chainsaws rule

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The more of these photos I see the more I feel like a pussy . I used to stunt ride motorcycles and could ride a wheelie for miles on end sitting on the gas tank with my feet over the headlight . I've done well over 20 miles like that even around corners , no straight roads in pa . I've jumped out of air planes and been hand gliding, bungee jumping, zip lining , and even dove off a 75 foot rock face into a river . I'll tell you what some of these photos give me the chills . No no I won't do that I think I'm getting a yeast infection !!!

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I would love to get involved in big felling, it's not often I get room to drop them whole but it's a treat when we can. Big respect, to those that do, it's a hard enough job on the flat next to a road...
How could any Joe Homeowner look at this pic and come to the conclusion they knew better than the one operating the saw; so much so, they could even call it retarded... Seriously, does this look like an amateur operation or this guy's first day on the job? o_O


40 years of stumps like the one in your avatar?

see, someone not knowing what was going on before they criticize. that stump in my avatar turned out to be a metal filled (wire) ash. the wire was a good 10" in the tree with no sign of it being there before i started cutting. i wasn't going to leave a partially sawn tree in the woods and create a hazard. i took it down the best way we could.not pretty but but the only damage was one chain.:popcorn:
So anyhow... chainsaws are better than axes huh? :givebeer:

Someone gave me a 7' misery whip, been meaning to take a file to it and try falling a tree with it just for the experience. Never tried before. How did they wedge the skinny kerf made by the saw back in the day?
So anyhow... chainsaws are better than axes huh? :givebeer:

Someone gave me a 7' misery whip, been meaning to take a file to it and try falling a tree with it just for the experience. Never tried before. How did they wedge the skinny kerf made by the saw back in the day?
100_2726 (Small).JPG100_2725 (Small).JPG100_2724 (Small).JPG

This one about 7 long x 2 1/2 wide.
1/2" thick at head, double taper down to under 1/8".
You could get them with feathers.
The buckers are wider at edge than head and not as long as this one/
Don;t see them much now. like the buggy whip?
If people think AS is bad try posting a falling video on Youtube with open comments.
It's as if the whole global knob end population comes to life and you are inundated with half wit comments.
Like one guy last week who claims to have been falling for 30 years despite having the attitude of a 16 year old. His lack of knowledge became apparent when he called a Casuarina in my video a softwood. All he had to do was Google the species but he was probably busy Googling Justin Bieber's latest album.
The experienced loggers I've met don't beat their chests and certainly do not have extroverted egos. They don't have to tell the world they're good, the world already knows :D

By the way, I'm not a logger.