Dennis Cahoon

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That was a nice post.  Thank you.

Hey Dennis, "Oakwilt" over in the off-topic forum currently has a thread where he wants to know about replacement joints and how they really work for people who're still relatively young and active.

yea id like to hear that myself. docs looking at both shoulders rite now..
he dont think they need anything but cleaning bone spurs tho.. but he says two months outa work. only way id pay that price ,is if i knew for sure id get my right and left
over hand back. heck id be near as goodas when i was young if that happened ,,an have a lot more sense as to how an when using them, would be justified .. which is almost never.except splittin wood
live an larn .:)
Here's a clip to change the subject, I will have this baby at Dan's on loaner. It's a 039 on gas no pipe.
my God Marky you have really improved your cutting style , i like it , your wood you are cutting must be different than up here cause if i didnot know better i would say it is redwood but i am sure i am wrong like normal, just ask any woman they will tell you.
is that what a 039 looks like , i think i will go down and by a few of them cause they cut real good or maybe your gas is better than ours up here , you said you run low test right at 75 to 1 oil , i am going to have to try that cause it seems to be working for you, if you have any other ideas that could help just drop me aline
Your right Ed Dennis and Tom both run 75-1 mix and the best part is the saw will last longer and run stronger. But don't let anyone in on that secret.
Originally posted by Dennis Cahoon
......I've heard I don't contribute, well I say, you must not want to build a race chain very badly if you think I haven't given you some good ideas on how to build one. I gave plenty of info, and told you to do things that one of the so-called chain experts said didn't work. You have to try these things to have a real opinion, and the funny thing is I compete in major races, not closed shows and podunk backyard races, and win! ...... Dennis Cahoon

Hey Dennis,

I`ve noticed that you`re dropping bits of info here and there. You have contributed in a subtle way that might be transparent to some, but I`ve been taking it all in, well to the best of my ability anyway. I don`t blame you or anyone else for not "cook booking" how to build a chain, saw, or whatever for those who aren`t motivated enough to learn some things on their own. I do appreciate that Art freely gave of his best info and techniques but that sort of behavior is the exception rather than the rule. BTW, there are many possible ways to skin the cat called race chain building, aren`t there.

who was that mask man paw.. why son i thot u knew. thas the lone ranger and his orange saw silver. out fitin fer peace n justis in the american way. we,s all safe now.:)
I have a thick shell Dennis, you are not bothing me much, it is the users. If I have a guy like glens that takes time off because of behavior on here, I feel that kind of sucks. I want to get off work, have a few chuckles, and so be it. If you think someone is lying, fine state your point, but I see you do personally attack people. This is what needs to stop. I don't want to hear the crap. STATE YOUR POINT!!! That is it. You can get your point across without telling everyone how small their IQ is. I don't care that you disagree with the rupley's, Dennis G, Art, Doug or anyone, just be civil. If that is so hard, we will have a problem. Until then, happy posting.

PS, Have a good time finding anyone on here Haywood. This is a straight bar.:angel:

Hope you know I am just kidding.:D

You know what they say, it doesn`t matter if you are pitching or catching, you`re(Haywood?) still in the game, LOL!

Come on jokers, get in the game. You are Matt Dillon the law around here. Darin is Miss Kitty and owns this saloon, you need to hire you a Festus yo help you out, sheesh!
Darin and Russ,
Don't worry about Cahoon dumping on me. If Lambert's given him an accurate accounting of what I'm really like and he's got half a brain :confused: , then he'll know that any comments he makes won't bother me. The thoughts behind them are very obviously unidimensional and superficial. Reminds me of contestants on the old Ted Mack's Amateur Hour.
I just want to add that I was much busier than usual during the time I took a vacation from here.&nbsp; I would normally <i>make</i> time to be involved here, but rather chose not to then.&nbsp; I have not, however, made any complaints to the management; at least not consciously.

I'd think most people that have "known" me here would say that if I have a problem with anyone, that person will know it directly from me or at the least hear me say it openly.&nbsp; I might be a pus<i></i>sy, but I wasn't one of those *******.

yep i can attest to that,, glen fussed at me one time fer my not usin caps.. ithink after while he realized,, i was the original festuses brother.. but he did come strait at me with it,,i got to respect that.:)
ps dennis ,i was serious about wantin to know about how that hip works..
im gonna be makin some decisions about that type stuff,, before too long... id like to get some input from people who
try to work after these operations.
what chu say good buddy.. we tite aint we.
I want to set something straight about being a ?????. In some cases I think it is necessary for some of the members to patrol the site for the moderators also. We may not see it. This to me is not being a puss. It is the guys that can't take the criticism. For instance, many guys like to use chaps, RJS, lets it be known that chaps are for guys who don't know how to use a chainsaw. If some of you are going to let this bother you.....I don't know what to tell you. That to me is being a puss. Basically, the petty stuff.

No big deal.

Nothing matches up. Don't have a clue.
Who's rubbing it in his face. I asked a simple question, and what business is it of yours anyway? Go trim some bushes or file your MiniMac, Treeco!