Christmas Wraptoring

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That makes absolutely no sense.:monkey:

This is the single biggest innovation since dependable climbing chainsaws. If you knock it you just can't afford or too cheap to buy one for your climber/s. Every perspective you previously had about a big free climbing job changes. Young climber or old climber. Nothing is lost and everything is enhanced.

Simple as that. It is the SMART choice.

$2500. I have made that in one half day with a 2 man crew before.

Did Jeff ever make sense? If I still climbed hard everyday I would have one.
I miss Jomoco hanging around.

Clearance hasn't been around in a long time either.

I hope both are doing well.

Yeah, he had that bike thing and the counter weight thing but this is the bomb right here. I would love to strut into one of those big companies and see what they would pay me for having that... just don't wanna get up that early... or stay out that late. I couldn't do it with the kid these days but really, I would love to walk in there, slap the thing down and say " You thought I was BAD then?"
I think I would have to start wearing a Batman costume and do theatrical lift offs after awhile with the thing. There would be no end. It could be Bat Bubbers and Bitness Inc.
But these days I don't mind the hump. I figure if I can't get up there with what I got then its all over or it should be. I plan an ascent to cover making a stop or two either to rest or make a secured cut , I don't know if that can be done with the Wraptor but it sure can put a man up there and leave him with enough energy for the rest of the years.
Luve ya Jeff! Anyway, its not unreasonable to expect an employee to furnish his own gear. The boxes I have to hold the tools I have exceede the 2500 price tag and with one of those I think you could make some bucks.
I would love one of those! Whole deal with me not climbing is me neck and shoulders, that would be sweet! But, gunna have to wait until I gets me da do.
GCRS first.
Preaching to the choir Rick, already have one, lol. It's invaluable when needed, actually valued at 2500 lol, but I don't use it as much as my porty or fixed dual bollard.

Sorry, for some reason just thought, well Cheers! How do you like the double bollard? You get that off Reg?
If you put a GRCS and a Wraptor on a picnic table and offered me either one for free.....I would go airborn diving and tackling the Wraptor before anyone could change their mind. You all just have no clue.

GRCS seems a nice enough tool but my bet is it gathers a lot of dust and spider eggs in a dark corner.

At last count I have about 6 or 7 lowering devices and to get a little lift would be nice occassionally but hardly makes it "like a crane". That lift can be got many other ways.
I've seen Reg's device, mine I built myself along the same lines.

With the double bollard do you always have two ground guys and where does this unit really come into play with removals? To me it would seem that there wood be alot of lines out of the tree perhaps getting tangled with each other.Cuz with the GRCS I've butt hitched stuff and still pulled it over away from whatever. Just curious cuz man there is soo many ways to skin a cat.