if you do enough ebay/internet sales you will get burned! but that's true if you do enough transactions of any kind.
my take is you take precautions suited for that particular risk. for internet sales, customers are basically at your mercy. I will go out of my way to accurately describe item. for a chainsaw I will post a min of two 600x800 clear pictures, showing exact condition of saw.
good pictures will solve a lot of problems up front. buyer knows exactly what is being sold. if there is issues not visiable in pic, then point it out. find factory spec's from mfg website and post it within ebay ad. I use embedded photo's so I can control size, hince clarity.
for example: look at the two pictures of an old homelite zip, I've got listed on ebay. it doen't take a rocket scientist to figure out. this is a clean old saw.
after receiving paypal, I will always state:
saw is carefully packaged with pictures taken to document condition. saw has been marked in obscure place to ID. Oil and fuel has been drained, so first startup will be harder than normal. once started saw should start with one or two pulls.
if you have any issues please let me know. Please note I will not post feedback until you post yours, which should be excellent. as saw shipped is exactly as described.
This pro-active procedure tells buyer that you are not going to take any BS and that you are a pro. that being said, the possiblity of getting a total ripoff is still there. but should take care of the casual whinner.
i believe you are correct on all, but my point is the bidders run up these high prices then have buyers remorse or see for a hundered peso's more they could get a new saw. Also its not shinny and clean like a new one or has dented muffler etc. Or its 30 years old and needs tinkering to run like new why are we to blame for this as a seller?