Crappy Stihl Cylinder - Looks like ChiCom Garbage!!!

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Why do you think Tammy fay, will never get that 372 fixed, he never took it in for warranty. Because its the only one he will find like it. He probably sabotaged it himself.

Ewwwwwwwwww I didn't know you could speak that clearly with your nose stuck up Booker's hiny, LOLOLOLOL

Yes Parris I took that thing home and let it leak oil from day one. Then I took it apart to make it leak more, happily I didn't have to do anything but see the case as it was, it was perfectly already screwed up, I was happy,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Ewwwwwwwwww I didn't know you could speak that clearly with your nose stuck up Booker's hiny, LOLOLOLOL

Yes Parris I took that thing home and let it leak oil from day one. Then I took it apart to make it leak more, happily I didn't have to do anything but see the case as it was, it was perfectly already screwed up, I was happy,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

I know your happy about it. That's why you didn't get it fixed on warranty now did you??? Cause you know it would have been. I got one here that don't leak a drop.
Doesn't matter if it runs or not. A Wild Thing runs. That cylinder is a turd.

Well it does kinda matter if it runs:monkey: If the saw runs for 4000 hours it's kinda hard to say it is junk. If it lasts only 3 hours than there is a good comparison to the Wild Thing.

I agree it does look horrible, but lets see what it will do. Will it last, and for how long. If were going to call it out, lets prove the hypothesis. And the Hypothesis is: The cylinder looks like junk, so therfore it cannot last. Lets see what it can do:)
Call me a coward if you want, but I'm not sending this P&C to someone to just turn around and make a mockery of me with it. Like I already said, it matters not what this P&C runs like, the comments that I posted stand alone for what they are. I made absolutely no comments about it's performance, yet you're trying to use that against me. Ain't going to happen.

Well I hope I haven't offended Joatmon. I think he's just in this for the fun. But I've issued him a refund. I'm going to take it back to the dealer and see what Stihl does have to say about it. I know very well that they may do nothing. So be it. It's my standards that matter on this saw and that's what I'm operating by.
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more chi-com crap

That is BS right there Brad. Send the cylinder!!!!! You have nothing to lose!!!!!! Prove me wrong!!!! You were kind enough to charge 85 bucks for it already, when you said it is crappy and you said you wouldn't use it. Take the cash and buy a new cylinder or put the saw back together and have the original owner get it replaced. You playing middle man is stupid. Your thinking that you spent a couple grand at a dealership is gonna give you credibility and power, it wouldn't and shouldn't. If the cylinder is really defective, anyone should be able to get it replaced, so have the original owner get it replaced. Spend more time on learning how to port saws to better serve your customers instead of worrying about your image.
I will eat no crow if that cylinder never fails! I made absolutely zero claims about its performance. There's more to quality than just the performance. I never even started this saw. I don't care how it ran or how it would run if I put this P&C back on it. I don't care if it would run good for 2500 hours. This is a crap casting and is not a mistake or slip of an assemblyer or the mistake of a machinist. This is a deep corporate decision and philosophy to cheapen up on the quality of their product so that they can either make more profit and/or sell more saws.

What makes you think I want to take Stihl down. All I want is to see them continue doing what made them #1. I have a lot of Stihls and love them.

Tom, you are looking out right desperate now. You've resorted to attacking my skills and character while refusing to admit the seriousness of this issue. Twist the facts anyway you want, redirect blame any twisted way you want, the facts still stand. The AS jury has already spoken loud and clear. You're digging your own ditch Tom. You have made this personal, I am simply responding.

Brad I'm not attacking you at all. You say the thing looks bad, it does look crappy, I've said it I don't know how many times now. Thats doesn't seem to be good enuff for you. Today you come in with more photo's preaching quality again cept this time you got called on it and you admitted you use a rope, you screwed up, yet your still harping weak rod, weak piston instead of merely admitting you ruined it by not knowing. That is not personal, its fact. If you didn't know then just admit it and give it a rest instead of hanging gung ho its another quality issue, BS and you know it. Your stubborn but thats ok, it doesn't change the facts.

Back to the cylinder YES BRAD IT LOOKS CRAPPY, you say its bad, I heard you and agree with you. You then turn around and sell it, saying Joat is crazy to buy it yet you have no problem sticking his money in your pocket. Thats says volumns Brad. Either its bad in your opinion, you won't have it, its worth nothing to you or its good and worth 85.00, which is it. You want it both ways, its bad, its good, pay me. I couldn't do that. If thats the personal part your speaking of just remember who's pocketing the money, it isn't me, its you. I could care less but no I couldn't do that. If I felt about that cylinder as you did I would throw it away or give it to someone and yes I'm well known to do just that.

My main interest is how did the saw run. You claim you don't care, thats not the point, its quality. Fair enuff. I on the other hand don't care how it looks, I'm more interested in how that crappy looking thing runs. You say you just want Stihl to be what they claim they are, your disappointed, fair enuff. This thread will surely wake them up, right. Brad I can't say in open forumn what the boys at Stihl think of this site but I can tell you thanks to threads like this it hasn't been read at all by the ones your complaining about, all fruitless and a waste of time. I'm in the know, you aren't but even so I like threads like this and this site.

Brad this is the net, its not personal, its what it is. I can handle anything coming and I send back just as fast so chill on the personal stuff, its not personal at all. :cheers::cheers::cheers:
Heading towards 1000 posts, and this thread shows no signs of slowing down. This many pages in, it's hard to come up with a valid point that hasn't already been made, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

Disclaimer: I hope this is still a good natured go-round, but it does show some signs of getting testy. That being the case, let me say that I will make some remarks critical of Stihl the company, and they are not at all directed against any of the Stihl guys here. I don't want to wreck any friendships here on the site, and I'll stay away from any personal comments. Here goes.....

At the very least, Stihl has laid an egg here. A rotton one. A corporate decsion was made to use aftermarket, or aftermarket quality, pistons and cylinders as a substitute vendor when they encounter supply interuptions from their preferred vendor, Mahle. A decsion like this is not made by some guy on the factory floor. It is made by senior management much higher up the chain of command. This had to be discussed at one or more meetings. I'd bet there were a few dissenting voices in that room who thought this was not a stellar idea. But obviously there were more voices that thought this was the way to procede. Not only can we keep the assembly line moving, but the cylinders from Brazil are undoubtedly a lot cheaper, so we can make a lot more money to boot.

They surely don't think that the cylinders are total garbage. They would never want to have to warranty a high number of failures, so they obviously have enough confidence in those cylinders to have given them the green light. But at the same time, they can't possibly believe that they are good as the Mahle units. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see the difference. A blind man could probably feel the difference. Only time will tell what that difference really is. If Stihl really felt that the stuff from Brazil was up to par, they would cut Mahle out of the picture altogether. Who knows, maybe that's the end game. If they hold up as good in the field as Mahle, then they could go ahead and just make their own. But is every end user who buys a saw unwittingly participating in this big R&D project?

Most of us, myself included, have many of our opinions colored by the color of our favorite saws. It just a reality that is very hard to escape. As enthusiasts, we have our favorite brands, and we need to defend our turf and usually line up accordingly. But I just don't see how anyone could look at this and not think that Stihl is, (as my Dad would say), "pulling a fast one". Subbing those lower grade cylinders is just a bogus move on their part.

And nobody can tell me that, if the tables were reversed, that the Stihl guys wouldn't be all over this and tearing up Husky. If it was the other way around, I wouldn't be too mad at the Stihl guys for slinging mud. I would be furious with Husky, and I would be on the phone to the higher ups letting them know what I thought. (I certainly wouldn't on here defending them.) I would hate to be wondering every time I opened up a 346 or 372 if it had the good cylinder, or the "other" one.

Speaking of wondering, doesn't this move at least plant a seed of doubt in all of you Stihl guys? What are you going to have on your minds the next time you go to buy that next Stihl that you've been wanting? You guys got something else to think about now, don't ya? I think that freaking sucks not knowing which cylinder the factory slid in on your new saw. It's not right to treat loyal customers that way.

Another important distinction that needs to be made here is that it would be one thing for them to pick a model, say the 290, and say that all cylinders for that model will come from the factory in Brazil. That's the official part, and everybody gets the same one. But the wildcard way they are doing it with the pro saws, where you may get stuck with a cheaper cylinder because they ran low on parts the day yours was built, is just a sad joke.

How about this perspective: Suppose that I, as a dealer did something like this. Suppose that I rebuilt a saw with an aftermarket P&C that cost me $63, and never said a word about it, yet charged the customer the $300 OEM price. Well, I'd rightly be considered dishonest crook, wouldn't I? But it's OK for Stihl to do this because nobody can see it and the saw will probably run OK? That argument just doesn't hold water.

So, how many posts do we think this thread will reach???
The saw was bought brand new on 12-26-08 in Eureka MO. Hopefully my dealer will help me out even though it wasn't bought there or by me. I do have a great relationship with them and have bought thousands of dollars of parts there.

I bet I know who owns the saw then... Not that thats any big deal.

I grew up pretty close to there.
Heading towards 1000 posts, and this thread shows no signs of slowing down. This many pages in, it's hard to come up with a valid point that hasn't already been made, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

Disclaimer: I hope this is still a good natured go-round, but it does show some signs of getting testy. That being the case, let me say that I will make some remarks critical of Stihl the company, and they are not at all directed against any of the Stihl guys here. I don't want to wreck any friendships here on the site, and I'll stay away from any personal comments. Here goes.....

At the very least, Stihl has laid an egg here. A rotton one. A corporate decsion was made to use aftermarket, or aftermarket quality, pistons and cylinders as a substitute vendor when they encounter supply interuptions from their preferred vendor, Mahle. A decsion like this is not made by some guy on the factory floor. It is made by senior management much higher up the chain of command. This had to be discussed at one or more meetings. I'd bet there were a few dissenting voices in that room who thought this was not a stellar idea. But obviously there were more voices that thought this was the way to procede. Not only can we keep the assembly line moving, but the cylinders from Brazil are undoubtedly a lot cheaper, so we can make a lot more money to boot.

They surely don't think that the cylinders are total garbage. They would never want to have to warranty a high number of failures, so they obviously have enough confidence in those cylinders to have given them the green light. But at the same time, they can't possibly believe that they are good as the Mahle units. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see the difference. A blind man could probably feel the difference. Only time will tell what that difference really is. If Stihl really felt that the stuff from Brazil was up to par, they would cut Mahle out of the picture altogether. Who knows, maybe that's the end game. If they hold up as good in the field as Mahle, then they could go ahead and just make their own. But is every end user who buys a saw unwittingly participating in this big R&D project?

Most of us, myself included, have many of our opinions colored by the color of our favorite saws. It just a reality that is very hard to escape. As enthusiasts, we have our favorite brands, and we need to defend our turf and usually line up accordingly. But I just don't see how anyone could look at this and not think that Stihl is, (as my Dad would say), "pulling a fast one". Subbing those lower grade cylinders is just a bogus move on their part.

And nobody can tell me that, if the tables were reversed, that the Stihl guys wouldn't be all over this and tearing up Husky. If it was the other way around, I wouldn't be too mad at the Stihl guys for slinging mud. I would be furious with Husky, and I would be on the phone to the higher ups letting them know what I thought. (I certainly wouldn't on here defending them.) I would hate to be wondering every time I opened up a 346 or 372 if it had the good cylinder, or the "other" one.

Speaking of wondering, doesn't this move at least plant a seed of doubt in all of you Stihl guys? What are you going to have on your minds the next time you go to buy that next Stihl that you've been wanting? You guys got something else to think about now, don't ya? I think that freaking sucks not knowing which cylinder the factory slid in on your new saw. It's not right to treat loyal customers that way.

Another important distinction that needs to be made here is that it would be one thing for them to pick a model, say the 290, and say that all cylinders for that model will come from the factory in Brazil. That's the official part, and everybody gets the same one. But the wildcard way they are doing it with the pro saws, where you may get stuck with a cheaper cylinder because they ran low on parts the day yours was built, is just a sad joke.

How about this perspective: Suppose that I, as a dealer did something like this. Suppose that I rebuilt a saw with an aftermarket P&C that cost me $63, and never said a word about it, yet charged the customer the $300 OEM price. Well, I'd rightly be considered dishonest crook, wouldn't I? But it's OK for Stihl to do this because nobody can see it and the saw will probably run OK? That argument just doesn't hold water.

So, how many posts do we think this thread will reach???

A primo post right there. I have been thinking along those lines since this has been discovered, which was months and months ago. These questionable practices makes it easier for me to not want to buy a new stihl, but it also makes me question every company out there..........
Well I hope I haven't offended Joatmon. I think he's just in this for the fun. But I've issued him a refund. I'm going to take it back to the dealer and see what Stihl does have to say about it. I know very well that they may do nothing. So be it. It's my standards that matter on this saw and that's what I'm operating by.

Brad I give up. Its obvious your taking all this to heart and very very serious.

I give away things you are really wrapped up in, my bad. I guess thats why I can't understand all this hoop la over a cylinder. Anyway relax. Its all good...
No one can tell where it came from?

Let me repeat that: No one can tell you where it came from?????

It came from STIHL...we don't give a rat's ASS other than that!!!!!


Woodie put your pacifier back in and stop hollering, the other kids are trying to sleep,hehe
Woodie put your pacifier back in and stop hollering, the other kids are trying to sleep,hehe

Tom...I'm your friend. You know that. And I hope you're mine.

That said...stop dancing. Seriously. As long as you're in here looking like Andreas's puppet, people are going to be taking pot shots at you.

Stihl's ethics in this case are not defensible, and I think you know that.

But if you keep attempting to defend them, people will begin to question yours.

And I'd hate to see that happen, cause I think yours are top notch.


Brad I'm not attacking you at all. You say the thing looks bad, it does look crappy, I've said it I don't know how many times now. Thats doesn't seem to be good enuff for you. Today you come in with more photo's preaching quality again cept this time you got called on it and you admitted you use a rope, you screwed up, yet your still harping weak rod, weak piston instead of merely admitting you ruined it by not knowing. That is not personal, its fact. If you didn't know then just admit it and give it a rest instead of hanging gung ho its another quality issue, BS and you know it. Your stubborn but thats ok, it doesn't change the facts.

Back to the cylinder YES BRAD IT LOOKS CRAPPY, you say its bad, I heard you and agree with you. You then turn around and sell it, saying Joat is crazy to buy it yet you have no problem sticking his money in your pocket. Thats says volumns Brad. Either its bad in your opinion, you won't have it, its worth nothing to you or its good and worth 85.00, which is it. You want it both ways, its bad, its good, pay me. I couldn't do that. If thats the personal part your speaking of just remember who's pocketing the money, it isn't me, its you. I could care less but no I couldn't do that. If I felt about that cylinder as you did I would throw it away or give it to someone and yes I'm well known to do just that.

My main interest is how did the saw run. You claim you don't care, thats not the point, its quality. Fair enuff. I on the other hand don't care how it looks, I'm more interested in how that crappy looking thing runs. You say you just want Stihl to be what they claim they are, your disappointed, fair enuff. This thread will surely wake them up, right. Brad I can't say in open forumn what the boys at Stihl think of this site but I can tell you thanks to threads like this it hasn't been read at all by the ones your complaining about, all fruitless and a waste of time. I'm in the know, you aren't but even so I like threads like this and this site.

Brad this is the net, its not personal, its what it is. I can handle anything coming and I send back just as fast so chill on the personal stuff, its not personal at all. :cheers::cheers::cheers:

Brad I give up. Its obvious your taking all this to heart and very very serious.

I give away things you are really wrapped up in, my bad. I guess thats why I can't understand all this hoop la over a cylinder. Anyway relax. Its all good...

You're right Tom. It's easy for me to take this stuff too personal. As you stated, our objectives are clearly different. It's simply a matter of principle to me. I know as well as you do that this P&C would likely live a long happy life. I also know that my porting would remove nearly every flaw I've pointed out. But as I've stated, that's all besides the facts to me. The quality if this casting sucks. That's all I've said, that's all I'm saying.

And it's not just a cylinder to me. It's one tiny piece that's exemplary of what I percieve to be the declining quality of Stihl OPE. You can't deny that. The difference in opinions only comes in when you decide whether or not you care about anything besides performance. I do. I think most do. That's it in a nut shell. Plain and simple.

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