China/Stihl knockoff?

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We witnessed the decline of American chainsaws until they were worthless junk that today no serious cutter wants. U.S. autos almost went the same route and are still in big trouble.

At least the Chinese will probably copy a good saw. Maybe 1980s technology, but a good design.

The issue of spare parts for a Chinese saw is important. Every larger Chinese item I bought from Harbor Freight comes with a parts sheet as if you can get replacements. I don't know whether you actually can or not because I've never tried.

But one way or another, the Chinese made chainsaw is on the horizon. Don't be surprised if it has a Stihl or Husky or Echo badge on it when it arrives on your dealer showroom floor.

Lastly, I doubt if the rest of the world will reach American consumption standards. But like somebody said, if they only rise part way, that will be enough to pull the USA standard of living down....
I get a tad bit bent out of shape about the whole thing,in a way.As I said historically it is just a giant revolving wheel,figuratively speaking.I don't know where we are in that revolution.In regards to some what cheaper goods to stretch your pocket books,remember the auto that revolutionized the auto industry.What was that miracle from Korea,ah yes the famous Yugo .Ha!
Was not the Yugo from Romania or Czechoslovakia or Hungary or some other poor Eastern European country trying to earn money after the collapse of Eastern Germany and then the Soviet Union.
Lobo said:
Was not the Yugo from Romania or Czechoslovakia or Hungary or some other poor Eastern European country trying to earn money after the collapse of Eastern Germany and then the Soviet Union.
Yes indeed it was,my mistake.
I just noticed the warranty on these quality units, they supply you with spare parts with the saw. The copy and predict the future, CONFUSIS SAY, man with shi&&y saw need more shi77y parts to get job done.
andrethegiant70,,,,,,,,,,,thanks for that link. seems after some fine-tuning it is a pretty nice gun. the man said it had some nice machine finish with no scars/scratches. i would definitey like to see the review after a few thousand rounds to see if the pneumatics/trigger/bbl hold "up to par" and would like to see the results of chrony testing to see the consistency. if u have any links to quality chinese match rifles, let me know.
thanks again!
I noticed that this Chinese chainsaw manufacturer is certified to ISO 9000 standards and quality, which so many companies here have not yet achieved.
Most anyone working in quality control even in the USA knows of the importance of this standard if you seriously want to export and deal in the global market place. Many of our North American defunct companies would have done far better, would still be American owned and would probably still be in existance had they gone that way and have done the same.
Lobo said:
I noticed that this Chinese chainsaw manufacturer is certified to ISO 9000 standards and quality, which so many companies here have not yet achieved.
Most anyone working in quality control even in the USA knows of the importance of this standard if you seriously want to export and deal in the global market place. Many of our North American defunct companies would have done far better, would still be American owned and would probably still be in existance had they gone that way and have done the same.

That seems noteworthy.

Somebody else says these Chinese saws come with spare parts. I wonder which parts?
Ross, Is that Dolmar Knockoff made in China, I did not see in the link a country of origin.
Don't mess up !

oldsaw-addict said:
Those commie b@st@rds are famous for stealing someone elses designs and making it as their own. I HATE chinese knockoffs.

Don't mess up !
1) Many investments are coming to China to build factories and joint ventures for the low costs and labors, including Americans.
2) It's true some Chinese do illegal fakes.... but nothing to do with ideology and politics!
3) We are here as chainsaw addicts and DIYs, not as communists or capitalists, or else ! :blob2:

mike from China
I dont think they are stealing these. I think the companys are selling out the old designs for profit. Chainsaws like the 070 etc. Been happening with old cars and everything overseas, if you ever lived overseas you would see this. Like I said in the 80's I seen new 57 and 63 chevys with diesel motors running around.
my opinion. yes it is true that we all buy china products. made in an non free enterprize country.. no way american workers can compete. the chinese worker probably gets a fraction of an us worker. and is working in an country with an total power govt. china survived the fall of communism. now its enjoying the windfall of selling to the world of democracy..
corp. america is the one that did this, to make profit. me thinks corp. america has indeed committed harykary.. they just dont know it yet.just my opinion. but the future will tell the truth.i just hope its not as dismal an picture as i think it probably will be. our kids and grand kids will be the judge. i think they will be in an second rate power. struggling to survive.. but i hope im wrong..somehow,i hope this doesnt happen. but the trade deficit continues to escalate by the billions. what we are witnessing is the draining of the wealth, here into china.
wealth is power. plus the technology we are giving them just means china will be the strongest most technologically superior nation in the world . but we did it to our selves.this translates into military power when needed.jmo. i hope im wrong.
Tony, Canada and the USA or not loosing out to China only but to the complete rest of the world overall. Our salaries & benefits which have given us the highest standard of living in the world for years has also made us all uncompetitive in the market place. Even if we were to close our doors alltogether to the outside, our manufacturers today could not survive on internal economies only and would slowly die out.

The real solution is to get better, stronger and much more productive in our manufacturing, so our companies do come back to north America to manufacture and produce here again instead of 60 other different countries around the world. We will however also need to thighten up our belts also to obtain this long term gain.