Been wanting to reply with pix that show how the AIR MASTER SYSTEM works, but am still so far behind will do later.
This is the ONLY SELF PURGING Air Filtration System on the market. Quite frankly, it's simply the best.
You must look at DOLMAR's air filtration design as a "SYSTEM".
Just like the Turbo Charged SYSTEM that Jonsereds invented, that Husqvarna borrows from a sister company.
Tearing apart one componet will not give a correct view of how it all works together!
Here's a quick description. Pix will follow.
All edges are 'sealed' so no air 'leaks' into the SYSTEM.
Carb Air Hood: Rounded for increased air flow, and quieter.
Air Intake: Located high on the left rear.
Cleanest spot on a cutter for air induction.
Aysymetrical slots (different size) reduce air intake noise, and help keep from pulling in larger sized particles. Dirtier air.
First Chamber in Hood: Seperate divider panel with 7 angled holes, having rounded/smooth edges placed in the upper corner.
Dirtier air comes in thru slots. Heavier particles-chips fall/stay down, cleaner air flows UP thru the 7 holes into the Second Chamber.
Second Chamber is the Carb "Box": Air is drawn into the carb creating a 'Low Pressure Area' or Chamber as long as the throttle plate is cracked open. The wider it's open the higher the air flow, the lower the pressure becomes to a certain point, just like every other saw.
Here's the AIR MASTER difference:.......PURGE HOLES !!!!
In the bottom of the carb box-second chamber, there are two holes on either side of the carb. On the bottom of the holes are two synthetic rubber flaps that OPEN & ClOSE as the air pressure changes.
Basically their simple Reed Valves. As the throttle plate is opened air is sucked into the engine thru the carb,...reducing air pressure.
That keeps the simple valve flaps (holes) closed.
As the throttle is closed, the air pressure increases, allowing the
valve flaps to Open.
Letting dirt,...chips,......FALL OUT of the carb box.
Not all the dirt falls out right away. As the saw idles, it is still letting dirt fall out thru the two holes.
In effect it is "self cleaning' much more efficient,........
than....ANY....other air filtration system on the saw market
There was a web site that did show the air flow, but was hard to view the purging.
Had it on a CD, but can't quickly find it.
I'll try to find it, and post it. I'll translate into English.