated myself to something new which I never did and even now don’t often. Didn’t notice till I got to a buddies house. Raced back 30 min hoping I forgot it, nope. I was in a bad part of a not great city, some ******* junky grabbed it sold it for a fix. Having anything stolen is a terrible feeling. I have no proof of who took it, doesn’t matter it’s gone and nothing I could do about it. And that feeling for a guy like me is the worst. Sorry about the missing saw.
If a tree guy wanted to steal something,I think he’d grab something other than an electric saw.Doubt the the boss would risk his good name and business name and allow it,a business rep is as important as making a profit ,it’s his future,what? For an electric chainsaw?jmho

Right: A tree guy or anyone that knows chainsaws would pass on the wimpy non fossil fuel electric especially with other more desirable saws in the pile.
Kinda sounds like some kids that wanted a toy, but now days NOTHING surprises me as to how people act.
A Makita 18 volt top handle or their dual battery top handle would be way more tempting than an ms170, old 028, or homelite xl. They do have some popularity with guys working up in a bucket or climbing.
Found it!

Came back 2 days ago since last being up here, when I publishing this thread.

The saw was sitting on a bookshelf by the kitchen, about 5' from the box it came in, which was sitting on a dining chair. The box I kept coming back to & searching it's proximity since the damned thing wasn't anywhere else.

I looked at that bookshelf....
I see that bookshelf whenever I go to the kitchen, or dining room, or living room, or back porch. I
I sat & stared at that bookshelf while I thought about where el saw could possibly be.
Plus, I only put muscle saws on indoor furniture, not the opposite. There's no fun in staring at this.


Last cutting I had done was on the Crepe Myrtles in my front yard. The dust covering it now is pine. Including a small dob of sap next to the dawg on the oil tank.

The new suspect is someone who I had forgotten all about. An acquaintance from years ago who has a penchant for being sneaky. & going way to far with it.
Squatting in basements & camper trailers. Parking in other people's driveways late at night. Borrowing things without asking. Guy was coming over here periodically, always uninvited. I got security through my internet provider, which had to have ceased the unauthorized visits inside. The tenants didn't want to pay for it so I ditched it. People like him though, they check back, they make rounds. He's been doing it for years.

Now the ground level basement window with the broken latch makes sense. The problem is that I secured that window before leaving. So there's a breech elsewhere. The other problem is that he could've just left the saw where he found it. Gotta make a weird passive aggressive point though. Who knows what else has been pilfered with. I say with because he always returns ****.

Don't be friends with children of weirdo hippies. Pretty sure guy was born defective due to all of the partying his parents did.
Why else would you fire a shotgun out of a sunroof at Big Lots & then run from the law?
Why else would you lay down on a train track & let a train it run you over? Why else would you sleep with your father's girlfriend? His Dad blew his brains out shortly thereafter. At a highschool new year party he got my girlfriend hammered enough to cheat. Stepped out to go to the store, & they were gone when I returned 20 min later. She was trash anyways.
The list goes on, too
Couldn't make it up if I tried..

Anyways, in typical fashion, he returned the **** he "borrowed" so, whatever..
Time to get the security system going again.

On a semi related note, don't rent to friends.
if you do, definitely don't rent furnished.
Most all of my silverware is gone, & instead is a bunch of greasy commercial kitchen trash (pilfered).
Tableware is 75% gone.
Theres a big crack in the door of the farely new microwave.
Sofas are toast.
Dining room table has burn marks all over it from the marijuana concentrates being smoked carelessly.
The TVs have an almost impenetrable iridescent film on them.
Carpeted basement stairs, toast.
The walls have 100% more holes than before, (The biggest looks like someone fell down the first flight of basement stairs & crashed their head into the landing wall ROFL!)
In higher traffic areas the baseboards are all chewed up looking.
Light fixtures are brown from nicotine, (no cigarette smoking allowed) many of wich without a working bulb.
One of the bathroom floors has been completely destroyed. The tiles came up by hand! With almost rotten wood underneath. Every bi-fold closet door has been torn off of it's upper track guide.
The dishwasher no longer works. The washer no longer works.
Had to replace the heatpump & air handler, dont even know what happened there, but the AC stopped working. It was old, but it worked well until the new residents got half way through a summer. I had planned on replacing the units, but I wanted to do it on my own schedule.
The front storm door looks like it was operated with a mallet. It was a few years old when they arrived.
There's stuff all over the walls, yellow & brown spots..
A sea of dust bunnys spans the kitchen ceiling, to a lesser degree, the rest of the ceilings.
The ceiling fans are so full of dust that they're out of balance.
Both front & back porch steps seemed to have aged 30 years.
The finished basement smells like wet dogs. The french door to the back porch was rid of most of it's weather stripping, causing rain water to get past the threshold & sill plate, destroying the laminated wood flooring in the basement.
I'm sure the drywall is horrifying where the water was running.
The more frequently used door knows were all loose.
The exterior door that separates the finished & unfinished parts of the basement looks like it was operated with the same mallet, door knob barely hanging on.
The concrete pad outside of the laundry room door was allowed to get buried by yard matter & eventually dirt, causing water to flood into the laundry room.
The laundry room floor drain was clogged with dog hair to exacerbate the problem.
I've been working on things for around 3 or 4 weeks cumulatively so far, & I'm still finding ****** up **** everywhere.
The top floor master was off limits, it's where I put all of my things. No reason to go up there, yet the brand new carpet now looks like it's been there for 10 years. I had not stepped on that carpet with a shoed foot before I left.
This all happened in under 3 years.
& the house was not at all in disrepair when I left.
Aside from not having been updated with things like new windows, appliances, & fixtures, it had no problems to speak of. It did have clean walls as the paint was under 3 years old when I left.
& to top things right off, they left their own massive sectional sofa in the basement ( the horrendous dog smell), bags & bags & bags of clothing, a handful of rickety end tables & chairs, & a complete toddler's bedroom with boxes & boxes of toys that I guess aren't important.
Oh, & the dogs lived in crates all day, even though I have a fenced-in backyard with a doggy door. They would escape & Im sure go hunting for females. 2 border collies who do nothing all day every day. That's evil. That pissed me off. Man that pissed me off. To ******* lazy to walk a dog & shovel dirt for 30 seconds.

This filthy lazy MF tenant cooks your food, by the way.
He's a chef!!

Almost all of my childhood friendships are over, long since over. Really the only people that were & still are worthwhile are the ones I met while living in rural eastern Oregon around Ironside, Unity, Herford & so on.
Rant, done.
You got bigger issues than a missing saw. Holy hell.
Forgot to mention that all the blinds are, you guessed it, toast.
Might just have to do a full remodel with an addition & a detached garage...

So I guess there is a case of beer going to be delivered to the poor old tree service guys that were hung drawn and quartered from the get go?

Let's see.
Tree service that was present inside of a few weeks of the disappearance. Or lunatic you have not seen for at least several years & had thankfully forgotten all about.
Which one would you think of first? Which one would be more immmediate in mind?
The former & latter questions are rhetorical.

I already gave them 1/3 of a bottle of Espolòn Blanco anyways.
Plus I never contacted em as that is just an exercise in futility. Asking "hey, did you steal my ****?". Yeah, that works every time, as long as the sodium thiopental works. Unfortunately, all I have is phenobarbital.
The plan was to set up an estimate at a location other than mine & then observe. Watch them for a while & then make a determination. & finally, asking them about it, after I've made my own idea up.
Those Southerners need to learn that one does not have to mean mug everyone one looks at, here in the states. It gives a bad feeling .
I checked, & xfinity still does home security, so it might be cheap & easy to get things functioning again.
The issues I mention have nothing to do with the state of the house.

Some random tweaker from years ago broke in twice, to use your saw, and then return it? You really think that's more plausible than you used it yourself and misplaced it?

Sure, install all the security you want, put air tags on all your gear too. You might also want to talk to a therapist or counselor.
Found it!

Came back 2 days ago since last being up here, when I publishing this thread.

The saw was sitting on a bookshelf by the kitchen, about 5' from the box it came in, which was sitting on a dining chair. The box I kept coming back to & searching it's proximity since the damned thing wasn't anywhere else.

I looked at that bookshelf....
I see that bookshelf whenever I go to the kitchen, or dining room, or living room, or back porch. I
I sat & stared at that bookshelf while I thought about where el saw could possibly be.
Plus, I only put muscle saws on indoor furniture, not the opposite. There's no fun in staring at this.

View attachment 1081824

Last cutting I had done was on the Crepe Myrtles in my front yard. The dust covering it now is pine. Including a small dob of sap next to the dawg on the oil tank.

The new suspect is someone who I had forgotten all about. An acquaintance from years ago who has a penchant for being sneaky. & going way to far with it.
Squatting in basements & camper trailers. Parking in other people's driveways late at night. Borrowing things without asking. Guy was coming over here periodically, always uninvited. I got security through my internet provider, which had to have ceased the unauthorized visits inside. The tenants didn't want to pay for it so I ditched it. People like him though, they check back, they make rounds. He's been doing it for years.

Now the ground level basement window with the broken latch makes sense. The problem is that I secured that window before leaving. So there's a breech elsewhere. The other problem is that he could've just left the saw where he found it. Gotta make a weird passive aggressive point though. Who knows what else has been pilfered with. I say with because he always returns ****.

Don't be friends with children of weirdo hippies. Pretty sure guy was born defective due to all of the partying his parents did.
Why else would you fire a shotgun out of a sunroof at Big Lots & then run from the law?
Why else would you lay down on a train track & let a train it run you over? Why else would you sleep with your father's girlfriend? His Dad blew his brains out shortly thereafter. At a highschool new year party he got my girlfriend hammered enough to cheat. Stepped out to go to the store, & they were gone when I returned 20 min later. She was trash anyways.
The list goes on, too
Couldn't make it up if I tried..

Anyways, in typical fashion, he returned the **** he "borrowed" so, whatever..
Time to get the security system going again.

On a semi related note, don't rent to friends.
if you do, definitely don't rent furnished.
Most all of my silverware is gone, & instead is a bunch of greasy commercial kitchen trash (pilfered).
Tableware is 75% gone.
Theres a big crack in the door of the farely new microwave.
Sofas are toast.
Dining room table has burn marks all over it from the marijuana concentrates being smoked carelessly.
The TVs have an almost impenetrable iridescent film on them.
Carpeted basement stairs, toast.
The walls have 100% more holes than before, (The biggest looks like someone fell down the first flight of basement stairs & crashed their head into the landing wall ROFL!)
In higher traffic areas the baseboards are all chewed up looking.
Light fixtures are brown from nicotine, (no cigarette smoking allowed) many of wich without a working bulb.
One of the bathroom floors has been completely destroyed. The tiles came up by hand! With almost rotten wood underneath. Every bi-fold closet door has been torn off of it's upper track guide.
The dishwasher no longer works. The washer no longer works.
Had to replace the heatpump & air handler, dont even know what happened there, but the AC stopped working. It was old, but it worked well until the new residents got half way through a summer. I had planned on replacing the units, but I wanted to do it on my own schedule.
The front storm door looks like it was operated with a mallet. It was a few years old when they arrived.
There's stuff all over the walls, yellow & brown spots..
A sea of dust bunnys spans the kitchen ceiling, to a lesser degree, the rest of the ceilings.
The ceiling fans are so full of dust that they're out of balance.
Both front & back porch steps seemed to have aged 30 years.
The finished basement smells like wet dogs. The french door to the back porch was rid of most of it's weather stripping, causing rain water to get past the threshold & sill plate, destroying the laminated wood flooring in the basement.
I'm sure the drywall is horrifying where the water was running.
The more frequently used door knows were all loose.
The exterior door that separates the finished & unfinished parts of the basement looks like it was operated with the same mallet, door knob barely hanging on.
The concrete pad outside of the laundry room door was allowed to get buried by yard matter & eventually dirt, causing water to flood into the laundry room.
The laundry room floor drain was clogged with dog hair to exacerbate the problem.
I've been working on things for around 3 or 4 weeks cumulatively so far, & I'm still finding ****ed up **** everywhere.
The top floor master was off limits, it's where I put all of my things. No reason to go up there, yet the brand new carpet now looks like it's been there for 10 years. I had not stepped on that carpet with a shoed foot before I left.
This all happened in under 3 years.
& the house was not at all in disrepair when I left.
Aside from not having been updated with things like new windows, appliances, & fixtures, it had no problems to speak of. It did have clean walls as the paint was under 3 years old when I left.
& to top things right off, they left their own massive sectional sofa in the basement ( the horrendous dog smell), bags & bags & bags of clothing, a handful of rickety end tables & chairs, & a complete toddler's bedroom with boxes & boxes of toys that I guess aren't important.
Oh, & the dogs lived in crates all day, even though I have a fenced-in backyard with a doggy door. They would escape & Im sure go hunting for females. 2 border collies who do nothing all day every day. That's evil. That pissed me off. Man that pissed me off. To ****ing lazy to walk a dog & shovel dirt for 30 seconds.

This filthy lazy MF tenant cooks your food, by the way.
He's a chef!!

Almost all of my childhood friendships are over, long since over. Really the only people that were & still are worthwhile are the ones I met while living in rural eastern Oregon around Ironside, Unity, Herford & so on.
Rant, done.
One sentence or less what happened?
One sentence or less what happened?
not a chance

The issues I mention have nothing to do with the state of the house.

Some random tweaker from years ago broke in twice, to use your saw, and then return it? You really think that's more plausible than you used it yourself and misplaced it?

Sure, install all the security you want, put air tags on all your gear too. You might also want to talk to a therapist or counselor.

Oh, sorry that wasn't 100% about chainsaws.
As someone who's put many millions of feet on the ground with a chainsaw, excuse me if I venture outside of that realm from time to time. Oh by the way, I've been a member here for roughly 20 years.

To respond to your cockamamy scenario. Yes, I think the chainsaw that I bought, owned for a matter of days, used, & then lost, ONLY TO FIND IT 5 FEET FROM THE BOX IT WAS TO BE RETURNED IN, was indeed used by this former friend.
Had I gotten 5 feet from the box, I'd have put it in the box.
If I set it down on a shelf 5 feet from the box, I'd have seen it when searching.
The events I outlined weren't random what iffs.
He's been caught in the past squatting on my property, (& others').
My camper trailer was broken into at a secure
location & low & behold, items that identified him were everywhere. He's been seen in the driveway late at night many times.
The more grotesque events are true as well.

I rode a bike with the neighborhood kids for a
few years, & he became the problem for the
next 2 decades. Apparently working on
elongating that figure now. Why do you think I
got a security system initially? The childhood friends who became adult problems.

There's something oddly satisfying about
upsetting people with mere minutes of reading.
If you can't read what I wrote, form an idea about context via what you are reading, and you can't do it in under 2 minutes. Then maybe you should head on back to grade 6 to get some help of your own.

In retard, Turns out someone who called themselves a friend did it, just like a "friend" destroyed my house while I was in another state acting as my grandmother's full time home hospice caretaker since I was all the **** she had for family in America.

The theme here is that friends are overrated. (It's almost like you're an active part of proving that point right here & now!)

& while you're here, would you mind checking

the gun I'm holding to your head?

It's so far away that I have no Idea if it's even


Nobody's forcing you to read anything.
I figured that we'd have scholastic shortcomings being exposed here.
You can't fathom therefor it can't be real. Amazing.
Have fun with your bushes.
The saw is the least of your concerns man.
You are right, the saw isn't lost any more.

Hey would you sell XOM at market right now, or would you wait for it to hit 120?
I've got 11,200 shares that I need to sell.
With all of my problems, it's great to hear from those who apparently are smart enough to avoid problems entirely.
not a chance

Oh, sorry that wasn't 100% about chainsaws.
As someone who's put many millions of feet on the ground with a chainsaw, excuse me if I venture outside of that realm from time to time. Oh by the way, I've been a member here for roughly 20 years.

To respond to your cockamamy scenario. Yes, I think the chainsaw that I bought, owned for a matter of days, used, & then lost, ONLY TO FIND IT 5 FEET FROM THE BOX IT WAS TO BE RETURNED IN, was indeed used by this former friend.
Had I gotten 5 feet from the box, I'd have put it in the box.
If I set it down on a shelf 5 feet from the box, I'd have seen it when searching.
The events I outlined weren't random what iffs.
He's been caught in the past squatting on my property, (& others').
My camper trailer was broken into at a secure
location & low & behold, items that identified him were everywhere. He's been seen in the driveway late at night many times.
The more grotesque events are true as well.

I rode a bike with the neighborhood kids for a
few years, & he became the problem for the
next 2 decades. Apparently working on
elongating that figure now. Why do you think I
got a security system initially? The childhood friends who became adult problems.

There's something oddly satisfying about
upsetting people with mere minutes of reading.
If you can't read what I wrote, form an idea about context via what you are reading, and you can't do it in under 2 minutes. Then maybe you should head on back to grade 6 to get some help of your own.

In retard, Turns out someone who called themselves a friend did it, just like a "friend" destroyed my house while I was in another state acting as my grandmother's full time home hospice caretaker since I was all the **** she had for family in America.

The theme here is that friends are overrated. (It's almost like you're an active part of proving that point right here & now!)

& while you're here, would you mind checking

the gun I'm holding to your head?

It's so far away that I have no Idea if it's even


Nobody's forcing you to read anything.
I figured that we'd have scholastic shortcomings being exposed here.
You can't fathom therefor it can't be real. Amazing.
Have fun with your bushes.

Glad you found your saw. Good luck with the rest of your life.
Oh don't be passive aggressive, say what you mean. Express yourself.

Actually I was thinking that what you said was a pretty fair response. I don't know your past, your current situation, or your habits, and you do. The universe is a jacked up place, and truth is frequently stranger than fiction. Maybe a tweaker you've had history with did break into your house, once to borrow a saw, and again to return it. That's 99% contrary to my life experience with tweakers, having grown up in a neighborhood called Felony Flats, but my life experience isn't your life experience. The 1% similarity is where I had someone break out the back window of my station wagon at my apartment ~20 years ago, and as far as I can tell, all they did was borrow my jumper cables, and return them. If they'd knocked on my door, I'd have given them a jump.

Friends aren't over rated, but a person's close circle of friends are very rarely the same people their entire life. I've distanced myself from everyone I hung out with as a teen and young adult. I grew up and got my stuff together, they never did. We don't have much in common anymore. Don't swear off friends, find better friends.

The trashed house doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I once cleaned up a house a friend was renting out, after her tenant sub-let it to a bunch of junkies. Blood splatters on the walls and ceiling from where they'd been shooting up, random needles laying around, cigarette burns in counters where they let a lit cigarette sit on the countertop, burns and stains in the carpet, lots of holes punched in walls, holes from pictures hung everywhere, nothing had been cleaned in months, some creative rewiring, and no trash service - 6 truck and trailer loads of trash was all piled up beside the house. All this done in ~8 months, so your 3 years to trash the place doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Educational.

I did mean exactly what I said, though. I AM glad you found your saw, and I do hope you have good luck with the rest of your life.