Falling pics 11/25/09

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I had to fill in on a different crew today, and they had this baby set up for a walk log. Didn't get to fall or skid this one, but I got some of his cousins!


that walk log had a lot of fiber pull
Spent yesterday snag falling for a new bike trail we're trying to punch through over the next few months. Second growth never thinned (as far as I can tell) since a fire years and years back. Just a ton of blown out tops leaving poles everywhere; some fresh and good wood, while others were rotten punky messes. Best guess is I took somewhere between 60-80 down; most in the 6-20" range. Talk about never a dull moment with snags... :dizzy: I had some busting apart with just the horizontal of the face in, some blatantly ignoring the hinge and going sideways, some getting all kinds of hung up... Thankfully we were anticipating a **** storm and it didn't really affect anything other than keeping me on my toes! Even got some great opportunities (in the better wood and when space would allow) to swing some downhill leaning trees to more closely parallel the trail.

Still had some solid wood in this old blowdown, so we opted to carve it into a feature. :clap:


Traditionally, I would handle diagonally stuck trees with a wedge cut out and underbuck, but I came across discussion of a plunged vertical snap cut a little while back and happened upon a great spot to try it out. I'm a big fan now :cool:


Shameless selfie because why not...


This little guy made me work for it a bit...


I made two mistakes. It was a 40-50' tall snag with no top. I cut my off side to where I wanted, but didn't perfectly square up the hinge to the face when finishing the near side. Normally I believe I would have still been fine, but that leads into the second mistake which was I left a hinge thickness more suited for a fully crowned tree... Wedging blown out trees obviously just doesn't give the same weight redistribution and that bit me. Stacking wedges still didn't get me enough so I ended up nibbling the hinge from the face to get the thing to commit. Luckily that did the trick just fine.


Been awhile since I burned up a gallon a fuel without bucking anything. :laugh:
Nice work Nuzzy! That's usually how you do up a spar like that. Deep face beyond center. Then nip from the face when it doesn't want to tip. Its really easy to cut too much off of one side and then she'll take off on you left or right. Not the kind of head gear I'd expect in yer neck of the woods man! Any time you can dump a bunch of timber and don't have to clean up the mess is a good time!
problem with the lesbian thing is none of the other lesbians want to play on account of the beard... I feel your pain...

Few years back, I shaved my legs and pits, and wore a black cocktail dress for Halloween; fluffed the beard out to it's fullest... Bet I could confuse a few lesbians if rocked that setup again :D

BTW, growing all that hair back out is rigoddamndiculously itchy for the next two weeks, especially when sweating under welding protection in a metal fab shop. :cry::laugh::sucks:

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