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The EPA was created by that well known lefty, Richard Nixon. I wonder what he was thinking? So where in the Constitution are fishing and hunting regulations covered?
I live in the woods on 500 acres. My neighbor has an OWB. We get the smoke. Not as bad as the other neighbor across the road, but we still get it. So I'll play that pollution card, thanks.
All that is still no justification for subjecting your neighbor to air pollution.
How is that??
The new regulations wouldn't place legal consequences on any sort of past or previous action or inaction (the definition of ex post facto law), it would only apply to future action or inaction. There ain't anything ex post facto about it in any way.
The EPA was created by that well known lefty, Richard Nixon. I wonder what he was thinking? So where in the Constitution are fishing and hunting regulations covered?
Yes we know the government will come to our homes and make sure the old stove is destroyed...whatever that means. They also have the time and man power to come along checking all homes so they can be sure nobody moves a wood stove from one house to another.Oh... the new regulations do indeed apply to the older stoves.
The new regs don't "ban" the use of them provided they are currently "in use" (installed and being used)... but they "ban" transfer of ownership and new installations (which would include moving the stove to a new location).
Are you getting that?? If you sell your house the stove would have to be removed and destroyed... you can't take it with you, and you can't transfer ownership of it to the purchaser of your home. If you purchase a new stove you can't give your old one to your daughter and her husband... once you uninstall it, it becomes worthless junk iron.
§ 60.530 Am I subject to this subpart?
(a) You are subject to this subpart if you operate, manufacture, sell, offer for sale, import for sale, distribute, offer to distribute, introduce, or deliver for introduction, into commerce in the United States, an affected wood heater specified in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section:
(1) Each adjustable burn rate wood heater with a current EPA certificate of compliance, single burn rate wood heaters with a current EPA certificate of compliance, and each pellet stove with a current EPA certificate of compliance issued prior to [EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINAL RULE] according to the certification procedures in effect in this subpart at the time of certification that are manufactured on or after July 1, 1988 are affected wood heaters.
(2) All other residential wood heaters under this subpart manufactured or sold on or after [EFFECTIVE DATE OF FINAL RULE] are affected wood heaters.
§ 60.531 What definitions must I know?
Sale means the transfer of ownership or control, except that a transfer of control of an affected wood heater for research and development purposes within the scope of § 60.530(b)(2) is not a sale.
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ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0734, by one of the following methods:
- Follow the on-line instructions for submitting comments.
- Email: [email protected], Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0734.
- Fax: (202) 566-9744, Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0734.
- Mail: United States (U.S.) Postal Service, send comments to EPA Docket Center, EPA West (Air Docket), Attention Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0734, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Mailcode: 2822T, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20004. Please include a total of two copies. In addition, please mail a copy of your comments on the information collection provisions to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for EPA, 735 17th St., NW, Washington, DC 20503.
- Hand Delivery: EPA Docket Center, EPA West (Air Docket), Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, Attention Docket ID Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0734. Such deliveries are only accepted during the Docket’s normal hours of operation, and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed information.
The EPA was created by that well known lefty, Richard Nixon. I wonder what he was thinking? So where in the Constitution are fishing and hunting regulations covered?
Yes we know the government will come to our homes and make sure the old stove is destroyed...whatever that means. They also have the time and man power to come along checking all homes so they can be sure nobody moves a wood stove from one house to another.
Don't be confused... use your head... think before making a response and reacting from emotion.So where in the Constitution are fishing and hunting regulations covered?
Hardly. It simply makes older stoves illegal to "sell" (change of ownership) or "install" after the regs become effective... you can still own it, and even keep using it if it was installed and in use before the new regs become effective. How is that an illegal seizure?? Don't make this into something it is not; doing so only makes things worse and buries the truth even deeper... which only helps them, not you.It would make a legally purchased item illegal to own which constitutes an illegal seizing in my book
There's a law making the ownership, the transfer of ownership and the use of marijuana illegal... and the same law says the stuff is to be destroyed. No government entity (as you say) "come(s) along checking all homes", but people are arrested for it every day. Like I said, properties are "checked" all the time... tax appraisers, insurance appraisers, local code inspectors, real estate agents, delivery people, the meter man, you even invite friends and neighbors into your home. Heck, if you moved into a new home and installed a non-compliant stove the neighbor could file a nuisance complaint because of smell, smoke or even unsightly wood piles that would bring law enforcement to your door with enough cause to enter your home, or get a warrant to enter your home. The EPA ain't an "enforcement" agency... they're a "regulatory" agency.Yes we know the government will come to our homes and make sure the old stove is destroyed...whatever that means. They also have the time and man power to come along checking all homes so they can be sure nobody moves a wood stove from one house to another.
Don't be confused... use your head... think before making a response and reacting from emotion.
Fishing and Hunting regulations are State regulations not Federal... the numerated powers in the Constitution only apply to Federal Government.
The Constitution specifically says any power not granted to the Federal Government is granted to the states.
Hardly. It simply makes older stoves illegal to "sell" (change of ownership) or "install" after the regs become effective... you can still own it, and even keep using it if it was installed and in use before the new regs become effective. How is that an illegal seizure?? Don't make this into something it is not; doing so only makes things worse and buries the truth even deeper... which only helps them, not you.
There's a law making the ownership, the transfer of ownership and the use of marijuana illegal... and the same law says the stuff is to be destroyed. No government entity (as you say) "come(s) along checking all homes", but people are arrested for it every day. Like I said, properties are "checked" all the time... tax appraisers, insurance appraisers, local code inspectors, real estate agents, delivery people, the meter man, you even invite friends and neighbors into your home. Heck, if you moved into a new home and installed a non-compliant stove the neighbor could file a nuisance complaint because of smell, smoke or even unsightly wood piles that would bring law enforcement to your door with enough cause to enter your home, or get a warrant to enter your home. The EPA ain't an "enforcement" agency... they're a "regulatory" agency.
I think I can support an individual's right to breathe harmful substances in the air, so if a person wants a wood stove/boiler that has emissions in excess of that permitted by local, city, state or federal regulations, the easy solution would be to pipe that stuff back into the person's house (or wall it off so it stays entirely within the property boundary), and then filter all the bad air coming out. That way the person could enjoy his/her private property rights to the fullest, and all others could enjoy their private property rights not to be polluted by a neighbor to the fullest. What I hear when sifting through the emotional comments is that people want their private property rights to the fullest, and this would accomplish that perfectly.
Don't forget that, unless preempted by federal law, your local town, city, county, state etc. can also regulate the emissions from your stove. This isn't just a federal question, in fact the EPA is lagging far behind local controls which are more restrictive, as many towns, cities, counties and states are regulating stove emissions already,and more are doing so as the smoke from inefficient stoves destroys the private property rights of citizens to be free of neighbors' smoking stoves. So, unless you live in an area where people don't care about their private property rights, we all can expect more regulation of stove emissions. If indeed you care about private property rights, and you want to protect your private property rights, then it would be wise to act to also protect your neighbor's private property rights to be free of your actions which destroy your neighbor's private property rights.
Regulation is not to limit private property rights, but it is to insure that we all can fully enjoy private property rights, and when some through their actions take away the private property rights of others, then the government should and must step in to protect private property rights.
Actually zogger, every US citizen, government employee or not, has "arrest and firearm authority".
It's called a "Citizen Arrest" in conjunction with the Second Amendment... unless, of course, you live on one of the left coasts and a few other "leftest" places..