I've got a question about that statement. Granted, down here we only hear about the large, sensational fires like Yellowstone, but it doesn't appear that firefighting is very effective on western fires. It seems that in spite of all the money and effort expended, they usually burn themselves out when conditions dictate it and not before.
Just how effective are the fire fighting efforts? When I see video showing one of those crown fires being whipped along by 30-40 mph winds, I wonder how anything could stop it.
I'm ready for El Nino to return, too. It not only keeps hurricane activity down (I work in the GoM) but brings us more rain. We are still dry here in E.T.
Edit In: Here's a pic of the dead Pine I dropped with my little MS-250. I bucked it into five 10' logs and will haul them to the sawyer in a couple of days. I'm clearing out some smaller stuff now preparing to fall another dead Pine.
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