Brad I'm not attacking you at all. You say the thing looks bad, it does look crappy, I've said it I don't know how many times now. Thats doesn't seem to be good enuff for you. Today you come in with more photo's preaching quality again cept this time you got called on it and you admitted you use a rope, you screwed up, yet your still harping weak rod, weak piston instead of merely admitting you ruined it by not knowing. That is not personal, its fact. If you didn't know then just admit it and give it a rest instead of hanging gung ho its another quality issue, BS and you know it. Your stubborn but thats ok, it doesn't change the facts.
Back to the cylinder YES BRAD IT LOOKS CRAPPY, you say its bad, I heard you and agree with you. You then turn around and sell it, saying Joat is crazy to buy it yet you have no problem sticking his money in your pocket. Thats says volumns Brad. Either its bad in your opinion, you won't have it, its worth nothing to you or its good and worth 85.00, which is it. You want it both ways, its bad, its good, pay me. I couldn't do that. If thats the personal part your speaking of just remember who's pocketing the money, it isn't me, its you. I could care less but no I couldn't do that. If I felt about that cylinder as you did I would throw it away or give it to someone and yes I'm well known to do just that.
My main interest is how did the saw run. You claim you don't care, thats not the point, its quality. Fair enuff. I on the other hand don't care how it looks, I'm more interested in how that crappy looking thing runs. You say you just want Stihl to be what they claim they are, your disappointed, fair enuff. This thread will surely wake them up, right. Brad I can't say in open forumn what the boys at Stihl think of this site but I can tell you thanks to threads like this it hasn't been read at all by the ones your complaining about, all fruitless and a waste of time. I'm in the know, you aren't but even so I like threads like this and this site.
Brad this is the net, its not personal, its what it is. I can handle anything coming and I send back just as fast so chill on the personal stuff, its not personal at all.