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2 walnut logs on ground - $139 (tri-cities,tn.)

2 walnut logs on ground - $139 (tri-cities,tn.)

Date: 2012-03-01, 10:34PM EST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

logs have been on ground about 2 yrs./ all I can say is come and see /might take 410 trade 423-753-4877

Location: tri-cities,tn.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2860910737
Free Firewood (Indy Northside)
Date: 2012-03-03, 9:08AM EST
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

Mostly cut up logs and stumps from honeysuckle bushes and redwood trees approx. 4"-7" diameter. Looks like about half pick-up truck load. Carry from back yard to driveway approx. 200'. Call Joe at (317) 289-3519.
Free Firewood (Indy Northside)
Date: 2012-03-03, 9:08AM EST
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

Mostly cut up logs and stumps from honeysuckle bushes and redwood trees approx. 4"-7" diameter. Looks like about half pick-up truck load. Carry from back yard to driveway approx. 200'. Call Joe at (317) 289-3519.

Honeysuckle logs and stumps?
Happy I read this one before I went out on a Free firewood CL find.
Printed it out, and took the posting with me. When I got there, it was as stated, cut to 18" lengths and stacked next to the drive, all pine, but it was right down the street from where I was already going to be working.
Got it all loaded, and the HO decided to tell me to "Since I have a truck and he doesn't" to haul off his old fridge. Told him that wasn't part of the deal, and his immediate reaction was to try to make me prove it. He wasn't too happy when I pulled out the CL printout. He let the fridge stay(which had I hauled, I would have had to pay for disposal, freon), and the wood go. Guess he going to try to sucker someone else into it now.
Happy I read this one before I went out on a Free firewood CL find.
Printed it out, and took the posting with me. When I got there, it was as stated, cut to 18" lengths and stacked next to the drive, all pine, but it was right down the street from where I was already going to be working.
Got it all loaded, and the HO decided to tell me to "Since I have a truck and he doesn't" to haul off his old fridge. Told him that wasn't part of the deal, and his immediate reaction was to try to make me prove it. He wasn't too happy when I pulled out the CL printout. He let the fridge stay(which had I hauled, I would have had to pay for disposal, freon), and the wood go. Guess he going to try to sucker someone else into it now.

I'm continually amazed at the behavior of some people. Geeze.

Whatever happened to good old-fashioned honesty? Apparently a thing of the past.
I like how he blanked out the area around the tree. Hahah

Don't want anybody to see that it is 5 feet from his house. :)
Backyard Fire Pit Dug for You

Let us dig you the most AWESOME fire pit for your backyard, barn or property. YOU WILL LOVE THIS!! Dug right into the earth with our Bobcat. Naturally beautiful. Imagine sitting around your own bonfire on your own property anytime you wish. 6 foot round pit starts at $200.00. But we go bigger if you wish . We will rim with limestone rocks that we will provide. Or you can rim with your own materials.

Since it is a free add-on, I would go for the rim job.:eek2:
In fairness to the CL poster, there are also incredible CL shoppers, and I can imagine some of them contacting him to ask if he will deliver and stack the free wood, also for free. Hence, the "you must come pick it up" emphasis.

I sometimes post stuff on 'FreeCycle' - where you give away stuff that someone might be able to use, or is too good to throw away, but not worth selling. It is amazing what some people ask for or expect. Again, in fairness, they are in the minority, and most of the people offering are generous, and most receiving are grateful, but that small group makes you nuts . . . .


I gave a dog away on Craigslist just once, and never again will I do such a thing. My wife had a miniature schnauzer who was as worthless as the day is long. It was a registered purebred, but instead of digging up the paper work and selling her, I just gave it away.Big mistake.

The gal that came to look at her seemed nice, mom in a mini van full of kids and seemed reasonable. But became visibly upset when she found out that the dog came minus the papers but agreed to take the dog while I said I would look for the papers when I felt like it.

then started the phone calls, the constant emails, all the while saying she just preferred her dogs to be "registered". Then she dropped the ball on me by saying she had to take the dog to the vet where it was discovered that the dog had hook worms and was missing several teeth. She proposed that I pay all the vet bills or she would turn me into the authorities for animal abuse. But, if I wanted, I could make it all go away by handing over the papers to the dog.

Kinda weird. After copying and pasting the definition of "extortion" from Wikipedia into my email reply, along with what the sheriff's department wanted as far as contact info about her, I never heard from her again.

Never worked so hard in my life to give away something.
I gave a dog away on Craigslist just once, and never again will I do such a thing. My wife had a miniature schnauzer who was as worthless as the day is long. It was a registered purebred, but instead of digging up the paper work and selling her, I just gave it away.Big mistake.

The gal that came to look at her seemed nice, mom in a mini van full of kids and seemed reasonable. But became visibly upset when she found out that the dog came minus the papers but agreed to take the dog while I said I would look for the papers when I felt like it.

then started the phone calls, the constant emails, all the while saying she just preferred her dogs to be "registered". Then she dropped the ball on me by saying she had to take the dog to the vet where it was discovered that the dog had hook worms and was missing several teeth. She proposed that I pay all the vet bills or she would turn me into the authorities for animal abuse. But, if I wanted, I could make it all go away by handing over the papers to the dog.

Kinda weird. After copying and pasting the definition of "extortion" from Wikipedia into my email reply, along with what the sheriff's department wanted as far as contact info about her, I never heard from her again.

Never worked so hard in my life to give away something.

Holy crap. I'd lay good odds that she was trying to resell the dog for a good profit - hence the pressure. I know there are those that prowl the shelters doing the same thing. (Not that I'm against shelter prowling necessarily).

The standard Schnauzer we currently have is a great family guard dog, that the rescue person insisted was a mini. I would have hated to see what her definition of a giant Schnauzer was.
Laughed myself to tears on this !! Nearly pissed myself was laughing so hard.

$200 to have your pit rimmed sounds like a pretty good deal.
In Vegas that would cost you $1000 LOL
I might be confused on the service they are offering, and still unsure where the bobcat gets involved in it :)

Going to be laughing all day now.
Free Firewood (Indy Northside)
Date: 2012-03-03, 9:08AM EST
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

Mostly cut up logs and stumps from honeysuckle bushes and redwood trees approx. 4"-7" diameter. Looks like about half pick-up truck load. Carry from back yard to driveway approx. 200'. Call Joe at (317) 289-3519.

Redwoods in Indiana?

And you get to carry it 200 feet...Good exercise! What more could you ask?
chain saw used once - $50 (shoreview)

nice chainsaw used once (ELECTRIC) WAS $400 NEW. FIRST $50 TAKES IT XXX-XXX-XXX

Could be a good deal - only $400 electric chainsaw I know of is STIHL. Call him up.

"Can you tell me anything about the brand or model?"

<'Well, it's out in the garage. I'll have to go look at it'>

Gives me this nice story while he's walking how his son had to buy it for a job where they would not allow gasoline chain saws, but he lives out in the country and can't use one, etc., etc. Sounds promising.

< 'It's hard to read. R - Y - O - B - I . . . '>

"I don't think that Ryobi ever made a $400 electric chainsaw. Maybe $100?"

< 'Well, my son told me it was $400 . . . ' >

Sure glad that I did not drive out there.

Date: 2012-03-13, 9:14PM EDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]
I have a CHINESE ELM you can have for FIREWOOD. You cut it down, you haul all wood and debris away, and it is yours. You must haul the debris and limbs away BEFORE hauling the firewood. Phone THREE SEVEN EIGHT - FIVE SEVEN SEVEN THREE. Tree would need to be topped BEFORE the LARGE portion of the tree can com down. Someone promised me a month ago they wanted it. but haven't showed up. First COME .. it's theirs !!
Not near a house, but it isn't too far from telephone power lines. It is about 10' taller than the telephone pole.

Location: YORKTOWN
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2852063518
Could be a good deal - only $400 electric chainsaw I know of is STIHL. Call him up.

"Can you tell me anything about the brand or model?"

<'Well, it's out in the garage. I'll have to go look at it'>

Gives me this nice story while he's walking how his son had to buy it for a job where they would not allow gasoline chain saws, but he lives out in the country and can't use one, etc., etc. Sounds promising.

< 'It's hard to read. R - Y - O - B - I . . . '>

"I don't think that Ryobi ever made a $400 electric chainsaw. Maybe $100?"

< 'Well, my son told me it was $400 . . . ' >

Sure glad that I did not drive out there.


I would have been annoyed at the waste of valuable pre paid cellphone minutes on that one. I woulda told the guy his son was a flat out liar, or totally clueless, or both, and didn't appreciate the fraud and price gouging attempt.

If it's on CL, the guy has a computer, he could have looked up what they really cost.

ya, I'm glad you didn't have to drive out just to look at that.

OK, with that said, was this a plug in, or the cordless "system" with the entire bag of tools that go with it? That's a different story. They may well cost 400 with all the gadgets that work with those batteries.
OK, with that said, was this a plug in, or the cordless "system" with the entire bag of tools that go with it? That's a different story. They may well cost 400 with all the gadgets that work with those batteries.

I posted the entire ad, Zogs, except for the phone number. If that listing is for an entire bag of cordless tools, then I need to relearn how to read!


chain saw used once - $50 (shoreview)

nice chainsaw used once (ELECTRIC) WAS $400 NEW. FIRST $50 TAKES IT
I posted the entire ad, Zogs, except for the phone number. If that listing is for an entire bag of cordless tools, then I need to relearn how to read!


You were right with the first post. I read it and laughed.. I thought he meant 40.00 and not 4000.00 It's lucky he didn't post the HP.. Something like he meant 3/4 HP an wrote 34 HP.
I'm always looking to do a $1000.00 plus tree job for free,too badi,m so far away.

These are the same people who think nothing of going to a barber shop, the dentist or out for a nice meal but when it comes to have a tree removed it’s like they are doing you a favor.

You need to remove the brush first.... Like they don't trust a person. I wonder why?