What a thread, where do I start?
Obviously the cylinder is sub par to say the least, and I would expect better from Stihl.
Someone offered to buy the cylinder from Brad, than when he accepted the offer he was shot down for doing so. Why? Did anyone really think he would just give the cylinder away, than pay out of pocket to replace it when Stihl should replace it for free because it's defective, and yes to me that cylinder is defective.
And man what is it with dealers? they just don't get it yet. If you let this crap continue, things will only get worse, not better. This goes for all dealers not just Stihl dealers.
I've also seen brad work and he does good work, anyone who says otherwise is just pointing fingers to try and make him look bad. That's just the way it goes on these forums, it's happen before and it will happen again. The rod and piston on that 180 is pathetic, I don't care how it happened, when I see junk I know it.
I'm just telling it how it is, nothing more nothing less.

Obviously the cylinder is sub par to say the least, and I would expect better from Stihl.
Someone offered to buy the cylinder from Brad, than when he accepted the offer he was shot down for doing so. Why? Did anyone really think he would just give the cylinder away, than pay out of pocket to replace it when Stihl should replace it for free because it's defective, and yes to me that cylinder is defective.
And man what is it with dealers? they just don't get it yet. If you let this crap continue, things will only get worse, not better. This goes for all dealers not just Stihl dealers.
I've also seen brad work and he does good work, anyone who says otherwise is just pointing fingers to try and make him look bad. That's just the way it goes on these forums, it's happen before and it will happen again. The rod and piston on that 180 is pathetic, I don't care how it happened, when I see junk I know it.
I'm just telling it how it is, nothing more nothing less.

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