Falling pics 11/25/09

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Holy #### Tramp! Are you gonna hang around for a while? I picked up a thing or two from you a couple of years back. Good to see you around.

Stihl 440- Ya can't start measuring diameters on those red oaks until you're about knee high on em. That root flair don't count in inches! Just giving ya #### man. Nice work although I'd be running a bigger saw for my own sanity.
Still doin something haywire
The guy I was cutting for 90' up the affore mentioned Sitka Spruce . You can see to the right the stooled up spruce stump I had to miss after I had to swing it out around from behind a hemlock then stop its swing to miss a stump on the left . The tree brought about 6,000 $ to my boss . . One of the things that seperate a professional timber faller from a wud cutter or tree butcher .
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1 1/2 Ready Heaters . Had to get the tire warm enuf so it would slide on the Murphy's Tire Soap and take a bead

Working alone in the winter up here is a real challenge . At 20 below it takes 6 gallons of fuel , gas+ diesel to warm up the loader enough to start . I need to get a propene coolant heater to keep the top end warm enough so that a half hour with the ready heater on the govenor and it will start
Warming up the truk at 45 below

Jake . This is why the gloves are on the front stakes of the flatbed . So the tarp will render over them and not catch and tear . Plus I wouldn't want just a plain white truk . Any one know how to fix the ignition on a 90 Ford 350 . When its colder than 30 below the key won't hardly turn . . I'm afraid to put the channel locks on it. Pot metal breaks real easy in the cold . I made the rear stakes so they fold sideways so I can roll the wood off the back.

I know its pretty hillbilly but I owned literly everything for this flat bed . I didn't spend 1 penny putting it on . It started life as an aluminum flat deck Air Force munitions tarmac wagon . I tried using it as a trailer but it didn't work out .

Having a flat bed sure is handy . All the hoses on the loader have replacable ends . But they have to be in a vice to unscrew them . And to put them on new hose.
I seriously need to learn my splicing better. . . I can do a Hasty Eye no problem, but have forgotten how to do a Molly Hogan, or any of the others.

When I was logging, the boss was always helping, so I never did get it down pat.
Dealing with that kind of cold would be something else. I've driven through it, but don't recall ever working in anything below -20°f In ND I was driving through the front of a storm, trying to get ahead of it, when the temp was hitting -40° and I was really unhappy that the truck heater couldn't really keep the truck warm anymore.

Mr. HE:cool:
Holy #### Tramp! Are you gonna hang around for a while? I picked up a thing or two from you a couple of years back. Good to see you around.

Stihl 440- Ya can't start measuring diameters on those red oaks until you're about knee high on em. That root flair don't count in inches! Just giving ya #### man. Nice work although I'd be running a bigger saw for my own sanity.

Actually i would too if i where logging this..but i wasnt gonna bring in my 395 just to pack its heavy a$$ around all day.
Ya splicing is really important if your loggin . I've done Lots of it . The vice is sweet for splicing .
A worm drive framing saw with a metal cutting blade woeks good for cutting wire .
I broke a bell on this chocker . So I took the time to set up the vice . I made 1 of the marlin spikes from a valve from an old Enterprise tug boat engine . ..

I have a bunch of gear I can't even really wear until its colder tbthan 20 under . . You know its cold when u drop down into a canyon ir draw and the windshield starts iceing up and the engine + tranny starts acting up. I'm hoping to get my buss
iness goung well enuf so I dont have to
I'll tell you what, you nutty Alaskan's and your working in the cold!

Around here, we roll up @ -10°, and don't think twice about doing it. :laugh:

I've been in -78° (w/ wind chill) skiing once. . . I barely made it down the mountain, and my damn zipper froze to my chin, and I didn't know it. I lifted my head, and it ripped off a chink of flesh with the zipper. :msp_mad:

I know up there, y'all bust out your t-shirts and shorts @ -30° :laugh:
I'll tell you what, you nutty Alaskan's and your working in the cold!

Around here, we roll up @ -10°, and don't think twice about doing it. :laugh:

I've been in -78° (w/ wind chill) skiing once. . . I barely made it down the mountain, and my damn zipper froze to my chin, and I didn't know it. I lifted my head, and it ripped off a chink of flesh with the zipper. :msp_mad:

I know up there, y'all bust out your t-shirts and shorts @ -30° :laugh:

I worked outdoors as a "lifty" in that weather. Luckily, not too many skiers were out and about so I could warm up inside the lift shack. We always switched at a half a day so it was half day out, half day on top watching from inside. We'd send people away that had frostbite on their faces. Brrrrr. I'm off to go skiing soon. It said it was 12 on top. We shall hope it warmed up, because they are doing maintenance work on the high speed quad so we must ride the old Chair 2 which is a slow, double. I think it takes 12 or 15 minutes to get up. Then we can ski over to the other part and stay there.
I worked outdoors as a "lifty" in that weather. Luckily, not too many skiers were out and about so I could warm up inside the lift shack. We always switched at a half a day so it was half day out, half day on top watching from inside. We'd send people away that had frostbite on their faces. Brrrrr. I'm off to go skiing soon. It said it was 12 on top. We shall hope it warmed up, because they are doing maintenance work on the high speed quad so we must ride the old Chair 2 which is a slow, double. I think it takes 12 or 15 minutes to get up. Then we can ski over to the other part and stay there.

I hate slow chairs! Ya about freeze to death before ya get to the top. Once you're off it and skiing, ya warm right up!